Rand Paul

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Covidland: The Mask

Covidland: The Mask

Dec 21, 2021
This second episode of the Covidland series, The Mask, uncovers the real science behind face coverings and exploreds the physical and mental health impacts of facemasks.
USA : L'Agent provocateur de Trump
Roger Stone est conseiller de Donald Trump pendant la campagne de 2016 et l’une des cibles d’actions médiatiques et judicaires déployées contre le président et ses proches. Stone n’est finalement pas condamné pour complicité de « l’ingérence russe » alléguée, mais pour obstruction à la justice et subordination de témoin avant d’être finalement gracié.
Police State

Police State

Oct 23, 2023
Dinesh D'Souza claims federal organizations like the FBI, CIA, and DOJ are corrupt and are unfairly and selectively targeting Christians and conservatives/Republicans.
The Road to Mass Incarceration
This video, The Road to Mass Incarceration, by Greenhouse Media summarizes criminal justice policy decisions dating back to the 1960s. Although the effects often took decades to manifest, each of these policy shifts increased the rate of incarceration in the U.S. The video ends with many of the architects of these changes, Democrats and Republicans alike, admitting the failure of these policies and suggesting that it is time for real change.
The Making of Trump

The Making of Trump

Nov 30, 2015
As every day of Donald Trump's presidential campaign seemingly generates new headlines, this two-hour special examines the increasingly polarizing candidate's past. Included is rarely seen footage from Trump's interviews with Phil Donahue and his comments about politics from the floor of the 1988 Republican convention. Additionally, celebrities, politicians, and people described as "close to The Donald" weigh in, including former US Senator Al D'Amato (R-N.Y.), former Atlantic City mayor Jim Whelen, boxer Mike Tyson, and notorious "Apprentice" contestant Omarosa.
Do Not Resist

Do Not Resist

Feb 23, 2017
Do Not Resist is an exploration of the rapid militarization of the police in the United States. Opening on startling on-the-scene footage in Ferguson, Missouri, the film then broadens its scope to present scenes from across the country.
Banking on Bitcoin

Banking on Bitcoin

Dec 30, 2016
Not since the invention of the Internet has there been such a disruptive technology as Bitcoin. Bitcoin's early pioneers sought to blur the lines of sovereignty and the financial status quo. After years of underground development Bitcoin grabbed the attention of a curious public, and the ire of the regulators the technology had subverted. After landmark arrests of prominent cyber criminals Bitcoin faces its most severe adversary yet, the very banks it was built to destroy.
The 44th President: In His Own Words
Comprised of two interviews with President Barack Obama conducted both before and after the 2016 Presidential election, The 44th President: In His Own Words is the President’s first-hand account of his time in office–his successes, his failures, his unfinished business–and what he hopes will be his legacy. Including additional interviews with members of his staff, Congress, and the press, The 44th President: In His Own Words is a unique examination of the Obama presidency from the inside out, and a profound and candid historical record that will stand for generations.
TV Movie
The War on Children

The War on Children

Feb 01, 2024
"The War On Children" exposes the ongoing battle for control of the next generation and their minds. This film reveals the battle plan being used to control the future. To win this war you have to understand the tactics of your enemy.
Gray State: The Rise

Gray State: The Rise

Jan 21, 2015
Un documentaire sur l’état de police militarisé actuel de l’Amérique, l’utilisation libérale de la force meurtrière contre des citoyens non armés et un éventuel effondrement économique en attente. Le monde est secoué par les bouleversements de la guerre, les catastrophes géologiques et l’effondrement économique, tandis que les Américains continuent de se plonger dans les illusions de sécurité et d’immunité. Alors que les droits sont vendus pour la sécurité, le gouvernement fédéral, gonflé de pouvoir, commence une prise de liberté systématique afin de provoquer un Nouvel Ordre Mondial. L’État gris est ici. Il l’a toujours été. Par consentement ou conquête.
The First Step

The First Step

Feb 17, 2023
Van Jones navigates increasingly tense and isolating political and racial divides in his attempt to become a “bridge builder” during the Trump administration.
Le Daily Show

Le Daily Show

Mar 06, 2025
Trevor Noah et l'équipe de la plus fausse information au monde abordent les plus grandes histoires de l'actualité, de la politique et de la culture pop.
The Lincoln Project

The Lincoln Project

Nov 04, 2022
A five-part docu-series following a veteran group of former GOP operatives and strategists known publicly as the Lincoln Project. The fastest-growing super PAC in America takes on the task of “saving democracy” and defeating their own party’s sitting president, Donald Trump. While working to accomplish their stated goal of “defeating Trumpism,” the group is shaken by internal upheaval, a sexual harassment scandal, and a tidal wave of negative press.
The Problem with Jon Stewart
Il est facile de se sentir dépassé par les problèmes du monde. Il est plus difficile d'identifier les systèmes responsables de leur création. Dans cette série, Jon Stewart rassemble des personnes affectées par différentes parties d'un problème pour discuter de la façon dont nous proposons le changement.
China: The Enemy Within
Acclaimed journalist, expert in national threats, and writer of "The Plot Against The President," Lee Smith uncovers a political coup orchestrated by America's political, corporate, and media elites to generate wealth, power, and prestige at the expense of the safety and freedoms of the American people.
La Vue

La Vue

Nov 08, 2024
Cinq femmes avec des perspectives très différentes sur la politique, Hollywood et ses stars, et l'actualité discutent de ces sujets et d'autres sujets de division du jour.
Real Time with Bill Maher
Chaque semaine, Bill Maher s'entoure d'un panel d'invités qui comprend des politiciens, des acteurs, des comédiens, des musiciens et autres, pour discuter de ce qui se passe dans le monde.


Oct 31, 2018
The news with Wolf Blitzer.