Antonio 'Morris' Durán

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Sep 02, 2005
Caye et Zulema, prostituées dans les quartiers chauds de Madrid, ne se connaissent pas. La première se révolte contre son sort. Elle range dans une petite boîte en fer des billets de banque qu'elle économise patiemment. La seconde, immigrée dominicaine sans papiers, se sent perdue dans ce pays étranger et fait profil bas pour pouvoir nourrir son fils. Un jour, agressée par un client violent, Zulema est courageusement secourue par Caye. Les deux femmes se lient d'amitié et décident de prendre leur vie en main. Car Zulema, qui manque de confiance en elle et souffre de la solitude, espère aussi changer son destin. Autrefois, Zulema a été heureuse, peut-être le sera-t-elle à nouveau...
El verano que vivimos

El verano que vivimos

Dec 04, 2020
Isabel est une étudiante en journalisme qui travaille dans le journal d'une ville côtière galicienne pour son stage. Pendant son séjour, elle trouve une nécrologie anonyme dédiée à Lucía. Elle raconte une histoire d'amour, d'amitié et de trahison en 1958.
El bus de la vida

El bus de la vida

Jul 03, 2024
Andrés, a music teacher diagnosed with cancer, seeks treatment at a hospital in the city. His travels there on a singular, dilapidated bus accompanied by other cancer patients. It soon becomes an extraordinary experience, giving him new friends and a far more joyous understanding of life. He also learns to conquer his fears, such as the stage fright which has frustrated a budding career as a musician.


Jul 27, 2010
Álvaro, before escaping from himself during ten years, return to his town, a small village in Galicia, to attend to his father's funeral. There he will try to make it up with his brother and to recoup his daugther Mar. Everything gets complicated when he finds a dead woman in the road, the woman is Lidia, a Mar's friend who works as a prostitute.
La voz del sol

La voz del sol

Sep 22, 2023
Set majorly Pamplona in 1965, follows the life of American writer Alan Jolis as he awakes to a vivid sensual world and grows up emotionally.


Apr 01, 2022
Joaquin, Brujo and Luismi, three neighbourhood scoundrels, meet again after twenty years. Brujo and Luismi are still unemployed while Joaquin swears he has become an important businessman. However, one day he receives a notification that his mother's house has been repossessed for a loan. He will try to get the money he neds to avoid eviction, but the brilliant ideas of Brujo and Luismi will end up plunging Joaquin even deeper into misery
A estación violenta

A estación violenta

Apr 15, 2018
The marriage between Claudia and David has ended due to Claudia's addiction problems, in addition to the different psychological disorders she suffers from. Despite the dire state of their relationship, David does everything possible so that his beloved is happy and manages to lead as healthy a life as possible. That is why they both move to Galicia, where they will build a new and better life, and rediscover buried feelings.
Emilia Pardo Bazán, la condesa rebelde
The literary activity of Emilia Pardo Bazán causes the scandal of her husband and conservative circles. Supported by his family, decides to end her marriage to become a professional writer. Doña Emilia is set in Madrid, where he developed an activity tirelessly to get the place in the institutions of culture that deserves for his talent and ability, facing all kinds of slights and exclusions because of their gender. The Countess will become one of the key figures of female emancipation in Spain in the late nineteenth century, leaving a work as extensive as rich and varied.
La Pietà

La Pietà

Jan 13, 2023
Lili et son fils Mateo ont une relation fusionnelle qui les rend dépendant l’un de l’autre. Ils se complaisent dans une réalité suffocante jusqu’au jour où l’un d’entre eux est atteint d’une maladie grave. La simple idée d’être séparés les conduit à développer une version d’eux-mêmes la plus sombre et toxique qui soit.
Os fenómenos

Os fenómenos

Dec 12, 2014
Coast of Almeria, Spain. When Neneta, who lives in a van, is abandoned by her partner, she decides to return with her baby to her hometown in Galicia.
Chichi e máis eu

Chichi e máis eu

Jan 01, 1970
When someone dies, there are always unanswered questions. Here, we explore the life and work of Xesús "Chichi" Campos, a pioneer in Galician comics, anti-Franco activist, gallery owner, and humorist. In short, one of the most forgotten figures in Galician culture. When he passed away, he left behind a son who was only eleven years old with many questions. Thirty years later, those questions are answered in this documentary.
Somos gente honrada

Somos gente honrada

Jun 14, 2013
Suso and Manuel, two-parent family and lifelong friends, met fifty years, they become unemployed. When the situation is no longer tenable, an unusual fact: one day, while fishing, find a package with ten kilos of cocaine.
A Esmorga

A Esmorga

Nov 21, 2014
This is a tense and intense 24-hour account of three men's lives, three befuddled mates that walk through live in chaos, through repressed and misleading sex, while closing doors and throwing the keys away, as if they wished to leave everything behind, walking towards their own perdition.
Aves de Corral

Aves de Corral

Jan 01, 1970
Juan plans to introduce his girlfriend Casilda during the weekend at the family home in the mountains. However, before arriving, Juan and his brother Santiago have to flee from a group of assassins who are chasing them by mistake. The killers belong to a criminal organization that includes Miki, who should never have been there, and Gus, a policeman infiltrated in the group who tries to take care of Miki. Meanwhile, Pinco, who should take Miki's place, enjoys the hospitality of the man in charge of the criminal organization, unaware of the problems that are coming their way.
Cellule 211

Cellule 211

Nov 06, 2009
Soucieux de faire bonne impression, Juan débute un jour plus tôt son nouveau travail dans une prison de haute sécurité. Mauvais timing. À peine arrivé, il se retrouve au cœur d'une émeute. Personne ne le connaît et le hasard va lui permettre de se faire passer pour un prisonnier. Il peut ainsi approcher le leader de l'insurrection. Quand des membres de l'ETA sont retenus en otage, l'affaire prend un tour politique et le gouvernement s'en mêle.
El menor de los males

El menor de los males

Mar 10, 2007
Eduardo is a middle-aged man, married with children; He lives in Madrid and is dedicated to politics. His sister Julia awaits his visit in the old Galician family house. But the meeting of the two brothers has a reason.


