Fred Scheiwiller

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O'Hara's Wife

O'Hara's Wife

Jan 01, 1982
Workaholic attorney Bob O'Hara is devastated when his wife dies suddenly. However, she returns to haunt him in order to persuade him to slow down, watch his own health, and renew relationships with his two grown children.
La Fureur du danger

La Fureur du danger

Jul 28, 1978
Sonny Hooper, cascadeur le plus demandé à Hollywood, voit son avenir s'assombrir avec l'apparition du jeune prodige Ski comme rival qui n'arrange pas ses affaires...
Plus dure sera la chute
Eddie Willis, journaliste sportif, accepte l'offre de Benko, un manager de boxe corrompu, pour monter une combine qui les rendra riches. Ils profitent de la naïveté de Toro Moreno, un boxeur lourd et pataud, pour abuser du public auquel ils le présentent comme une force de la nature. Match après match, Toro écrase ses adversaires et gagne la sympathie du public qui, comme lui, ignore que chaque rencontre est truquée.
Le shérif est en prison
Un cheminot noir qui, en devenant shérif de Rock Ridge, fait œuvre de pionnier en voyant la ville qu'il aime menacée par la perspective d'une nouvelle ligne de chemin de fer. Bien que les habitants ne lui prêtent guère leur confiance, il s'emploie à les séduire en leur présentant son plan et en travaillant avec eux pour sauver leur maison d'un gang qui a l'intention de les rayer de la carte. Bart et son ami flingueur Jim, deviennent leur meilleur espoir en affrontant un groupe composé de membres du KKK, de motards, de soldats nazis, et même de méthodistes.
Tremblement de terre

Tremblement de terre

Nov 15, 1974
Los Angeles. L'ingénieur Stuart Graff qui vient de se séparer de sa femme Remy, entretient une liaison avec la veuve d'un collègue, Denise Marshall. Mais Remy tente de convaincre son père, Sam Royce (qui est également l'employeur de Stuart) de mettre fin à cette relation. Dans un autre coin de la ville le sergent de police Lew Slade est suspendu pour avoir frappé un autre policier, et Jody, tenant d'une épicerie générale, ne pense qu'à séduire Rosa, sœur de Sal, l'assistant de Miles Quade, un casse-cou de la moto. Leurs vies vont être bouleversées par un terrible tremblement de terre...
Goldie and the Boxer

Goldie and the Boxer

Dec 30, 1979
Lighthearted tale of a 10-year-old girl who, when her boxer father dies, strikes up a relationship with a struggling fighter who was his sparring partner and takes on the job of managing him from obscurity to the championship.


Jun 22, 1960
Marion Crane en a assez de ne pouvoir mener sa vie comme elle l'entend. Son travail ne la passionne plus, son amant ne peut l'épouser car il doit verser une énorme pension alimentaire le laissant sans le sou… Mais un beau jour, son patron lui demande de déposer 40 000 dollars à la banque. La tentation est trop grande, et Marion s'enfuit avec l'argent. Très vite la panique commence à se faire sentir. Partagée entre l'angoisse de se faire prendre et l'excitation de mener une nouvelle vie, Marion roule vers une destination qu'elle n'atteindra jamais. La pluie est battante, la jeune femme s'arrête près d'un motel, tenu par un sympathique gérant nommé Norman Bates, mais qui doit supporter le caractère possessif de sa mère. Après un copieux repas avec Norman, Marion prend toutes ses précautions afin de dissimuler l'argent. Pour se délasser de cette journée, elle prend une douche…
Le Tour du monde en 80 jours
Phileas Fogg, gentleman anglais, parie, contre les membres de son club, qu'il est capable de faire le tour du monde en 80 jours. Il part aussitôt, emmenant Passepartout, son valet français, ancien clown et homme de ressources et, pour tout bagage, un sac plein de chèques. Une infinité de moyens de transport (ballon, bateau, train, éléphant…) leur permettra d'enchaîner une très longue suite d'étapes (Paris, l'Espagne, le canal de Suez, Calcutta, Hong Kong, San Francisco, New York…). Mais, dès Suez, Fix, un policier, va pourchasser les deux héros.
Le Jour du fléau

Le Jour du fléau

May 07, 1975
Hollywood, années 1930. Tod Hackett, un jeune peintre qui tente de faire son chemin en tant que directeur artistique dans le monde rude du cinéma, tombe amoureux de sa voisine Faye Greener, une actrice en herbe qui préfère la vie que Homer Simpson, un comptable solitaire, peut lui offrir.
Black Samson

