Dan Soder

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It Had to Be You

It Had to Be You

Oct 21, 2016
Sonia, une écrivaine de jingle névrosée et charmante, rêve d'une vie passionnante. La soudaine demande en mariage de son petit ami oblige Sonia à se demander si elle veut rejoindre les rangs de ses amis mariés ou poursuivre ses fantasmes.
Dan Soder: Not Special
In Dan Soder's first hour-long special, he reveals the creepiest thing about his grandmother, admits that his recent breakup was his fault and remembers the hardest thing about being raised by a single mom. Throughout his special, Soder is so laid-back and charming that you'll be grateful he wasn't actually possessed by the devil that one time.
Déboires en cascade

Déboires en cascade

Feb 08, 2019
Frank et Nancy Teagarten font partis de la classe aisée, ils sont mariés et fiers de leur fille qui entre à l'université. Suite à la visite d'un agent de recouvrement, leurs finances sont au plus mal. Ils tiennent à ce que leur fille continue ses études. Après une nuit où ils ont bu (un peu trop), des mauvaises décisions, un kidnapping et d'autres problèmes, plus ou moins graves, sont survenus en même temps qu'un sérieux mal de tête…


Aug 27, 2019
Back in the 1980s, a series of controversial books aptly titled Truly Tasteless Jokes swept the nation with their crude, controversial and oft-hilarious zingers. With comedy that pushed the boundaries of racism and gender, the Truly Tasteless books are a testament to how comedic culture has transformed over time. The film explores the evolution of comedy through the lens of the iconic Truly Tasteless books. Tasteless examines how the series author, Ashton Applewhite, went from a crude joke author to a feminist activist; how comedy has evolved since the 1980s, and how the dirty jokes of our past stand in today's social climate.
25 Sets

25 Sets

Oct 15, 2019
Aaron Berg is one of the hardest working comics in New York City. As everyone who's anyone in NYC will attest, it is only fitting that he set out to break the world record for most comedy sets in one night.
Dan Soder: Son of a Gary
Comedian and actor Dan Soder (Billions) brings his honest, insightful and infectious humor to his first HBO comedy special taped at The Bowery Ballroom in New York City. In Son of a Gary, Soder shares his down-to-earth approach to everything from drug dogs at the airport to fake fights in the shower and what it's like to have an alcoholic dad, but a fun one.
Crazy Amy

Crazy Amy

Jul 17, 2015
Depuis sa plus tendre enfance, le père d’Amy n’a eu de cesse de lui répéter qu’il n’est pas réaliste d’être monogame. Devenue journaliste, Amy vit selon ce crédo – appréciant sa vie de jeune femme libre et désinhibée loin des relations amoureuses, qu’elle considère étouffantes et ennuyeuses ; mais en réalité, elle s’est un peu enlisée dans la routine. Quand elle se retrouve à craquer pour le sujet de son nouvel article, un brillant et charmant médecin du sport nommé Aaron Conners, Amy commence à se demander si les autres adultes, y compris ce type qui semble vraiment l’apprécier, n’auraient pas quelque chose à lui apprendre.
Biography: “Macho Man” Randy Savage
L'histoire plus vrai que nature de l'une des Superstars les plus colorées et charismatiques à avoir jamais mis les pieds sur le ring. Avec deux championnats de la WWE, quatre championnats du monde de la WCW® et un règne de 14 mois en tant que champion intercontinental, Savage est devenu célèbre pour ses célèbres phrases d'accroche, sa personnalité plus grande que nature et les énormes robes flashy qu'il portait sur le ring.
Dan Soder: Not Special
In Dan Soder's first hour-long special, he reveals the creepiest thing about his grandmother, admits that his recent breakup was his fault and remembers the hardest thing about being raised by a single mom. Throughout his special, Soder is so laid-back and charming that you'll be grateful he wasn't actually possessed by the devil that one time.
Dan Soder: Not Special
In Dan Soder's first hour-long special, he reveals the creepiest thing about his grandmother, admits that his recent breakup was his fault and remembers the hardest thing about being raised by a single mom. Throughout his special, Soder is so laid-back and charming that you'll be grateful he wasn't actually possessed by the devil that one time.
Dan Soder: Son of a Gary
Comedian and actor Dan Soder (Billions) brings his honest, insightful and infectious humor to his first HBO comedy special taped at The Bowery Ballroom in New York City. In Son of a Gary, Soder shares his down-to-earth approach to everything from drug dogs at the airport to fake fights in the shower and what it's like to have an alcoholic dad, but a fun one.
Fired on Mars

Fired on Mars

May 11, 2023
Après avoir fait un aller simple sur la planète rouge, le graphiste Jeff Cooper se retrouve à la dérive lorsque ses patrons éliminent sans ménagement son rôle.
Le Daily Show

Le Daily Show

Feb 27, 2025
Trevor Noah et l'équipe de la plus fausse information au monde abordent les plus grandes histoires de l'actualité, de la politique et de la culture pop.
Join or Die with Craig Ferguson
Featuring comedian Craig Ferguson debating provocative and timely topics in his unorthodox and iconoclastic manner. Each episode features a panel of guests which will include celebrities, comedians and experts, as well as the American public through social media. History is back on the History Channel.
The Standups

The Standups

Dec 29, 2021
À Los Angeles, une nouvelle vague de comiques s'empare de la scène pour des numéros de 30 minutes avec blagues narquoises, anecdotes hilarantes et confessions gênantes.
@midnight with Chris Hardwick
Chris Hardwick will lead three celebrity contestants down the ultimate internet wormhole. Culling from the darkest recesses of social media, they will compete to determine who has the funniest take on the day's pop culture.
Late Night with Seth Meyers
Seth Meyers, who is "Saturday Night Live’s" longest serving anchor on the show’s wildly popular "Weekend Update," takes over as host of NBC’s "Late Night" — home to A-list celebrity guests, memorable comedy and the best in musical talent. As the Emmy Award-winning head writer for "SNL," Meyers has established a reputation for sharp wit and perfectly timed comedy, and has gained fame for his spot-on jokes and satire. Meyers takes his departure from "SNL" to his new post at "Late Night," as Jimmy Fallon moves to "The Tonight Show".
Flatbush Misdemeanors

Flatbush Misdemeanors

Aug 21, 2022
Dan et Kevin, des amis de longue date, tentent de s'ajuster à leur environnement en constante évolution dans la communauté de Flatbush à Brooklyn. Cette série drôle et honnête sur la vie urbaine suit le quotidien de ces deux jeunes hommes qui veulent sortir de leurs vieilles habitudes pour mieux connecter avec les autres.


Oct 29, 2023
Dans le monde de la finance, Chuck Rhoades, un procureur fédéral de New York, affronte certains des plus riches gestionnaires de fonds d'investissement des Etats-Unis. Dans la ligne de mire, l'ambitieux et brillant Bobby "Axe" Axelrod, dont la puissance ne cesse de croître. Les deux hommes rivalisent d'ingéniosité pour manoeuvrer au mieux au grand dam de l'autre.
Kill Tony

Kill Tony

Apr 08, 2024
Kill Tony, a live podcast taped in Austin, Texas and all over the world. Featuring Tony Hinchcliffe & Brian Redban and the band with huge celebrity guests