Matti Rönkä

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Frozen Land

Frozen Land

Jan 14, 2005
Tuomas est un jeune hacker qui aimerait mener une opération mémorable et utile à la société. Son meilleur ami, Niko, mène une vie plus agitée pleine de drogue et d'alcool. Elina a vingt ans, vient d'un milieu aisé et étudie l'histoire et les sciences politiques à l'université. Elle est aussi la petite amie de Tuomas depuis plus d'un an et ils envisagent de se marier. En contrefaisant un billet de 500 euros, Niko va déclencher une réaction en chaîne et bouleverser leurs existences ainsi que celles d'un ouvrier, d'un vendeur d'aspirateurs au porte-à-porte et d'un concessionnaire automobiles. Pendant ce temps, Hannele, agent de police et mère de trois enfants est sur la piste de Tuomas qui s'est introduit dans le système informatique d'une multinationale.
Poliisi selvittää

Poliisi selvittää

Mar 08, 2012
A 16 year old girl claims she was abducted. Two police officer are tasked with investigating whether her story is plausible.
The Grump

The Grump

Sep 05, 2014
Lorsqu'un vieil homme tombe dans sa cave, son quotidien est bouleversé. Afin de faire soigner sa cheville douloureuse, il doit se rendre à Helsinski. C'est à sa belle-fille qu'est confiée la rude tâche de s'occuper de lui.


Oct 09, 2020
Malgré les a priori de leur famille respective, Mervi et Kata envisagent de révéler leur homosexualité. Elles vont vite réaliser qu’elles ne sont pas les seules à avoir des secrets…
Tappajan näköinen mies
Viktor Kärppä was forced involuntarily in the middle of Russia's internal power struggle. Soon bunch of assassins as well as Security Police are trying to catch Kärppä. Kärppä's family is also in great danger. In order to save themselves and their families they need to resort to Kärppäs friend, the police Korhonen , as well as his brother Aleksei.


Jun 03, 2017
Uutisvuoto is the Finnish version of the popular British television quiz show Have I Got News For You. Broadcast on Saturday nights on YLE TV1 since 1998, the show receives very high viewing figures. Uutisvuoto mainly follows the same format as Have I Got News For You. The guests are usually celebrities, and frequently politicians. In the last two presidential elections, both of the second-round candidates appeared as guests: to-be-president Tarja Halonen and Esko Aho in 2000, and president Halonen and Sauli Niinistö in 2006. To date, winning the show has correlated with winning the election contest itself. In 2006 the "presidential show" broke all viewing records when it was watched by 1.4 million viewers. The show is so popular in Finland that it was even parodied in the Aku Ankka comic book as Uutiskuono. "Haluatteko lukea hyvän vitsin jonka kuulin äsken Yleisradion kahvilassa?" is Peter Nyman's Uutisvuoto joke book. The book's name is a reference to Nyman's way of telling jokes. He opens with the book's name, then, ignoring all answers, continues: "Ei se mitään, kerron sen silti."


Mar 27, 2011
In this gripping thriller based on the novels by Finnish author Matti Rönkä, Viktor Kärppä is a former KGB agent who settles in Finland, the country of his ancestors. He tries to make a living as a private investigator and business facilitator for Russian migrants, but finds himself entangled with organized crime. He may look like a killer, but he isn't one.


Mar 27, 2011
In this gripping thriller based on the novels by Finnish author Matti Rönkä, Viktor Kärppä is a former KGB agent who settles in Finland, the country of his ancestors. He tries to make a living as a private investigator and business facilitator for Russian migrants, but finds himself entangled with organized crime. He may look like a killer, but he isn't one.