Black Samson

Aug 14, 1974
Samson (Rockne Tarkington), propriétaire d'un night-club (et d'un lion) fait tout ce qu'il peut pour garder son territoire vierge de violence et surtout de tout trafic de drogue. Voici que deux hommes blancs pénètrent dans son bar ; après l'irrespect provocateur de l'un des deux envers l'une de ses stripteaseuses, Samson le dérouille, à l'aide notamment de son sceptre à l'effigie de son animal préféré. Le problème le plus sérieux viendra du second type : Johnny Nappa (William Smith), un gangster cynique, raciste et surtout extrêmement violent. Dès lors que son collègue a pris sa trempe, Nappa en fait une histoire personnelle. Allant même jusqu'à contester les ordres de son oncle et parrain (Titos Vandis), lequel, en vieux briscard, lui conseille la sagesse et l'intelligence. Johnny Nappa va dès lors tout faire pour récupérer le territoire de Samson. Devant tant de ténacité et de coups bas (viols, intimidations, meurtres...), le tenancier du club va devoir sortir de ses gonds...
Movie Movie

Movie Movie

Nov 01, 1978
Three movie genres of the 1930s, boxing films, WWI aviation dramas, and backstage Broadway musicals, are satirized using the same cast.
On s'fait la valise, docteur ?
Howard Bannister, un jeune chercheur quelque peu rigide, vient à San Francisco concourir pour une bourse en musicologie. À son hôtel, il rencontre une jeune femme qui, semant le désordre partout où elle passe, risque de bouleverser sa vie. Autour d'eux, une course à la valise se joue, qui va réunir une foule de personnages, pour une foule de quiproquos.
Zero to Sixty

Zero to Sixty

Jun 23, 1978
A divorced man hooks up with a street-smart 16-year-old who makes her living by repossessing cars from their owners.
The White Dawn

The White Dawn

Jul 21, 1974
A divorced man hooks up with a street-smart 16-year-old who makes her living by repossessing cars from their owners.
Suppose They Gave a War and Nobody Came?
War is brewing between the soldiers at an otherwise quiet army base and the civilians of a nearby Southern town. Brian Keith is an officer who tries to keep the peace. However, peace is hard to come by with Ernest Borgnine as a stereotypical dumb hick sheriff who's quick to call in the local militia. Tony Curtis plays a skirt-chasing sergeant who can't stay out of trouble and soon lands in jail. Brian Keith borrows a tank to release his friend from jail. Things get more chaotic after that.
Un monde fou, fou, fou, fou
War is brewing between the soldiers at an otherwise quiet army base and the civilians of a nearby Southern town. Brian Keith is an officer who tries to keep the peace. However, peace is hard to come by with Ernest Borgnine as a stereotypical dumb hick sheriff who's quick to call in the local militia. Tony Curtis plays a skirt-chasing sergeant who can't stay out of trouble and soon lands in jail. Brian Keith borrows a tank to release his friend from jail. Things get more chaotic after that.
Le Dernier Secret du Poséidon
War is brewing between the soldiers at an otherwise quiet army base and the civilians of a nearby Southern town. Brian Keith is an officer who tries to keep the peace. However, peace is hard to come by with Ernest Borgnine as a stereotypical dumb hick sheriff who's quick to call in the local militia. Tony Curtis plays a skirt-chasing sergeant who can't stay out of trouble and soon lands in jail. Brian Keith borrows a tank to release his friend from jail. Things get more chaotic after that.
Pee-wee Big Adventure

Pee-wee Big Adventure

Jul 26, 1985
War is brewing between the soldiers at an otherwise quiet army base and the civilians of a nearby Southern town. Brian Keith is an officer who tries to keep the peace. However, peace is hard to come by with Ernest Borgnine as a stereotypical dumb hick sheriff who's quick to call in the local militia. Tony Curtis plays a skirt-chasing sergeant who can't stay out of trouble and soon lands in jail. Brian Keith borrows a tank to release his friend from jail. Things get more chaotic after that.
L'Epée sauvage

L'Epée sauvage

Apr 01, 1982
War is brewing between the soldiers at an otherwise quiet army base and the civilians of a nearby Southern town. Brian Keith is an officer who tries to keep the peace. However, peace is hard to come by with Ernest Borgnine as a stereotypical dumb hick sheriff who's quick to call in the local militia. Tony Curtis plays a skirt-chasing sergeant who can't stay out of trouble and soon lands in jail. Brian Keith borrows a tank to release his friend from jail. Things get more chaotic after that.
The Lost Empire

