Ralph McQuarrie

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Ralph McQuarrie: Illustrator
Ralph McQuarrie inspired a generation with his visionary contributions to George Lucas' Star Wars Trilogy. Now, for the first time, hear in his own words how he became connected with the most popular film series of all time. You'll find out about his life and work up to and following his award winning career as a conceptual artist, which include illustrating parts catalogs for Boeing, creating animation for television coverage of the Apollo space missions, and creating illustrations for movie posters and book covers. It's all here, in an exclusive one on one interview.
L'Empire contre-attaque
Malgré la destruction de l’Étoile Noire, l'Empire maintient son emprise sur la galaxie, et poursuit sans relâche sa lutte contre l'Alliance rebelle. Basés sur la planète glacée de Hoth, les rebelles essuient un assaut des troupes impériales. Parvenus à s'échapper, la princesse Leia, Han Solo, Chewbacca et C-3P0 se dirigent vers Bespin, la cité des nuages gouvernée par Lando Calrissian, ancien compagnon de Han. Suivant les instructions d'Obi-Wan Kenobi, Luke Skywalker se rend quant à lui vers le système de Dagobah, planète marécageuse où il doit recevoir l'enseignement du dernier maître Jedi, Yoda. Apprenant l'arrestation de ses compagnons par les stormtroopers de Dark Vador après la trahison de Lando, Luke décide d'interrompre son entraînement pour porter secours à ses amis et affronter le sombre seigneur Sith...
The Characters of Star Wars
The Characters of Star Wars is a Video Documentary included in the 2004 DVD release of the Star Wars Original Trilogy. It explained the Mythos of many of the "Star Wars" Characters.
Voice of a Star Wars Fan
A fan of the Millennium Falcon seeks to understand how the ship was made, tracing all of the parts and pieces of the model - from heat sinks, fans, and L'eggs containers.
L'Empire contre-attaque
A fan of the Millennium Falcon seeks to understand how the ship was made, tracing all of the parts and pieces of the model - from heat sinks, fans, and L'eggs containers.


Jun 21, 1985
A fan of the Millennium Falcon seeks to understand how the ship was made, tracing all of the parts and pieces of the model - from heat sinks, fans, and L'eggs containers.


Feb 16, 1990
A fan of the Millennium Falcon seeks to understand how the ship was made, tracing all of the parts and pieces of the model - from heat sinks, fans, and L'eggs containers.


Feb 16, 1990
A fan of the Millennium Falcon seeks to understand how the ship was made, tracing all of the parts and pieces of the model - from heat sinks, fans, and L'eggs containers.

May 30, 2024

Après un siècle de silence, une guerre éclate entre la Fédération et l'Empire klingon. Au cœur de ce conflit, un officier en disgrâce...
Sci-Fi & Fantasy