an unforgettable journey across the Icelandic landscape as mixing live action and pixilation to produce an enchanting, timeless short film. Shot on Kodachrome Super 8mm in western, northern, eastern and southen Iceland including interior Iceland in late summer 2004. Dedicated to Buddy King Leiser.
Eric Leiser is an award-winning artist, filmmaker, animator, puppeteer, writer and holographer working in New York and born in California.
This program is available on
Terra Incognita is a multi-plane cut out animation made from photocopies of 19th century illustrations made during the race to the poles and drawings by Eric Leiser. For the puppet performance it was flat-rod puppets on a proscenium stage with a screen behind them, onto which the animation Terra Incognita is projected. Many of the sea monster puppets and ships performed in sync with the animated ones, along with splashes of water and powdered chalk to mimic snowfall. These techniques came from my time studying puppet theater in Prague, in 2002, and learning from Svankmajer and Svankmajerova. It was a lot of fun to both animate and to perform live with Jeffrey's wonder score. At the same time the film comments on the colonial race to claim the Arctic by various countries—a race that, in a sense, is still going on today, but this time again for oil—and the murders of the Inuit people who had inhabited the land for millennia.
Eric Leiser displays his boundless creativity in this short collection; A stunning compilation of works presented with a mixture of live action, stop motion animation, puppetry and pixilation techniques, produced between 2001 and 2006.
Twilight Park, a life size stop motion animated feature film about a boy Seraphim who along with Howie Heehaw; a rodeo show clown from Tibet, gets the chance to enter his narcoleptic/dementia addled Grandpa's mind and live out his past memories in order to save him.
Eric Leiser is an award-winning artist, filmmaker, animator, puppeteer, writer and holographer working in New York and born in California.
This program is available on
LAND is a fluid series of formal land animation experiments based upon the imprint of landscapes in various locations and intuitive interpretations of those movements. Shot in New York, Thimble Islands Bear Island, Connecticut, Armstrong Redwoods, Sonoma County, California, Hastings, England. note* (part of the EYE Filmmuseum Permanent Collection)
Regeneration is a film about transformation. Starting in a dark place the character reaches toward the divine and breaks into the world of the spirit. Through this act representing an outstretched hand we see that the Holy Spirit represented as a dove is pursuing us even more urgently. The meeting of the two represents the freedom in flight found in trusting fully in the Holy Spirit and is completed with the return to the heart now fully regenerated.
arc of the natural world’s evolution from the primeval environment to the Anthropocene and back again
premiered in program Death is Green at the Whitney Museum of American Art part of Dreamlands: Immersive Cinema and Art 1905-2016
organized by Chrissie Iles
“Revelation” (Gr. apokalypsis) means the uncovering of something that has been previously hidden, in this case the final triumph of the kingdom of God.