Paola Andrea Pérez Nieto

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Feb 07, 2015
VIOLENCE est un film sur l’expérience vécue de la violence par les êtres humains. Le film explore cette situation à partir de l’observation minutieuse des détails de la vie quotidienne de trois personnes, à partir de l’atmosphère raréfiée de normalité dans le conflit armé colombien. VIOLENCE est un triptyque, trois histoires, trois sentiments différents, trois points de vue et un seul conflit. C’est un triptyque sur les personnes qui vivent la guerre, un triptyque qui se déroule dans le vécu de la violence à partir de l’individu, en passant par l’expérience familiale jusqu’à en arriver à la pratique sociale. VIOLENCE, en tant que film, est le simple reflet d’un jeu atroce où nous sommes tous, sans exception, des pions sans identité, nous qui exerçons des rôles, dans une ambiance de laquelle il parait impossible d’échapper.
La opción cero

La opción cero

Apr 29, 2021
There are countless stories of Cubans reaching their dream destination of Florida as boat refugees. A lesser known route to the United States starts with a flight in a ramshackle plane to Guyana. Then the refugees travel to Colombia where they cross the jungle to arrive in Central America, from where they hope to reach the promised land of America—a hard and dangerous journey. Cuban filmmaker Marcel Beltrán visits them in a refugee camp in Panama, where one of the residents gives him an idea. Many people here have filmed their journey, she says, and these videos tell their real story. These jerky, shocking videos are interspersed with Beltrán’s footage of the camp, tangibly illustrating the difference between the hectic pace of the journey and the insecure life at the reception center.
Los iniciados: El diario de las sombras
The formerly revered journalist Frank Molina finds himself in hiding, with his career shattered. However, he continues to write anonymously hidden in the shadows. Frank’s sense of calm is abruptly interrupted when a pair of severed eyes and a blood-soaked note appear at his door. As the number of victims increases, Frank will need to unblock his traumatic past if he seeks to find the killer.


Jan 04, 2024
The story is about Manuela, the daughter of a drug trafficker who plans a tumbe against the cartel where her own father works, unleashing a war between narcos and tumbadores.


Jan 04, 2024
The story is about Manuela, the daughter of a drug trafficker who plans a tumbe against the cartel where her own father works, unleashing a war between narcos and tumbadores.