Paulina Gałązka

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Fuks 2

Fuks 2

Jan 12, 2024
Maciek is a bright and savvy 20-year-old, although he has to borrow money and a car for a date from his dad. His father, on his eighteenth birthday, set off an explosive device, stole a car, contributed to the wrecking of two police cars and deceived for big money a shady businessman. At the same time, he won the heart of a beautiful woman. So he set the bar high, and it will soon become clear whether his son has inherited his bravado and propensity for dangerous intrigue. All this will happen through a date that will connect him with two unpredictable women and draw him into a game at stake - big money and even bigger love.
Gdzie diabeł nie może, tam baby pośle 2
The true story of Polish fortunes and the story of the heroes from the first part has its colorful continuation. Can business friends continue to trust each other when even more money is at stake? How were state-owned companies privatized, garnering millions into private pockets? Who was pulling the strings in free Poland? Even more mysteries. Human weaknesses.
Zabawa, zabawa

Zabawa, zabawa

Jan 04, 2019
Une procureure au bras long, une chirurgienne pédiatrique et une jeune étudiante font face aux réalités de l'alcoolisme et ses effets sur leur vies.


Sep 20, 2021
A young man knocks on the door of an old boarding house, hoping to rent a room. The owner answers the door in her bathrobe. She is hoping to get rid of the unexpected guest, but when she learns that he might be a prospective lodger, she agrees to show him around. The house is rather shabby and it keeps getting weirder with each room they see and each boarder they meet… The young man wants out, but leaving turns out to be pretty hard.
Dziewczyny z Dubaju

Dziewczyny z Dubaju

Nov 26, 2021
Based on a true story, Emi — a young, ambitious girl, dreams about life outside her small town. When an opportunity arises to become an exclusive escort, she jumps in without hesitation. Soon she climbs the ranks and starts her own VIP escort service; recruiting Polish celebrities, actors, singers, and models. However, the luxurious and enticing world eventually shows its dark side.
Kamienie na Szaniec

Kamienie na Szaniec

Mar 07, 2014
To be defeated and not be - a victory. This is the motto that life is guided by three young friends: Alek, Sophy and Rudy. Scouts, high school graduates high school in Warsaw drifting ambitious plans for the future broken through September 1939. Entering adulthood in a very dramatic times, which puts them a choice - to survive at any cost, or to join the fighting for a free homeland, risking everything. The boys brought up in patriotic homes, shaped by the ideals of scouting, they decide to fight. They become soldiers, and although every scrape with death, they can live a full life.
Horror Story

Horror Story

Nov 17, 2023
A man, right after his graduation, seeks a dream job in a corporation. The corporate world, however, appears to him as a higher and higher nonsense and repetitive mindless scheme. While looking for a job, the protagonist moves into a cheap flat that resembles a house from horror movies.


Sep 19, 2018
An organised arts teacher has only one main problem in life, which is his father – a painter always going from one party to the next. When the father lives through his second heart attack and still refuses to change his lifestyle, Julius will have to find a way to influence his behaviour.
Sami swoi. Początek

Sami swoi. Początek

Feb 16, 2024
Pawlak and Kargul – the protagonists of the cult-favourite trilogy “Our Folks” – had been neighbours in a village in Podolia before they ended up in the Recovered Territories. Even then, it was one explosive neighbourhood.


May 31, 2022
Berka is 31 years old and a failure girl. She cannot cope with the breakup and she is constantly under the illusion that her beloved Olga will come back to her. When her dad persuades her to come to her family home for a funeral, Berka has to confront him and a former beloved.
Gdzie diabeł nie może, tam baby pośle
Poland in the 80’s was a country ruled by crisis and a sense of hopelessness. Only few knew how to turn crisis into a business. It was a golden time for them. How did they know what would bring them money? How did they operate in a country where almost everything was forbidden?
Tue-moi si tu l'oses

Tue-moi si tu l'oses

Feb 13, 2024
Pour le meilleur et pour le pire... Après avoir gagné à la loterie, un couple marié se tourne vers le pire lorsqu'il décide de s'entretuer pour récupérer l'intégralité du pactole.
Na twoim miejscu

Na twoim miejscu

Jan 06, 2023
A married couple wakes up in each other's bodies, discovering surprising thrusts about their partner as they struggle to return to normalcy.
La vie doit continuer

La vie doit continuer

Aug 28, 2015
Après avoir arrêté de boire, un acteur tente de se rapprocher de sa fille perdue de vue, mais un diagnostic soudain et funeste vient précipiter ses projets.
Wieczór kawalerski

Wieczór kawalerski

Jul 05, 2024
A groom and his pals head to Las Vegas for sin and seduction, but their bachelor party goes off the rails when a gun-toting mobster shows up unannounced.
A cat with a dog

A cat with a dog

Oct 19, 2018
Deux frères réalisateurs se retrouvent lorsque l'aîné a une attaque cérébrale et que le cadet décide de s'occuper de lui malgré leur relation compliquée.
Dziewczyna z szafy

Dziewczyna z szafy

Jun 14, 2013
This is the story of three characters (brothers Tomek and Jacek and their neighbor Magda), each of them is in their own way lonely and alienated. The title character makes herself secluded. Tomek's alienation results from his neurological disease, and Jacek contacts the world mainly via the Internet. This is also a film about love. Love of one brother to the other and of one alienated human being to the other. All together it creates a very universal picture with a Polish entourage.


