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Mar 01, 1972
Le laboratoire britannique Doomwatch repère des anomalies biologiques sur la côte ouest du pays. Del Shaw, l’un des meilleurs éléments, est envoyé sur l’île de Balfe pour mener l’enquête. À son arrivée, il remarque qu’il est surveillé de près par les insulaires. La nuit venue, il distingue des mouvements dans l’obscurité et tente de suivre ces passants inconnus. En chemin, attiré par des aboiements de chien, il découvre dans la forêt le corps d’un enfant enterré à la va-vite. Pendant ce temps, au laboratoire, les analyses des algues récoltées sur l’île corroborent la thèse d’une pollution et d’une contamination chimique...
The Flipside of Dominick Hide
Dominick Hide, a time traveller from the year 2130, is studying the London transport system of 1980. Time travellers are supposed to be observers, and are strictly forbidden to land their flying saucers. One time traveller who broke this rule accidentally killed a dog, changing history and causing many future people to disappear. Inspired by his Great Aunt Mavis, Dominick decides to find his great great grandfather. He begins to land in 1980, where his strange clothes and speech make him seem an eccentric oddball. His quest brings him into contact with beautiful boutique owner Jane, and they fall in love. As Dominick's visits become more frequent and more prolonged, he increasingly risks his indiscretion being discovered by his boss, Caleb Line, and every moment he spends in the past increases the danger that he will catastrophically change the future
Science Fiction
Another Flip for Dominick
Now a respected teacher of temporal observers, Dominick has not visited the past for several years. He is content with his lot, resigned to the idea that he will never again see Jane, the lover he left in 1980, or their son. Then his boss gives him a new mission: to find out what has become of one of Dominick's students, Pyrus Bonnington, who has gone missing in 1982.
Science Fiction


May 16, 1997
In eleventh century Scotland, three witches foretell that Macbeth will become King, while Banquo will beget Kings. Macbeth accordingly has King Duncan slain, and is duly crowned in his place. But that's where his problems really begin...
Two Weeks to Live

Two Weeks to Live

Oct 07, 2020
Élevée par sa mère en marge de la société après l'obscure disparition de son père, la jeune Kim Noakes sort de sa retraite pour honorer la mémoire de ce dernier au cours d'une mystérieuse mission secrète. Elle fait alors la rencontre de Nicky et de son frère Dave, avec lesquels elle se retrouve confrontée à la police et à un dangereux gangster.


Mar 08, 2025
Le quotidien du service d'urgences du Holby City Hospital...
Play for Today

Play for Today

Aug 28, 1984
Play for Today is a British television anthology drama series, produced by the BBC and transmitted on BBC1 from 1970 to 1984. During the run, more than three hundred programmes, featuring original television plays, and adaptations of stage plays and novels, were transmitted. The individual episodes were between fifty and a hundred minutes in duration.
This Country

This Country

Mar 23, 2020
Le quotidien amusant de deux cousins, Kerry et Kurtan, qui vivent dans la petite communauté rurale de Cotswolds.