Howard Lew Lewis

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Fords on Water

Fords on Water

Jan 01, 1983
Influential, cult classic, UK buddy road movie about two friends, one white and one black, who bond over their desire to escape from boredom and unemployment in Thatcher's Britain.


Feb 15, 1997
As Christmas celebrations get under way, Britain is rocked by a deadly new food scare - "mad turkey disease".
Knockback: 1

Knockback: 1

Jan 27, 1985
In 1965, at the age of 25, Alan Ackland is sentenced to life imprisonment for the murder of a business associate. In 1971, Sylvia Barker, lonely and depressed after a failed marriage and with two young children to bring up alone, seeks a new direction in her life and applies to become a voluntary prison visitor. Several years later their paths cross.
Small Town Folk

Small Town Folk

Jan 01, 2007
Dans une petite ville du nom de Grockleton, se trouvait un manoir isolé au sommet d'une colline, qui dominait toute la région. Retiré dans son manoir, l'inquiétant Lord Beesley contrôlait les environs avec son armée de monstres, tous plus effrayants les uns que les autres. Dans une quête permanente de la femme pouvant porter son enfant et ainsi perpétuer le nom de Beesley, le Lord surveille la région et sa milice arpente les alentours. Quand trois jeunes improbables héros arrivent sur ses terres, la paisible campagne anglaise se transforme rapidement en champ de bataille sanglant où grouillent bon nombre de tueurs, plus cruels les uns que les autres. Le lord de Beesley arrivera-t-il à accrocher de nouveaux trophées à son tableau de chasse? Trouvera-t-il une nouvelle épouse ou sera-t-il tout simplement pris à son propre jeu? Bienvenue au Manoir de Grockleton...
Mr. Pye

Mr. Pye

Mar 02, 1986
Mr. Pye is a missionary whose mission to spread God's love on the tiny English Channel island of Sark faces supernatural setbacks in this comic fantasy from the author of Gormenghast.


Dec 17, 1992
Évocation de la vie et de l'aventure artistique de Charlot. Aventure qui débuta à l'âge de cinq ans, le jour où il remplaça, au pied levé, sa mère, artiste de music-hall atteinte d'une brusque crise de trac. Elle se termina le jour de Noël 1977, à Vevey en Suisse où il mourut à l'âge de quatre-vingt-huit ans.
Chaos and Cadavers

Chaos and Cadavers

May 15, 2003
Two young newlyweds, geeky Edward and innocent but alluring Samantha, turn up at a majestic and remote country house hotel for their honeymoon, which has been taken over by the high-spirited members of an Undertakers' Annual Convention. Their attempts at romance are quickly dampened as they become helplessly embroiled in an intriguing whodunit when the Head of the Funeral Directors' Association dies under bizarre circumstances.
Robin des Bois, prince des voleurs
XIIème siècle, en Angleterre. En l'absence du roi Richard, le shérif de Nottingham règne en tyran sur le pays, aidé par son cousin Guy de Gisbourne, la sorcière Mortianna et le corrompu évêque de Hereford. Lors de son retour en Angleterre aux côtés d'Azeem, Robin revient au château de son père. Mais ce dernier a été tué par les hommes du shérif après avoir refusé de se joindre à eux. Robin jure de venger son père.
The Tichborne Claimant
Based on a true story, set in the late 19th century: Lord Tichborne, the ninth richest nobleman in England, disappears after a South American shipwreck. Some years later his erudite Afro-English valet, Bogle, is sent to investigate rumors that Tichborne survived and settled in Australia. An alcoholic ruffian answer's Bogle's inquiries claiming to be the lost heir. Bogle suspects fraud, but conspires with the claimant to split the inheritance should the latter succesfully pass himself off to friends, family and the courts. As the claimant returns to England to continue his charade, enough people confirm his identity to make both the claimant and Bogle believe that he just might be the rightful heir after all.
The Baby Juice Express
A middle class London lad’s gangster fantasies go awry when his dodgy uncle puts them into debt to a real life crime boss. Still pulling strings from behind bars, the kingpin’s only desire is to conceive an heir by smuggling his sperm to his wife on the outside. There’s only one way the boys know how to raise the money fast … hijack the ‘baby juice express’. But kidnapping ‘baby juice’ turns out to be fraught with even more peril than the bumbling wannabes could possibly have imagined in this cheeky spin on the gangster genre. Starring Nick Moran (Lock, Stock and Two Smoking Barrels), with Julian Clary (one of Britain’s funniest) and Joe Bugner (former boxing champion and one of Australia’s toughest!).
Quills : La plume et le sang
Le Marquis de Sade explore, par sa plume, le côté interdit de l'homme : les passions obscènes du corps, les pulsions sexuelles, les désirs immoraux. Au début du XIXème siècle, il est considéré comme l'être le plus perfide, le monstre le plus abject, mais aussi comme l'homme le plus libre d'esprit que le monde ait connu. Les frasques du Marquis de Sade ont eu raison de sa liberté et de sa santé mentale. Alors qu'il est au faîte de sa carrière, il se retrouve emprisonné dans l'asile de Charenton afin d'y être " soigné ". Sous le regard attentif et omniprésent de l'abbé de Coulmier, qui soutient pouvoir réhabiliter cet homme, le Marquis de Sade continue ses écrits érotiques et sulfureux. Afin de transmettre les manuscrits au grand public, il est aidé par Madeleine Leclerc, une jeune et innocente femme de chambre. Facilement influençable, elle est la personne idéale pour assouvir ses fantasmes les plus fous.
Les Ombres du cœur

