Chris Hedges

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The Trust Fall: Julian Assange
Examining the meaning and significance of the insights that WikiLeaks shared with the world, the resulting behaviour of the governments involved, the extraordinary personal risk taken by Assange, and the wider fundamental issues around press freedom that affect all of us and our right to know.
Tous les gouvernements mentent
Isador Feinstein Stone, alias "I. F." ou "Izzy" Stone (1907-1989) est l’une des figures les plus glorieuses du journalisme américain. Farouchement indépendant et engagé à gauche, il a battu en brèche durant des décennies la propagande politique, les abus du Maccartisme, la ségrégation raciale, la guerre du Vietnam et la collusion avec l’industrie. Au nom de sa devise, "Tous les gouvernements mentent", il a défendu âprement la liberté et la démocratie promises par la Constitution dans un bulletin hebdomadaire austère et dépourvu de toute publicité. Placé sous son autorité tutélaire, ce documentaire part à la rencontre de ses héritiers dans l’Amérique d’aujourd’hui – engagée au moment du tournage dans une campagne qui n’avait pas encore été couronnée par la victoire de Trump, mais avait déjà vu éliminer le candidat à l’investiture démocrate Bernie Sanders.
American Psychosis

American Psychosis

Feb 23, 2017
Pulitzer-prize winning Journalist, Author and Activist Chris Hedges, discusses modern day consumerism, totalitarian corporate power and living in a culture dominated by pervasive illusion. American Psychosis is the first short documentary in a series of films that highlight a variety of issues under the umbrella of totalitarian capitalism and totalitarian corporate power. The intent of this series is to activate US citizens to fight against the corporate powers that are privatizing basic human rights, destroying the environment and oppressing the people.
Trump et le coup d'État des multinationales
Et si le 45e président des États-Unis n’était pas le symbole d’une ère nouvelle, mais au contraire l’aboutissement d’un processus entamé depuis de longues années ? Alors que la journaliste canadienne Naomi Klein a récemment comparé l’administration Trump à un "coup d'État des grandes entreprises", son compatriote philosophe John Saul (Mort de la globalisation, éd. Payot) estime, lui, que la confiscation de la démocratie et des biens publics par les intérêts privés a débuté dès la fin des années 1970, la première élection de Ronald Reagan en 1981 la rendant effective. Sa théorie du "coup d'État au ralenti" a notamment inspiré le journaliste Chris Hedges dans son analyse de l’état de l’Amérique.
Propaganda : la fabrique du consentement
Comment peut-on contrôler les masses ? Apparemment, le publicitaire américain Edward L. Bernays (1891-1995), pionnier dans le domaine de la propagande et des relations publiques, connaissait la réponse à une question aussi importante. L'histoire étonnante du maître de la manipulation et de la création de l'ingénierie du consentement ; une histoire vraie effrayante sur la publicité, les mensonges et les charlatans.
Shadow World

Shadow World

Oct 14, 2016
A detailed investigation into the political and economic interests that, since the beginning of the 20th century, have pulled the strings of the arms trade, hidden in the shadows, feeding the shameful corruption of politicians and government officials and promoting a state of permanent war throughout the world, while they cynically asked for a lasting and universal peace.


Mar 27, 2020
An in-depth exploration of the relationship between Christianity and American nationalism and the violence that can often emerge from it. Far from a new phenomenon, this documentary traces the leveraging of Christianity by the state all the way back to when the Christian faith became the official religion of the Roman Empire. Through interviews with a diverse group of scholars, pastors, historians, and activists, this film shows how specific readings of the Bible have led many Christians to confuse their devotion to Jesus with their dedication to the state.
Days of Revolt

Days of Revolt

May 03, 2016
A platform to dissidents and rebels, both within the United States and abroad, who offer critiques of power not heard within mainstream society or permitted by the corporate press. Host Chris Hedges and his guests lay bare the mechanisms that uphold systems of power, including the role of the military and the internal security apparatus, as well as the elaborate forms of propaganda and corporate-controlled media.
Days of Revolt

Days of Revolt

May 03, 2016
A platform to dissidents and rebels, both within the United States and abroad, who offer critiques of power not heard within mainstream society or permitted by the corporate press. Host Chris Hedges and his guests lay bare the mechanisms that uphold systems of power, including the role of the military and the internal security apparatus, as well as the elaborate forms of propaganda and corporate-controlled media.
Days of Revolt

Days of Revolt

May 03, 2016
A platform to dissidents and rebels, both within the United States and abroad, who offer critiques of power not heard within mainstream society or permitted by the corporate press. Host Chris Hedges and his guests lay bare the mechanisms that uphold systems of power, including the role of the military and the internal security apparatus, as well as the elaborate forms of propaganda and corporate-controlled media.