Lisle Wilson

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Sœurs de sang

Sœurs de sang

Mar 26, 1973
Un soir, Danielle Breton ramène un homme chez elle. Celui-ci est alors poignardé tandis qu'une journaliste assiste au meurtre de sa fenêtre. Elle prévient la police mais aucun cadavre n'est découvert. La journaliste, convaincu de ce qu'elle a vu décide de mener l'enquête en ignorant que Danielle Breton a en réalité une sœur jumelle, Dominique.
Le Monstre qui vient de l'espace
Exposé aux étranges émanations des anneaux de Saturne, Alex West est l'unique survivant d'une importante mission spatiale. L'armée étouffe rapidement l'affaire, tandis qu'Alex est secrètement soigné dans un institut militaire. Jusqu'à ce qu'il s'échappe, transformé en un monstre cannibale atteint par une épouvantable crise d'acné...
The Selling of Vince D'Angelo
Danny DeVito stars in and directs this critically acclaimed short film which was part of the ground breaking HBO/Cinemax anthology series, "Likely Stories." Danny plays corrupt Congressman Vince D'Angelo who is making a sleazy run to become Senator of New Jersey. In the process he spreads vicious rumors about his running mates and uses incendiary campaign commercials to get himself elected. His campaign is derailed when he is caught-on-tape giving a bribe to a G-man posing as a mobster. His response to the "Mobscam" debacle is to claim he was "conducting his own investigation" and then fakes an 11th hour assassination on himself to engender voter sympathy.
Disaster at Silo 7

Disaster at Silo 7

Nov 27, 1988
During routine maintenance of a liquid-fuelled ICBM, the fuel tank is penetrated by a falling spanner. The film traces the efforts of the maintenance crew and associated military and civilian personnel to recover the potentially disastrous situation before the fuel tank is sufficiently depressurised that the stack collapses and explodes.
The Ratings Game

The Ratings Game

Dec 15, 1984
A New Jersey trucker creates a hit TV show with help from his girlfriend in the ratings business.


Jan 01, 1975
A paranoid filmmaker is tortured by his taste for the titular Italian soup
Institute for Revenge

Institute for Revenge

Jan 22, 1979
A sophisticated computer named IFR (the film's title is its nickname) supervises an organization dedicated to correcting wrongs against the defenseless and assigns human operatives to track down the evildoers and bring them to justice non-violently.
The Other Lover

The Other Lover

Dec 03, 1985
A novelist (Jack Scalia) enters into a complicated affair with a doctor's wife (Lindsay Wagner), who happens to be his publishing company's marketing director and a mother of two.
Falcon Crest

Falcon Crest

May 18, 1990
Ce feuilleton raconte la lutte impitoyable entre la riche Angela Channing et son neveu Chase Gioberti, qui a hérité de son père une partie du domaine viticole de Falcon Crest, situé dans la vallée de Tuscany, non loin de San Francisco.
Night Court

Night Court

May 31, 1992
An eccentric fun-loving judge presides over an urban night court and all the silliness going on there.
Les Contes de la crypte
Cette comédie horrifique est basée sur les comics des années 50 de Williams M. Gaines. Chaque épisode est une histoire indépendante, avec de prestigieuses guest-stars régulièrement devant ou derrière la caméra.
Sanford Arms

Sanford Arms

Oct 14, 1977
Sanford Arms is an American sitcom that aired from September to October 1977 on NBC. The series is an attempted continuation of the sitcom Sanford and Son. After six seasons, Redd Foxx left Sanford and Son to star in a variety show for ABC. The producers planned to continue the series with Demond Wilson as Lamont, but Wilson left the project in a dispute over his expected salary as the star of the series. The producers decided to continue the project with a new character. Norman Lear stepped down from his position as executive producer but stayed on as a consultant.
Côte Ouest

Côte Ouest

May 13, 1993
Après 17 ans de séparation, Gary Ewing et son ex-femme Valene ont décidé de reprendre la vie commune. Ils partent se fixer loin de Dallas dans une résidence proche de la mer à Knots Landing, en Californie. A peine installés dans leur nouvelle demeure, ils font la connaissance de leurs voisins, les Fairgate et les Avery. La petite communauté mène une vie plus ou moins paisible... jusqu'à l'arrivée de l'intrigante Abby Fairgate !


Mar 24, 1990


Gordon Shumway est né de l'union de Bob et Flo Shumway le 28 août 1757 sur la planète Melmac. Le 28 août 1985, la planète Melmac explose à la suite d'un holocauste nucléaire. Gordon réussit néanmoins à s'enfuir en vaisseau spatial avant la catastrophe. Perdu dans l'espace, il erre un long moment avant de venir s'écraser sur Terre sur un garage où vivent les Tanner, une famille de banlieusards américains sans histoire. Gordon se trouvant alors dans l'incapacité de réparer son vaisseau, les Tanner, qui le surnomment Alf (Alien Life Form), acceptent de l'héberger à vie. Les Tanner vont devoir cacher Alf aux yeux de tous, pour éviter que ce petit être poilu d'1,20 mètre ne devienne un animal de laboratoire. Mais Alf veut comprendre tout ce qui se passe sur sa nouvelle planète et cela chamboule entièrement la vie des Tanner. Ces derniers vont vite comprendre que cacher un Melmacien n'est pas chose facile, mais sa gentillesse et son ignorance des coutumes terriennes le rendent attachant.
That's My Mama

That's My Mama

Dec 17, 1975
Clifton Curtis has got it made—he runs a successful business he inherited from his late father and he's lucky with the the ladies—but he still lives with his Mama. She rules the roost and dispenses advice to everyone who'll listen—no one at Oscar's Barbershop is spared from Mama's wisdom. And they wouldn't have it any other way.
The White Shadow

The White Shadow

Mar 16, 1981
The White Shadow is an American drama television series that ran on the CBS network from November 27 1978, to March 16 1981.
Police Story

Police Story

Dec 03, 1988
Police Story is an anthology television crime drama. The show was the brainchild of author and former policeman Joseph Wambaugh and represented a major step forward in the realistic depiction of police work and violence on network TV. Although it was an anthology, there were certain things that all episodes had in common; for instance, the main character in each episode was a police officer. The setting was always Los Angeles and the characters always worked for some branch of the LAPD. Notwithstanding the anthology format, there were recurring characters. Scott Brady appeared in more than a dozen episodes as "Vinnie," a former cop who, upon retirement, had opened a bar catering to police officers, and who acted as a sort of Greek chorus during the run of the series, commenting on the characters and plots.
Action & Adventure