Jan 01, 2016
Confrontés aux difficultés de l'âge adulte, quatre jeunes hommes et femmes doivent faire preuve de tendresse les uns envers les autres.


Sep 15, 2015
Travelling is a violation of the rules when a player holding the ball moves one or both feet illegally. Fifteen-year-old Justyna, trying to escape her mom's life, falls into a fascination with the new neighbor. A short and intense relationship will push her to grow up quickly.
A young man with high potential
Piet est un brillant étudiant en programmation informatique. Timide et inadapté socialement, il sort peu de son appartement. Son quotidien monotone est interrompu par l’apparition de Klara, une camarade qui souhaite s’associer à lui pour un projet. Troublé par la jolie jeune femme, Piet s’ouvre à elle. Mais peu habitué à la présence féminine, il interprète mal son comportement amical.
Na bank się uda

Na bank się uda

Aug 15, 2019
Three old men get caught by the police during the bank heist. The problem is, that they didn't steal anything.
The Lure

The Lure

Dec 25, 2015
Deux sœurs sirènes, travaillant dans un nightclub, doivent affronter de bien cruelles et sanglantes décisions lorsque l'une d'elles tombe amoureuse d'un beau jeune homme.
Les fleurs bleues

Les fleurs bleues

Oct 22, 2016
Dans la Pologne d’après-guerre, le célèbre peintre Władysław Strzemiński, figure majeure de l’avant-garde, enseigne à l’École Nationale des Beaux Arts de Łódź . Il est considéré par ses étudiants comme le grand maître de la peinture moderne mais les autorités communistes ne partagent pas cet avis. Car, contrairement à la plupart des autres artistes, Strzemiński ne veut pas se conformer aux exigences du Parti et notamment à l’esthétique du « réalisme socialiste ». Expulsé de l'université, rayé du syndicat des artistes, il subit, malgré le soutien de ses étudiants, l’acharnement des autorités qui veulent le faire disparaître et détruire toutes ses oeuvres.
Tous mes amis sont morts
Lors d'une fête du Nouvel An, un groupe d'amis traverse un tourbillon d'événements qui révèle des secrets, brise des cœurs, et conduit à un dénouement choquant.
Say That You Love Me

Say That You Love Me

Jan 01, 2011
Eighteen year old Emilia is struggling with loneliness in her life. Her father has left and her mother is never at home. She meets different men, but they only give her temporary satisfaction. Then there is a change. Her thirteen year old brother, Josef, is about to step over an invisible boundary between siblings and change their relationship forever.
The End

The End

Aug 20, 2021
Seven famous actors get caught up in a game that no one can predict the ending. In a moment when the whole world is in limbo and the future seems more than uncertain, the stars receive a lucrative offer. And although it is not the peak of their professional ambitions, they do not intend to give it up. Sex, intrigue, betrayals, denunciations, disloyalty, deceptions, all covered with an artificial smile.


Oct 22, 2021
Une policière fait à son ex-petit ami une offre qu'il ne peut pas refuser : Soit il s'infiltre et dénonce une bande de voyous, soit son frère va en prison.


Mar 03, 2017
The story of Eugeniusz Bodo, a famous Polish actor and singer, who was at the peak of his career in 1930s.


May 14, 2021
Rafal est psychologue dans une prison polonaise où il soigne de dangereux criminels. Un soir, l’un d’entre eux réussit à s’évader. Le lendemain matin, un adolescent est retrouvé mort et Gabi, la fille de Rafal, a disparu. Rafal est persuadé que le crime et la disparition sont liés à l’évasion du prisonnier. Il va tout mettre en œuvre pour retrouver sa fille.


Dec 08, 2023
Czarne stokrotki

Czarne stokrotki

Jan 01, 1970
A group of five kindergartners are kidnapped. Meanwhile, geologist Lena and her colleagues prepare for a scientific expedition to Antarctica. When it turns out that the suspect in the kidnapping is Ada, Lena's teenage daughter, the mother postpones her professional plans and returns to her hometown of Wałbrzych to find her daughter, with whom she lost contact many years ago.


Aug 21, 2023
Polish drama series which follows the tragicomic adventures of a 40-year-old urban legend in Warsaw. He is a deeply complex character, an irresponsible party animal, a serial lothario and everyone’s friend at the same time. Behind the veneer he is tormented and self-loathing, trapped by his parents and shackled by the culture and the times that shaped him.