Kara Tointon

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Last Passenger

Oct 18, 2013
Dans la banlieue de Londres, le dernier train de la journée ramène les voyageurs chez eux. Les wagons se vident peu à peu et les stations défilent de plus en plus vite. Beaucoup trop vite. Alors que le conducteur demeure mystérieusement silencieux, le piège se referme sur les derniers passagers. Menacés par un déraillement imminent, ils vont tenter l’impossible pour stopper le train. Ce qui devait être un voyage ordinaire se transforme en aller simple pour l’enfer.
The Sweeney

The Sweeney

Sep 11, 2012
Deux membres de la police judiciaire de la Metropolitan Police, l'inspecteur Jack Regan et le sergent George Carter luttent contre le crime à Londres...
The Football Factory

The Football Factory

May 13, 2004
Pour Tommy, la vraie vie commence le vendredi soir. Ce jeune homme désoeuvré peut alors se consacrer aux trois grandes passions de son existence : le sexe facile, les bières et plus que tout, l'adoration de son club de foot favori, Chelsea. Avec ses potes, il en est l'un des plus ardents supporters, toujours prêt à affronter ceux qui ne portent pas ses couleurs. Et justement, dans quelques jours, Chelsea va se mesurer à l'ennemi de toujours, Millwall...
The Sound of Music Live!
The popular musical is brought to life on soundstages at London's Three Mills Studio, in a live TV dramatisation of the timeless story of Maria and the Von Trapp Family singers, one of the world's best-known concert groups in the era immediately preceding World War II.


Aug 05, 2016
Une femme entre dans un bunker souterrain où les enfants doués utilisent la technologie de la réalité virtuelle pour faire des ravages.
RSC Live: Twelfth Night
Twelfth Night is a tale of unrequited love – hilarious and heartbreaking. Two twins are separated in a shipwreck, and forced to fend for themselves in a strange land. The first twin, Viola, falls in love with Orsino, who dotes on OIivia, who falls for Viola but is idolised by Malvolio. Enter Sebastian, who is the spitting image of his twin sister... Christopher Luscombe, Director of the ‘glorious’ (Daily Telegraph) Love’s Labour’s Lost and Much Ado About Nothing (2014 and 2016), returns to the Royal Shakespeare Company to tackle Shakespeare’s greatest comedy, a brilliantly bittersweet account of "the whirligig of time".
Never Play with the Dead
Un groupe de jeunes gens s'introduit dans un ancien asile pour organiser une rave party, mais très vite, des choses étranges commencent à se produire.
This Morning

This Morning

Jan 31, 2025
This Morning features a variety of news, as well as show business, fashion, beauty, lifestyle, home and garden, food, tech, live phone-ins, and competitions.


Mar 05, 2025
La vie quotidienne des habitants de la classe ouvrière de la place Albert, une traditionnelle place victorienne de maisons mitoyennes entourant un parc dans le quartier de Walford, à l'est de Londres.
Strictly Come Dancing

Strictly Come Dancing

Dec 25, 2024
A dance competition where celebrities compete to be crowned the winner. Who is kicked out of the competition each week is decided by the judges scores and viewer votes. Are today's celebrities fleet of foot or do they have two left feet?
Keen Eddie

Keen Eddie

Apr 14, 2004
Inspecteur de police new-yorkais, Eddie Arlette est muté à Londres à la suite d'une opération visant à démanteler un trafic de drogue qui a mal tourné par sa faute. A Scotland Yard, Eddie, accompagné de Pete, son impayable bull terrier qui le suit partout, fait la connaissance de son nouveau boss, l'impitoyable Johnson, de Monty, son nouveau partenaire, et Fiona, la fille du propriétaire de son nouvel appartement.
Harry Hill's Alien Fun Capsule
Harry Hill's Alien Fun Capsule is a panel show that sees Harry Hill presiding over two teams tasked with saving planet earth from alien invasion! Each team must find clips, people, basically anything that is fun or funny enough for Harry to place in a capsule which, in the event that we're invaded by aliens, we can present to them to demonstrate earthlings are good fun and therefore worthy of saving. Over a series of rounds, the two teams of two present Harry with fun stuff which Harry must adjudicate on and ultimately decide what's in and what's out of the Fun Capsule with the triumphant team winning bragging rights. Along the way there will be sketches, studio items and special guests. And the occasional appearance of an alien.
The Graham Norton Show
Each week celebrity guests join Irish comedian Graham Norton to discuss what's being going on around the world that week. The guests poke fun and share their opinions on the main news stories. Graham is often joined by a band or artist to play the show out.
Henry IX

