Inga Maškarina

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Paskutinė diena

Paskutinė diena

Mar 15, 2018
How would you feel if you knew your exact date of death? A time comes when every person in the world can find it out. Beloglazovai family – Kolia, Lena, their daughter Sonia and teenage son Igor live in an old house in Vilnius. Today is the day when fourteen year old Igor must die.


Nov 20, 2009
After loosing her husband, Beata turns to full-blown circle of bohemian life. On her quest for an adventure, she meets Rorbert, weird guy working as guard in some clothing store....


Mar 03, 2023
Miglė, who married when she was very young, has for 26 years been divorced from her ex-husband who one day calls her and asks for a favour. He has found that it would be a good time to get married again after the death of his mother. But there is a small problem: their divorce is valid only in the eyes of the law, because a Catholic marriage cannot be divorced. It can, however, be annulled. All that needs to be done is to complete an application and give the “Catholic court” a good reason. But she does not know in what kind of absurd situations she is about to find herself in.
Ilgo metro filmas apie gyvenimą
It is highly probable that before their own death, everyone has to organise someone else’s funeral. This is by far not an easy task. In addition to the searing grief, dying also brings a number of tasks that are at once utterly alien and intensely time-critical. The main character of this film, Dovile, who unexpectedly has to bury her father, has to face the bedlam of exactly such a challenge. Overnight, the young girl has to become a skilful organiser of a family event, while also being a specialist on coffins, urns, wreaths and funeral feasts. Dovile’s journey towards organising a perfect funeral is inevitably full of hardship and mishaps, accompanied mainly by black humour and comical situations.
Summer Survivors

Summer Survivors

Apr 19, 2019
Un médecin, deux patients…Un road-movie inhabituel qui révélera leurs combats intérieurs et le courage de vivre.
Out of the Ashes

Out of the Ashes

Apr 13, 2003
The real-life story of Gisella Perl, a Jewish Hungarian doctor imprisoned in the notorious Auschwitz death camp of World War II.
Ashes in the Snow

Ashes in the Snow

Oct 12, 2018
Une nuit de juin 1941, Lina Vilkas, une jeune lituanienne de quinze ans, est arrêtée par la police secrète du régime stalinien. Avec sa mère et son petit frère, Jonas, ils sont déportés en Sibérie. Là, logés dans des huttes, sous-alimentés, brutalisés et harcelés par les Soviets, Lina et les siens tiennent bon. Soutenue par une mère exemplaire, et par sa volonté de témoigner de cet enfer blanc à travers ses dessins et ses écrits, elle tente de survivre au froid, à la maladie, à l’humiliation, et au travail éreintant de la terre. Dans le camp, Andrius, un jeune déporté de dix-sept ans, affiche la même combativité qu’elle…