Chynna Marie Walker

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Jun 25, 2021
Après avoir crevé un pneu au milieu du désert alors qu'ils se rendaient à Los Angeles pour une soirée humoristique, les meilleurs amis Kyle et Julia sont obligés de passer la nuit dans une ville fantôme isolée. Ils s'installent à contrecoeur pour la soirée à l'intérieur d'une caravane miteuse fournie par l'étrange gardien de la ville fantôme, Ray, alors que pas si loin dans les montagnes voisines, des problèmes se préparent. Un vélociraptor, ramené à la vie par un scientifique en disgrâce, s'échappe de son enclos et se dirige vers la ville fantôme, affamé et exaspéré. Avec le prédateur préhistorique qui les traque maintenant dans toute la propriété tentaculaire et aucune aide extérieure à proprement parler, Kyle et Julia doivent travailler avec Ray pour survivre. Et s'ils le font, ils espèrent que le scientifique n'en ait pas fait d'autres.
Something You've Never Told Me
Long-time, twenty-something friends, Frances and Eliza, embark on a getaway at a secluded vacation home for a weekend of camaraderie and relaxation. But underlying tensions and stoned revelations soon find the two friends at odds. In an attempt to reset the course, they venture out for a night at the local dive bar, only to see their unconscious rivalry flair up as they vie for the attention of the local barback. Caught in a game of cat and mouse, they bring him back to the house where the evening quickly devolves into booze-fueled competition.
Hello in Here

Hello in Here

Oct 20, 2023
A woman becomes increasingly isolated and starts to unravel as a result.


Apr 15, 2015
Boy meets girl. Boy is homeless. Girl doesn't know that yet.
Monstrum Opus

Monstrum Opus

Apr 06, 2024
A real zombie virus strikes on the set of a low-budget zombie film.


Apr 16, 2015
Three rebellious girls hit the road as they burn rubber and leave no survivors on an inexplicably wild and wicked ride
The Imposters

The Imposters

Jun 03, 2023
Maya meets the enigmatic Hattie. They fall for each other, but soon, things begin to unravel as Maya realises that Hattie has ulterior motives and everything is not as it seems.
My Dinner with Werner

My Dinner with Werner

Apr 19, 2019
Based on real events, real people, and real things they actually said, MY DINNER WITH WERNER is a wildly bizarre and wacky farce about a 1987 dinner date with a murder plot as the main dish.
Seven Short Films About (Our) Marriage
Noah and Madison are artists who want to change the world, and they begin their marriage as most couples do - full of hope and idealism, sure that their love will solve all their problems. But marriage isn't all about the great times people post on social media. It's also about the arguments over petty stuff, and the arguments over big stuff, and the longstanding resentments that no one wants to even bring up. Seven Short Films About (Our) Marriage tells a story of raw authenticity in seven episodes spanning fourteen years of their marriage as they reckon with racism, career challenges, medical issues, and more.