Les Ombres du cœur

Dec 25, 1993
Les amours de C. S. Lewis, brillant professeur d'Oxford et auteur à succès et d'une jeune romancière juive américaine qui va déconcerter ce célibataire endurci.


Feb 20, 1985
Sam Lowry est un technocrate harcelé dans une société futuriste complètement alambiquée et inefficace. Dans son fantasme, il rêve d'une vie où il pourra échapper à la bureaucratie écrasante et passer l'éternité avec la femme de ses rêves. L'improbable se produit alors que Sam essaie de rectifier l'arrestation injustifiée d'un certain Archibald Buttle ; l'ordinateur omniprésent qui contrôle tout dans le monde « réel » dysfonctionne. Lorsque cela se produit, Sam rencontre vraiment la femme qu'il poursuit depuis toujours dans ses rêves, Jill Layton. Cependant, la bureaucratie mécanique l'a pointé du doigt pour une vague d'attentats terroristes, et les vies de Sam et de Jill sont mises en danger.
The Bill

The Bill

Aug 31, 2010
The daily lives of the men and women at Sun Hill Police Station as they fight crime on the streets of London. From bomb threats to armed robbery and drug raids to the routine demands of policing this ground-breaking series focuses as much on crime as it does on the personal lives of its characters.
Keen Eddie

Keen Eddie

Apr 14, 2004
Inspecteur de police new-yorkais, Eddie Arlette est muté à Londres à la suite d'une opération visant à démanteler un trafic de drogue qui a mal tourné par sa faute. A Scotland Yard, Eddie, accompagné de Pete, son impayable bull terrier qui le suit partout, fait la connaissance de son nouveau boss, l'impitoyable Johnson, de Monty, son nouveau partenaire, et Fiona, la fille du propriétaire de son nouvel appartement.
Noel's House Party

Noel's House Party

Mar 20, 1999
Noel's House Party is a BBC television light entertainment show hosted by Noel Edmonds that was broadcast live on Saturday evenings throughout the 1990s. It was set in a large house in the fictional village of Crinkley Bottom, leading to much innuendo. The show was broadcast during the autumn-spring season. It was the successor show to Noel's Saturday Roadshow, and carried over some of its regular features such as the Gunge Tank, the Gotcha Oscar and Wait 'Till I Get You Home. In 2010, Noel's House Party was voted the best Saturday night TV show of all time. The show had many regular guests posing as fictional villagers, including Frank Thornton and Vicki Michelle. The show gave birth to Mr. Blobby in the Gotcha segment. The character became well known, ruining the premise of the segment, but Blobby still made appearances. There was also a contrived rivalry between Noel and Tony Blackburn. In addition, many episodes featured one-off guest stars, including Michael Crawford as Frank Spencer, who came in to find the whole audience dressed as Frank after Fantastic Stuart Henderson from Troon had performed as Frank singing The Beatles song "I Saw Her Standing There", and Ken Dodd in a highwayman's outfit - 'Going cheap at the Maxwell sale' - as Noel's long lost 'twin', Berasent.
Brush Strokes

