Ben Siler

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New Cops

New Cops

Jan 01, 2016
An ordinary man (played by Tim Morton) lives a dull life till his friend Chet (played by Jimmy Kustes) comes over to stay for a few days. His friend ropes him to various schemes and generally makes a bunch of faux pas. His girlfriend (played by Johanna Sims) mostly runs around without alerting him of her whereabouts. He escapes his dull day-to-day existence by watching the TV show New Cops and dreaming various scenarios involving him being the President of the United States and Chet serving as his adviser. Chet recommends they hire detective Flaherty (played by David Maloney) to investigate a book heist at the local library.
What I Love About Concrete
A homespun high school fairy tale comedy, What I Love About Concrete is a tour through the unbearable awkwardness, nascent cynicism, and disarming wonder that comprise the 11th grade experience, in a world where synchronized swimming breaks out in rundown motel pools, and dead swans are concealed in Mary Poppins-like bottomless book bags.
My Blueberry Nights

My Blueberry Nights

Nov 28, 2007
Après une rupture douloureuse, Elizabeth se lance dans un périple à travers l'Amérique, laissant derrière elle une vie de souvenirs, un rêve et un nouvel ami - un émouvant patron de bar - tout en cherchant de quoi panser son coeur brisé. Occupant des emplois de serveuse, Elizabeth se lie d'amitié avec des clients dont les désirs sont plus grands que les siens : un policier tourmenté et sa femme qui l'a quitté, une joueuse dans la déveine qui a une affaire à régler.A travers ces destins individuels, Elizabeth assiste au spectacle du véritable abîme de la solitude et du vide, et commence à comprendre que son propre voyage est le commencement d'une plus profonde exploration d'elle-même.