Disgruntled workers who have recently been fired join forces to plot a course of action to take in order to exact revenge upon their boss.Desmond Elliot, Joseph Benjamin, Omoni Oboli (2013)
The film which is the first collaboration between Nigeria and Ukraine tells the story of a young Nigerian medical student in Ukraine, Sade (Omoni Oboli) who dreams of becoming a singer, but she's faced with several difficulties associated with being a foreigner.
A successful business woman falls in love with a dispatch rider but the huge difference in their societal statuses pose a strong threat to their blossoming love. [parts 1-2]
Des vies sont miraculeusement changées après la découverte d’une statue (une figurine) dans un temple abandonné. Selon la légende elle procure sept ans de bonheur. Mais que se passe-t-il après ?
An honor graduate is kidnapped upon returning home. Driven by vengeance, his mother embarks on a bloody quest to rescue him, plunging into a violent and grisly ordeal.
Two unsatisfied wives share their experiences of marriage. One is saddened that her husband is cheating after only a few weeks of marriage while the other feels neglected. As each of them tries to find other sources of happiness, their families silently tear apart.
Deux mères deviennent des rivales acharnées lorsqu'un concours à l'école amène leurs enfants, tous deux élèves modèles, à s'affronter pour être le meilleur de la classe.
Un couple solide est mis à l'épreuve quand la femme et le mari décident de se lancer chacun de leur côté dans une campagne politique pour un même poste.
À la suite d'un accident de voiture, une citadine bafouée se retrouve à vivre la vie d'une villageoise troublée dont elle partageait le taxi, et vice-versa.
Trois sœurs découvrent une grosse somme d'argent qu'elles gardent pour leur usage personnel, jusqu'à ce que les autorités et un chef mafieux en décident autrement.
Un couple nigérian vivant aux États-Unis choisit d'ignorer son ordre de déportation dans l'espoir que leur enfant à naître puisse obtenir la nationalité américaine.
À Lagos, une journaliste se mêle aux prostituées pour infiltrer un réseau de traite humaine et plonge dans un monde violent où les femmes sont exploitées sans pitié.
An honor graduate is kidnapped upon returning home. Driven by vengeance, his mother embarks on a bloody quest to rescue him, plunging into a violent and grisly ordeal.
An honor graduate is kidnapped upon returning home. Driven by vengeance, his mother embarks on a bloody quest to rescue him, plunging into a violent and grisly ordeal.
An honor graduate is kidnapped upon returning home. Driven by vengeance, his mother embarks on a bloody quest to rescue him, plunging into a violent and grisly ordeal.
An honor graduate is kidnapped upon returning home. Driven by vengeance, his mother embarks on a bloody quest to rescue him, plunging into a violent and grisly ordeal.
An honor graduate is kidnapped upon returning home. Driven by vengeance, his mother embarks on a bloody quest to rescue him, plunging into a violent and grisly ordeal.
An honor graduate is kidnapped upon returning home. Driven by vengeance, his mother embarks on a bloody quest to rescue him, plunging into a violent and grisly ordeal.
An honor graduate is kidnapped upon returning home. Driven by vengeance, his mother embarks on a bloody quest to rescue him, plunging into a violent and grisly ordeal.
An honor graduate is kidnapped upon returning home. Driven by vengeance, his mother embarks on a bloody quest to rescue him, plunging into a violent and grisly ordeal.
An honor graduate is kidnapped upon returning home. Driven by vengeance, his mother embarks on a bloody quest to rescue him, plunging into a violent and grisly ordeal.
An honor graduate is kidnapped upon returning home. Driven by vengeance, his mother embarks on a bloody quest to rescue him, plunging into a violent and grisly ordeal.
Set in the ever-bustling and vibrant mega city of Lagos, the series follows the lives of four women (Tola, Elizabeth, Kate and Maria) who are forced to take mid-life inventories, as ambition and betrayal threaten their relationships.