Brush Strokes

Apr 07, 1991
Jacko (Karl Howman) is a painter and decorator with an eye for the ladies. He works with Eric (Mike Walling), who's married to his sister Jean (Nicky Croydon). The painting and decorating firm they work for is owned by Lionel Bainbridge (Gary Waldhorn). Other characters include Lionel's wife, Veronica (Elizabeth Counsell), his daughter Lelsey (Kim Thomson, later Erika Hoffman) and wine bar owner Elmo Putney (Howard Lew Lewis).
The Magnificent Evans

The Magnificent Evans

Oct 11, 1984
The Magnificent Evans is a 1984 BBC situation comedy written by Roy Clarke and starring Ronnie Barker, Sharon Morgan and Myfanwy Talog.
Chelmsford 123

Chelmsford 123

Feb 20, 1990
Chelmsford 123 is a British television situation comedy produced for Channel 4 by Hat Trick Productions. It ran for two series, of six and seven episodes, in 1988 and 1990. The series was set in the British town of Chelmsford in the year AD 123, and concerned the power struggle between Roman governor Aulus Paulinus and the British chieftain, Badvoc. Britain is a miserable place, cold and wet – just the place to exile Aulus for accidentally insulting the Emperor's horse, but also give him something useful to do. Aulus, probably a play on Aulus Platorius Nepos, the governor of Roman Britain between 122 and 125, was a rather delicate Roman, who was usually outwitted by the scheming Badvoc, who hadn't had a haircut for twenty-five years. Many of the other regular "Hat Trick" actors, previously seen in shows such as Who Dares Wins, also appeared. Both series are now available on 4 on Demand and SeeSaw. Series 1 and 2 was released on DVD by Acorn Media UK on 15 September 2011.


Mar 10, 1994
This comedy drama series featured Terry McCann, a former boxer with a conviction for G.B.H., and Arthur Daley, a second-hand car dealer with an eye for a nice little earner. Alongside his many business ventures, Arthur would regularly hire Terry out as a minder or bodyguard, later replaced by nephew, Ray Daley.
La Vipère noire

La Vipère noire

Nov 02, 1989
Cette série humoristique suit les mésaventures de deux personnages, Edmund Blackadder et son domestique Baldrick, à travers les faits marquants de l'histoire de l'Angleterre, de 1485 à 1917. Les deux héros sont, à chaque saison, les descendants de leurs familles respectives. Il s'agit, en quelque sorte, d'une saga familiale s'étendant par pointillés sur plus de quatre siècles.
Pennies from Heaven

Pennies from Heaven

Apr 11, 1978
Pennies From Heaven is a 1978 BBC television drama serial written by Dennis Potter. The title is taken from a song of the same name written by Johnny Burke and Arthur Johnston. It was one of several Potter serials to mix the reality of the drama with a dark fantasy content, and the earliest of his works where the characters burst into miming to popular 1930s songs.
Maid Marian and Her Merry Men
Maid Marian and her Merry Men is a British children's sitcom created and written by Tony Robinson and directed by David Bell. It began in 1989 on BBC One and ran for four series, with the last episode shown in 1994. The show was a partially musical comic retelling of the legend of Robin Hood, placing Maid Marian in the role of leader of the Merry Men, and reducing Robin to an incompetent ex-tailor. The programme was much appreciated by children and adults alike, and has been likened to Blackadder, not only for its historical setting and the presence of Tony Robinson, but also for its comic style. It is more surreal than Blackadder, however, and drops even more anachronisms. Many of the show's cast such as Howard Lew Lewis, Forbes Collins, Ramsay Gilderdale and Patsy Byrne had previously appeared in various episodes of Blackadder alongside Robinson. Like many British children's programmes, there is a lot of social commentary sneakily inserted, as well as witty asides about the Royal family, buses running on time, etc. Many of the plots spoofed or referenced film and television shows including other incarnations of Robin Hood in those mediums.
Reilly: Ace of Spies

Reilly: Ace of Spies

Nov 16, 1983
Reilly, Ace of Spies is a 1983 television miniseries dramatizing the life of Sidney Reilly, a Russian Jew who became one of the greatest spies ever to work for the British. Among his exploits, in the early 20th century, were the infiltration of the German General Staff in 1917 and a near-overthrow of the Bolsheviks in 1918. His reputation with women was as legendary as his genius for espionage.