Krzysztof Pyziak

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Solid Gold

Solid Gold

Nov 29, 2019
Kaja Miller is a police officer that is abducted and abused on one of her missions. Eight years later she meets her former boss Nowicki, who takes her to Gdynia with the task of exposing a large criminal circuit.


Jun 29, 2006
The peaceful world of a monastery, in a small town Jasmine, is destroyed by the arrival of monument restorers, Natasha, along with her daughter Eugenia. The legend associated with the monastery bode revelation in him a saint in the near future. Despite initial reluctance, Natasha starts the maintenance of the image stored there. The secrets of the monastery are unraveled: the unhappy lovers bodies placed in the catacombs, the secret elixir of love, created with the smell of the monks.
Cały ten seks

Cały ten seks

Nov 10, 2023
Meet six nice couples and their very dirty thoughts. Each of us has sexual fantasies. Some are quite common. Others quite crazy. And others - totally crazy.


Aug 14, 2014
Lorsqu'un réalisateur alcoolique entre dans un centre de désintoxication, il découvre que le personnel se soucie davantage de profit que de ses patients.
Na serio

Na serio

Oct 03, 2022
A young man’s house party takes an unexpected turn when his gangster neighbour breaks into his apartment. A carefully crafted morality story, For Real forces its protagonist to make uncomfortable choices. This is a tough survival drama that effectively chronicles a series of bad decisions that lead to life-changing events. Exceptionally well-acted, shot, and edited, the movie takes the audience on a complete journey that’s entertaining and frightening. Tense, unpredictable, and frustrating, this is a complicated scenario where any choice has dangerous consequences.


Apr 12, 2024
A pair of amiable ex-cons retreat to the country for a fresh start - until a family reunion and a health emergency put them at odds with the law again.
L'Anatomie du mal

L'Anatomie du mal

Sep 18, 2015
Sorti de prison grâce à un accord avec le procureur, un tueur à gages malvoyant recrute un soldat déshonoré pour tuer un haut responsable des services de renseignement.
Diablo : The Ultimate Race
Kuba tente de se faire de l’argent rapide pour aider sa petite soeur très malade en participant à des courses de voitures illégales. Mais lorsque son talent derrière un volant fait perdre un très gros pari à un mafieux local, il se retrouve confronté à l’univers criminel et doit apprendre à survivre.
U Pana Boga za miedzą
After 20 years, a man returns to his quiet, idyllic hometown in search of a wife only to find the community torn by a heated mayoral election.
U Pana Boga w ogródku
The worst graduate of the police school goes to Królowy Most. At the same time, this town is chosen as an asylum for a crown witness in a mafia trial.
No People Found

No People Found

Sep 23, 2024
When Ada returns home at dawn, she realizes that the breakup has already taken place, and her partner - although he still lives with her - is actually somewhere else.
Afonia i pszczoły

Afonia i pszczoły

Jun 05, 2009
Afonia's husband is an ex-boxer, an ex-inmate of a Nazi concentration camp and almost ex-living person as he is paralyzed after an accident. Her daughter is already married. And although Afonia's name is Russian, she is Polish. The only thing both heroines share is love to another strong, handsome and addictive man. A Russian man.
Je suis un tueur

Je suis un tueur

Nov 04, 2016
Au début des années 1970, une petite ville ouvrière du Sud de la Pologne est secouée par une série de meurtres dont les victimes sont uniquement des femmes. La presse n’en parle pas beaucoup jusqu’au moment où l’une d’entre elles s’avère être la nièce du premier secrétaire du parti communiste. Le jeune policier ambitieux chargé de l’enquête est alors prêt à tout pour arrêter le meurtrier, désormais surnommé « le vampire ».
Drużyna A(A)

Drużyna A(A)

Sep 20, 2024
In order to save their rehab facility, four cross-addicted anonymous alcoholics undertake a very risky task to smuggle two tankers of spirit across Poland. For their own safety, they kidnap their therapist for the trip. However, the journey turns out to be more dangerous than they expected. After them – or rather the illegal alcohol they are transporting – is a Customs Officer, who is not entirely who she says she is. From then on, everything gets complicated.
Les impliqués

Les impliqués

Jun 03, 2011
A Cracovie, le docteur Rudzki est un éminent spécialiste de la méthode de Hellinger, dite de la «constellation familiale», thérapie visant à soigner la souffrance psychique par le biais de jeux de rôles et de psychodrames. Après une séance collective éprouvante, un des patients, Henryk Telak, est retrouvé assassiné. Le tueur serait-il l'un des patients, voire le docteur lui-même ? La procureure Agatha Szacki, aidée par le commissaire Smolar, un ancien amant de ses années universitaires, enquête. Elle découvre bientôt que la victime est liée à un autre cadavre, celui d'un étudiant polonais sauvagement assassiné en 1987, à la fin de l'ère communiste...
Kaffe i Gdansk

Kaffe i Gdansk

Feb 04, 2010
Year 1968. A young Swedish sailor wakes up next to a woman in Gdansk. The woman's brother will show the sailor to the port. The echoes of history turn into a drama that especially illustrates what a properly need for coffee can lead to.


May 24, 2008
Kryminalni was a Polish crime drama television series that aired on TVN network from September 18, 2004 until May 24, 2008. It ran for 8 seasons and 101 episodes were broadcast in total. It was created by Polish director and screenwriter Piotr Wereśniak and produced by MTL Maxfilm studio. The series followed life and work of police officers from the elite Criminal Terror and Murders Division of the Warsaw Metropolitan Police; the title refers to police officers in the crime section. The three main characters were Adam Zawada, an experienced, tough cup, his younger colleague Marek Brodecki and Barbara Storosz, an ambitious female officer who in the first season joins the team just after graduating. Although none of the main actors had had star status before the series debuted, all three of them rose to prominence and popularity during the 5-year-long run. Many of Poland's best known actors guest starred, usually playing roles of people involved in just one particular investigation. The serial was one of the most popular in Poland: each week it had an audience of 4 million.


Nov 15, 2023
En proie à des difficultés familiales et à une mémoire défaillante dues à ses problèmes d'addiction, une ancienne star du rock se lance à la recherche effrénée de son fils disparu.


Dec 06, 2012
A bright, young officer joins General Police Headquarters to investigate one of its lead inspectors and the criminal cases he's working on.
Odwilż : Le dégel

Odwilż : Le dégel

Sep 20, 2024
Le corps d'une jeune femme est retrouvé dans une rivière. La détective Katarzyna Zawieja enquête tout en luttant pour sa vie.