Oliviero Toscani

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Personal Che

Personal Che

Sep 01, 2007
A documentary that explores the myth behind the truth. Different people around the globe reinterpret the legend of Che Guevara at will: from the rebel living in Hong Kong fighting Chinese domination, to the German neonazi preaching revolution and the Castro-hating Cuban. Their testimonies prove that the Argentinian revolutionary's historical impact reverberates still. But like with all legends, each sees what he will, in often contradictory perspectives.
Positivə - 40 anni di Hiv in Italia
A journey by car to the sea among four strangers, all under 40, all HIV positive, to discover their lives and tell with their faces and hearts uncovered what it means to have HIV today, in an age that sees it possible to live with the virus and lead normal lives but which still sees infected people victims of an enormous social stigma.
Regardez-moi disparaître : l'histoire d'Isabelle Caro
En 2007, le corps décharné d'Isabelle Caro s'impose sur les panneaux d'affichage de Milan et dans les médias du monde entier. Ce cliché effrayant a été pris par le photographe star Oliviero Toscani dans le cadre de la campagne "No anorexia", du label de mode No-l-ita. Comédienne et mannequin, la jeune femme ne pèse plus que 32 kilos. Les réactions sont alors nombreuses et variées : certains y voient un exhibitionnisme scandaleux, d'autres craignent qu'elle ne fasse des émules, d'autres enfin espèrent des effets salutaires. À la suite de la polémique, les affiches disparaissent rapidement des panneaux italiens, mais continuent à hanter Internet.
American Moon

American Moon

Nov 26, 2017
Ce documentaire examine les différents arguments qui prouveraient que l'homme a bien été sur la Lune pendant les missions Apollo, et en propose d'autres montrant le contraire. Surement le documentaire le plus complet sur le sujet.
Scandales de la mode

Scandales de la mode

Jan 01, 2016
A documentary on the world of fashion. Using archive material, journalist Loïc Prigent remembers the key figures and events in the wacky world of haute couture, which is not always glamorous so much as downright vicious.
Master of Photography

Master of Photography

Jul 02, 2019
Sky Arts hosts a competition like no other to find the best European amateur or professional photographic talent. An eight-week, eight-episode trial in which finalists must convince a jury of world-famous photographers and experts of their creativity, instinct and versatility,to become the first Master of Photography. The winner will receive €150,000; a show; and a catalogue.