The Lost Empire

Jun 22, 1984
War is brewing between the soldiers at an otherwise quiet army base and the civilians of a nearby Southern town. Brian Keith is an officer who tries to keep the peace. However, peace is hard to come by with Ernest Borgnine as a stereotypical dumb hick sheriff who's quick to call in the local militia. Tony Curtis plays a skirt-chasing sergeant who can't stay out of trouble and soon lands in jail. Brian Keith borrows a tank to release his friend from jail. Things get more chaotic after that.
La Fureur du danger

La Fureur du danger

Jul 28, 1978
War is brewing between the soldiers at an otherwise quiet army base and the civilians of a nearby Southern town. Brian Keith is an officer who tries to keep the peace. However, peace is hard to come by with Ernest Borgnine as a stereotypical dumb hick sheriff who's quick to call in the local militia. Tony Curtis plays a skirt-chasing sergeant who can't stay out of trouble and soon lands in jail. Brian Keith borrows a tank to release his friend from jail. Things get more chaotic after that.
Repo Man

Repo Man

Mar 02, 1984
War is brewing between the soldiers at an otherwise quiet army base and the civilians of a nearby Southern town. Brian Keith is an officer who tries to keep the peace. However, peace is hard to come by with Ernest Borgnine as a stereotypical dumb hick sheriff who's quick to call in the local militia. Tony Curtis plays a skirt-chasing sergeant who can't stay out of trouble and soon lands in jail. Brian Keith borrows a tank to release his friend from jail. Things get more chaotic after that.
La Tour infernale

La Tour infernale

Dec 14, 1974
War is brewing between the soldiers at an otherwise quiet army base and the civilians of a nearby Southern town. Brian Keith is an officer who tries to keep the peace. However, peace is hard to come by with Ernest Borgnine as a stereotypical dumb hick sheriff who's quick to call in the local militia. Tony Curtis plays a skirt-chasing sergeant who can't stay out of trouble and soon lands in jail. Brian Keith borrows a tank to release his friend from jail. Things get more chaotic after that.
Tremblement de terre

Tremblement de terre

Nov 15, 1974
War is brewing between the soldiers at an otherwise quiet army base and the civilians of a nearby Southern town. Brian Keith is an officer who tries to keep the peace. However, peace is hard to come by with Ernest Borgnine as a stereotypical dumb hick sheriff who's quick to call in the local militia. Tony Curtis plays a skirt-chasing sergeant who can't stay out of trouble and soon lands in jail. Brian Keith borrows a tank to release his friend from jail. Things get more chaotic after that.
Magnum Force

Magnum Force

Dec 13, 1973
War is brewing between the soldiers at an otherwise quiet army base and the civilians of a nearby Southern town. Brian Keith is an officer who tries to keep the peace. However, peace is hard to come by with Ernest Borgnine as a stereotypical dumb hick sheriff who's quick to call in the local militia. Tony Curtis plays a skirt-chasing sergeant who can't stay out of trouble and soon lands in jail. Brian Keith borrows a tank to release his friend from jail. Things get more chaotic after that.


Jul 04, 1972
War is brewing between the soldiers at an otherwise quiet army base and the civilians of a nearby Southern town. Brian Keith is an officer who tries to keep the peace. However, peace is hard to come by with Ernest Borgnine as a stereotypical dumb hick sheriff who's quick to call in the local militia. Tony Curtis plays a skirt-chasing sergeant who can't stay out of trouble and soon lands in jail. Brian Keith borrows a tank to release his friend from jail. Things get more chaotic after that.
Drôle de couple 2

Drôle de couple 2

Apr 09, 1998
War is brewing between the soldiers at an otherwise quiet army base and the civilians of a nearby Southern town. Brian Keith is an officer who tries to keep the peace. However, peace is hard to come by with Ernest Borgnine as a stereotypical dumb hick sheriff who's quick to call in the local militia. Tony Curtis plays a skirt-chasing sergeant who can't stay out of trouble and soon lands in jail. Brian Keith borrows a tank to release his friend from jail. Things get more chaotic after that.
The Case of the Dangerous Robin
The Case of the Dangerous Robin is an American crime drama series which aired in syndication from October 1960, to July 1961. The series stars Rick Jason. It was produced by Ziv Television Productions, the company responsible for such hit series as Sea Hunt and Highway Patrol.