Jan 12, 2024
Eva and Carlos are a marriage in destruction. Only Jonah, the son they once had together, keeps them together. Now Jonás has just died in an accident thousands of miles from home during a visit to his paternal grandparents, and nothing unites Eva and Carlos anymore. Without the resources to bring Jonah back, but without the heart not to do so, they will try to get the money they need to recover their son's body at any price.
La sainte équipe

La sainte équipe

Jan 05, 2018
Afin d'éviter que son monastère ne soit transformé en hôtel, un jeune prêtre entraîne une équipe composée de moines malhabiles pour remporter un tournoi de football.


Aug 25, 2017
1 - Dogs: Submissive and obedient animals 2 - Hogs: Dirty and wicked animals


Mar 10, 2018
Après la mort d'un ami lors d'un braquage, Jon découvre un modèle mathématique derrière des drames survenus au même endroit et cherche à prévenir la prochaine victime.
El pacto

El pacto

Aug 17, 2018
Suddenly, Clara, Mónica's daughter, falls into a deep coma. With Clara left to die, a mysterious man proposes Monica to make a pact: Clara will be saved if Mónica does something for him.
Atilano, presidente

Atilano, presidente

Sep 24, 1998
Atilano Bermejo is a petty crook who gets involved in the scam of his life: to be Prime Minister. His charisma and lack of social concern make him an ideal political candidate for a group of bankers looking for a good public image behind which to hide and disguise their ambitions.
Matías, juez de línea
Matias is a soccer referee. He promised his dying mother never to lie. When he referees a match of the spanish national team and there is a clear penalty against Spain in the last minute of the game he has no choice and marks the foul. As a result Spain does not qualify for the world championship and Matias is forced to escape from the rage of the people. He hides in the town of his father which he hasn't visited since his childhood.
María Solinha

María Solinha

May 15, 2020
A famous director arrives in Cangas do Morrazo, in Galicia, to reconstruct in the theater the story of María Solinha, accused of witchcraft and burned by the Inquisition in the 17th century. The protagonist of the play suffers, in the 21st century, sour echoes of the aggression suffered by María Solinha in the 17th century.


Dec 18, 2020


A couple retreat to an Atlantic island to rebuild their relationship, strained by changes through the years. In this strange landscape a lighthouse seems to exert power, and a strange woman appears on the beach after almost drowning.


Jun 09, 2017
Un drame social à l'humour noir où des personnages défigurés doivent trouver le moyen de vivre dans une société qui fuit leurs différences.


Jun 30, 2024
Follows Lucía de Avellaneda as she celebrates her engagement party with the Marquis of Peñarrosa, but her fiancée receives a letter from a woman claiming to be her mother requesting her to come to her deathbed.


Jun 06, 2019
Dans les années 80, la Galice devient peu à peu la plaque tournante de la contrebande de tabac qui va approvisionner la société durant des années et faire la richesse des narco-trafiquants. Ces entrepreneurs vont entrer en contact avec les cartels colombiens et faire évoluer le trafic vers la cocaïne. Farina raconte l’enquête qui a permis le démantèlement de ce réseau.


Mar 04, 2020
As it had happened before, a body appears on the first night of the Carnival. The locals are sure this the work of "Urco", and that more murders will follow until the festival is over.
Le Ministère du Temps
Le Ministère du Temps est une institution secrète qui s’assure que l'histoire de l'Espagne ne change pas, tout en protégeant le présent. Leurs patrouilles voyagent à travers le temps pour empêcher tout intrus du passé d’utiliser à leur avantage l’histoire. Sur leur chemin, ils croiseront des célébrités comme Dali, Bunuel ou Picasso, mais nos protagonistes voudront aussi voyager dans le temps pour découvrir ce qui est arrivé à leurs proches, même si cela signifie un petit arrangement avec les règles du Ministère.


Oct 07, 2022
A group of six police officers solve disappearance cases that everyone else has already given up on.
La que se avecina

La que se avecina

Dec 22, 2023
La que se avecina is a Spanish television comedy created by Alberto Caballero, Laura Caballero and Daniel Deorador. The TV-series focusing around the inhabitants of Mirador de Montepinar, a fictional building located on the outskirts of a big city. Both its storylines and cast are heavily based on Aquí no hay quien viva, which ended when Telecinco bought Miramón Mendi, the series production company. The episodes debuted on the Telecinco network, and were later rerun by the same network as well as cable/satellite channels FactoríaDeFicción and Paramount Comedy. The series debuted in 22 April 2007 and became popular thanks to its funny characters, witty script, use of catchphrases and capacity to integrate and poke fun at contemporary issues; the program presents a caustic satire of many of the 'types' found in Spanish society. The name of the show involves wordplay, as "vecina" is the Spanish word for neighbour.
Land Rober Tunai Show

Land Rober Tunai Show

Jun 15, 2023
Land Rober Tunai Show is two continuous hours of humor, guests, music, comedy, collaborators and has the direct participation of the audience in the studio.