Jaśmina Polak

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Uczta konesera

Uczta konesera

May 28, 2023
Kaja, a young and promising artist, is stuck in a creativity crisis. Overwhelmed by the pressure of the art market, with no support of her faithless partner, she organises a diabolic performance. A macabre jibe at the world of art brings her great success. Kaja overcomes her helplessness and confirms her artistic position.


Jan 01, 2016
On Friday evening, Janek has a meeting with his friend Bartek and his fiancée Justyna. Realizes that their relationship is in bad shape. He once had an affair with Justyna and sees a chance for himself when he is invited to a house party by them. Little did he know that he would be subjected to the final test that night.
Green Border

Green Border

Sep 22, 2023
Dans les forêts dangereuses et marécageuses qui constituent la « frontière verte » entre la Biélorussie et la Pologne, les réfugiés du Moyen-Orient et d’Afrique qui tentent d’atteindre l’Union européenne sont piégés dans une crise géopolitique cyniquement orchestrée par le dictateur biélorusse Alexandre Loukachenko. Dans une tentative de provoquer l’Europe, les réfugiés sont attirés vers la frontière par une propagande promettant un passage facile vers l’UE. Pions de cette guerre cachée, les vies de Julia, une nouvelle militante qui a renoncé à sa vie confortable, de Jan, un jeune garde-frontière, et d'une famille syrienne s'entremêlent.


Nov 07, 2014
An attempt at depicting the life of a generation born and raised in communist Poland; a generation that lived through all the stages of that system and made it to democracy. Throughout his life, the film's protagonist has always tried to be active, but something always got in his way, either through an absurd coincidence, as a result of his own lack of ability, or due to the unpredictable nature of certain events in our recent history.


Jan 01, 1970


Upcoming Polish feature from director Joanna Zastróżna.
Fucking Bornholm

Fucking Bornholm

May 06, 2022
A group of friends are taking their kids to a traditional long weekend getaway on the Danish island of Bornholm, just like they did for many years. An incident between the children will spark a new crisis in their relationship. Each couple seems happy, but are they really? Maybe they’re just keeping up appearances?


Jul 30, 2014
Une histoire d'amour, de sang et de violence en pleine insurrection de Varsovie de 1944...
The Art of Loving

The Art of Loving

Jan 27, 2017
Dans la Pologne communiste des années 1970, une gynécologue défie les tabous et se bat pour faire publier son livre avant-gardiste sur l'amour et la sexualité.


Oct 02, 2015
Thirty year old Benek experiences a crisis mainly manifested by compulsive suicidal thoughts and dreams about death. Accidentally he meets a beautiful, magnetic and mouthy Lena. He is dazzled from the first moment and his admiration grows when Lena not only understands his suicidal preoccupation but shares a similar one. They embark on a crazy journey during which Benek realizes he is not the only man in Lena's life - in addition, the girl has cancer, and she is not attempting to treat it. Admiration mixes with fear - finally Benek promises to accompany her to the end...
Le parler des oiseaux

Le parler des oiseaux

Sep 16, 2019
Un fascinant dialogue à l'écran entre père et fils qui mêle nostalgie et fureur, le sublime avec humour, et le style old school avec un regard pointu et pénétrant sur la réalité polonaise. L'oiseau éponyme est le langage utilisé par les exclus de la majorité agressive : un professeur d'histoire tourmenté par des enfants, un professeur d'études polonaises viré de son travail, une fille qui nettoie la villa d'un banquier, un fleuriste avec un pied bot et un étudiant avec une fascination pour le cinéma. Mis à l'écart par l'extrême droite, ils se défendent avec ironie, chansons et citations des classiques.
Hardkor Disko

Hardkor Disko

Apr 04, 2014
L'histoire d'un jeune homme qui découvre l'environnement d'une jeune fille moins âgé que lui dont il devient proche : un univers de drogue dure, de courses illégales de voitures et de soirées sans fin. "Le mot "Hardkor" est un terme de notre époque qui est entré dans le langage courant polonais pour désigner quelque chose de surprenant et de brutal, mais aussi un danger séduisant et attirant" explique le réalisateur qui signe là son premier long métrage de fiction cinématographique. "Quant à "Disko", c'est une référence au passé, un slogan de la génération de nos parents, à travers lequel on ressent une sorte de nostalgie."
Ostatnie śniegi

Ostatnie śniegi

Sep 01, 2020
When a heart breaks, the gap spreads along the weakest and most receptive parts of the enclosing world. ‘Fading Snow’ presents one night from the life of 35-year-old Mania who leaves her safe place – the theatre – and sets off to find her way back to home in a broken city of Warsaw.


Aug 24, 2021
Teresa is suffering from postnatal depression after the birth of her son. In an effort to find comfort elsewhere she temporarily moves back with her husband to her parents’ house. However, the young woman’s family home conjures up memories of a previous relationship and a past love that perhaps has yet to be extinguished.
Święto zmarłych

Święto zmarłych

Jan 01, 2011
On her eighteenth birthday, Lena is trying to bond with her family. All Souls’ Day, a time for contacting the dead and getting together to return to one’s roots, puts our protagonist in a special mood and changes her outlook on her own problems. Everything that happens throughout the day will revolutionise Lena’s view of her family. It is a story of the search for one’s identity and roots, of life and death, of the co-existence of parallel worlds that come together through the power of love.
Głęboka woda

Głęboka woda

Jun 09, 2013
A group of social welfare workers led by their new director tries to provide necessary aid to people struggling with various problems.
Czas honoru - Powstanie
This is really season 7 of Days Of Honor, though the timings are out as some of the events in this series pre-date season 6. More about Polish resistance to the Nazis during WWII
Odwilz : Le dégel

Odwilz : Le dégel

Sep 27, 2024
Le corps d'une jeune femme est retrouvé dans une rivière. La détective Katarzyna Zawieja enquête tout en luttant pour sa vie.