Henry IX

Apr 19, 2017
Henry is a forty-something man suffering a midlife crisis and looking to escape from his current situation - but this forty-something man also happens to be the King of the United Kingdom.
Harry and Cosh

Harry and Cosh

Jan 11, 2003
Harry and Cosh was a British children's television series directed by Daniel Peacock shown on Saturday afternoons on Shake! on Channel 5 It starred Harry Capehorn, Coshti Dowden, Lucinda Rhodes-Flaherty and Gemma Baker. It told the story of two teenagers, their relationship problems and dysfunctional families. It ran for 46 episodes from 30 October 1999 to 12 July 2003. Frankie Fitzgerald Ricky Diamond and Carly Hillman appeared in some episodes as guest stars. In 2002, it was nominated for a BAFTA. Characters recur in other Two Hats Productions so it could be said to belong to the same metaseries as Sister Said, Cavegirl, Morris 2274 and Billie: Girl from the Future.


Nov 23, 2023
En 1986, dans l'Illinois, Cary Grant, venu à la rencontre de son public, se remémore son enfance en Angleterre. En 1911, à Bristol, l'acteur, de son vrai nom Archie Leach, grandit entre les disputes de ses parents. La grande pauvreté dans laquelle vit sa famille, la mort de son frère John, l'internement de sa mère puis son placement chez sa grand-mère sont des épreuves qui forgent son caractère...


Jun 30, 2011
Sitcom about a small-time dope dealer and his strange collection of acquaintances.
Celebrity Juice

Celebrity Juice

May 12, 2022
The outrageous comedy panel show hosted by the irrepressible Keith Lemon. Each episode sees top celebrities going head to head in a series of hilarious rounds unlike any other panel show.
Too Good to Be True

Too Good to Be True

Feb 22, 2024
Single mum Rachel is on the poverty line, leaving her working all hours of the day as a cleaner to provide for her son. Out of the blue, she is approached by a wealthy businessman offering her a new job with better pay and shorter hours. However, after accepting she gets drawn further into his life and begins to question his motives.
Mr. Selfridge

Mr. Selfridge

Mar 11, 2016
Harry Gordon Selfridge lance en 1909 le premier grand magasin londonien, dans le but de rendre le shopping aussi excitant que le sexe. Véritable visionnaire et pionnier, il met un point d'honneur à offrir un lieu magique présentant toute une série d'articles de façon étonnante, inédite, amusante, voire excentrique.
Father Brown

Father Brown

Feb 28, 2025
Un prêtre catholique, ayant un don pour résoudre des mystères, s'improvise détective privé dans son village anglais.
America or Busted

America or Busted

Dec 24, 2004
Busted (James Bourne, Charlie Simpson and Matt Willis) have conquered the UK and now they're going over to the US of A to take on a whole new challenge. Watch them weekly trying to make it big in a whole different country, where nobody knows who they are.
The Teacher

The Teacher

Sep 12, 2024
A thriller anthology series detailing the separate stories of two teachers, Jenna and Dani. Jenna, a popular teacher with a chaotic private life, is accused of sleeping with her 15-year-old pupil Kyle after a night out celebrating a promotion. Dani, a dedicated art teacher, quickly becomes entangled in a web of desire and deceit - with her own marriage at the centre of it.