Charles Gatewood

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Dances Sacred and Profane
"Charles Gatewood is a photographer and anthropologist who specializes in "subcultures." On the evidence of "Dances Sacred and Profane," Mark and Dan Jury's documentary about Mr. Gatewood, he is drawn particularly to Mardi Gras revels, gatherings of nudists and sex clubs. Bare breasts, elaborately tattooed bodies and bizarre behavior are featured in his work, and in the movie. Addressing those who may find his subject matter "revolting and disgusting," Mr. Gatewood asserts that it "tells us something about ourselves." He sees "important statements being made there," about "liberation through excess" and "some kind of actualization of transcendence."
Once the Toothpaste Is Out of the Tube - An Art Apart: Charles Gatewood
American photographer Charles Gatewood started out in the 1960s as a young man with dreams of showing the world the radical cultural developments that were going on in his country. He met many of the iconic instigators of change and documented them for posterity. As the decades passed, Gatewood drifted more and more into a personal expression of sexual subcultures, both in America and abroad. His powerful photos of pioneers within the tattooing- and piercing scenes helped pave the way for the movement that was to be called "Modern Primitives". It's a classic example of when art, and in this example, specifically photography, merges with its general environment and takes on new forms that are impossible to stop. Or, as the San Francisco based photographer himself describes it: "Once the toothpaste is out of the tube, you can't put it back".
Charles Gatewood's Weird America
Charles Gatewood documents a trip across the United States that stops in on many alternative lifestyle activities. Includes stops in transvestite bars, biker conventions, college spring break parties, gay and lesbian parades, and many interviews with people with tattoos and body piercing.