Nick Raio

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Sister Italy

Sister Italy

Jan 01, 2012
Sister Italy is a heartfelt, hilarious, culinary escapade that follows the fortunes of two Italian-American sisters, Italia and Maria, who are rival cooks. They clash in an intriguing cooking competition.


May 09, 2011
Daniel Jakor is one of the most prolific and successful artists the world has never heard of. Struggling to sell his own art, he soon finds his true genius lies not in the creation of his own work but in the forgery of the great masters that have come before him- artists like Picasso, Monet, Degas and Renoir. And with the help of a Tay Murphy, corrupt gallery owner in Boston, Daniel soon learns the intricacies of the art world as he becomes a true master himself. But Tay's life is spiraling out of control and his personal demons have brought him to the edge where he hangs on by a thread. Indebted to the mob for more than he can possibly pay back, Tay gets Daniel roped into working for Seamus White, the head of the Irish "family" in New England and an avid art collector. As Seamus's schemes become bolder and bolder, not only pushing the boundaries of Daniel's ability but the limits of forgery itself...
Fleur du Désert

Fleur du Désert

Sep 24, 2009
Issue d'une famille de nomades somaliens, Waris connaît une enfance rude mais heureuse car entourée des siens. Mais quand son père décide de la marier à l'âge de 13 ans, Waris prend la fuite. Traversant le désert au péril de sa vie, elle atteint la ville de Mogadiscio et retrouve sa grand-mère. Cette dernière lui fait quitter le pays en lui trouvant un poste de "bonne à tout faire" à l'ambassade de Somalie à Londres. Waris y travaille pendant 6 ans, telle une esclave, totalement recluse et coupée du monde extérieur.Quand la guerre civile éclate en Somalie, l'ambassade ferme. Waris se retrouve livrée à elle-même dans les rues de Londres, ne sachant pas un mot d'anglais. C'est alors qu'elle rencontre Marilyn avec qui elle se lie d'amitié. Cette jeune femme, délurée et originale, l'héberge et l'aide à trouver un emploi.
One hundred years of evil
Did Adolf Hitler survive WWII and live on under an assumed identity? Norwegian researcher Skule Antonsen sides with Spanish documentary filmmaker Idelfonso Elizalde to follow in the footsteps of Adolf Munchenhauser, a Hitler look alike captured by the Allied forces in Berlin 1945. When Munchenhauser is released from Camp Rebecca in 1946, a secret prison camp in the Nevada Desert, he decides to stay in the U.S. Skule digs into Munchenhausers life and hears a lot of stories, but none of them reveal his real identity. Is it possible that Adolf Munchenhuser really was Adolf Hitler? As Skule digs deeper for the truth it becomes clear that there are powerful forces that will do anything to stop him.


Oct 06, 2006
A tragic tale of an individual teen prostitute as seen from the lens of her Buddhist neighbor.
Invitation to a Suicide
Raised in an insular Polish immigrant neighborhood in Brooklyn where he's destined to become a poor baker like his father, Kaz Malek attempts to steal from a Russian mobster and run away with the girl of his dreams, Eva. Not cut out for a life of crime, he ends up with a $10,000 debt to the mobster who threatens to kill his father. Unable to pay or face his father's death, Kaz comes up with a novel plan: he'll hang himself and sell tickets to the show. He is surprised to find, however, that the mobster as well as the neighborhood are extremely supportive of this idea... not to mention his father. But even if he can sell the tickets will he really go through with it? By the time this dark comedy reaches its surprising conclusion, Kaz learns that sometimes embracing death is the only way to a better life.
Les Soprano

Les Soprano

Jun 10, 2007
USA, New Jersey, Tony Soprano, dit « T » descend d'une lignée de caïds dans le crime organisé. Son père Johnny et son oncle Corrado Junior dit « Junior » ont développé le réseau local et les connexions avec la Mafia de New York. Il doit faire face à des problèmes de succession au sein de la mafia, des vendettas personnelles, et aux enquêtes du F.B.I.. Il souffre de crises d'angoisse et consulte, en secret, un psychiatre, le Dr Jennifer Melfi. Son rang dans la Mafia ne lui autorise aucune faiblesse. Si l'argent coule à flot, Tony doit aussi gérer sa famille, sa mère Livia, sa sœur Janice, sa femme Carmela, sa fille Meadow et son fils Anthony Jr. mais aussi ses amantes et le tout n'est pas des plus reposants...