Al Michaels

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Jul 28, 1998
Joe Cooper et Doug Remer sont deux copains de longue date. Ils n'ont aucun emploi et habitent ensemble. Au cours d'une fête, les deux inventent un sport qui est un mélange de basket-ball et de baseball. Quelques années plus tard, ce sport deviendra un des plus populaires en Amérique du Nord et les deux amis seront les têtes d'affiches des Beers de Milwaukee.
Do You Believe in Miracles? The Story of the 1980 U.S. Hockey Team
At the Winter Olympics of 1980, after two tense weeks amidst growing Cold War fears, the U.S. Olympic hockey team found themselves playing improbably against the legendary unbeatable Soviet Army hockey team for Olympic Gold. From the live footage taken at Lake Placid, NY, and through interviews beginning with the team's assembly through the experience of winning the gold medal.
All Madden

All Madden

Dec 25, 2021
Centered largely on the 30 years after his Hall of Fame coaching career, this FOX Sports documentary explores football icon John Madden’s extraordinary impact on America’s most popular sport, the indelible mark he made on broadcast television and how he revolutionized the video game industry.
Bread From Heaven

Bread From Heaven

Jun 01, 1996
Jonas, a street urchin, is desperate for bread. Yet, when he finds some, knife-wielding thugs steal it. Then one day Jonas hears that Jesus, the miracle worker, is nearby. While skeptical, Jonas decides to see this man for himself—and what he discovers convinces him that the bread Jesus offers will satisfy one’s hunger forever.
The Greatest is the Least
In the years following Jesus’ resurrection, the disciples learn to practice His teachings. While working at the salt mine, James witnesses two fellow prisoners fighting to be number one. He remembers being with Jesus as He embraced the children and humbly kneeled to wash the disciples’ feet. Through this we learn that the way to greatness in His kingdom is not found in how many serve you, but in how many you serve.
L'incroyable voyage II : À San Francisco
La famille Seaver part camper au Canada avec Shadow, le vieux golden retriever, Chance, le fougueux bouledogue americain, et Sassy, la delicate chatte himalayenne. Au moment du depart, Chance s'echappe de sa cage et ses compagnons le suivent, laissant l'avion s'envoler sous leur museau. Et voilà nos trois amis aux prises avec la jungle urbaine de San Francisco, où de nombreuses aventures les attendent.
Miracle on Ice

Miracle on Ice

Mar 01, 1981
The story of the 1980 United States Olympic hockey players, a group of amateurs from around the country who were whipped into a cohesive unit by controversial coach Herb Brooks to win a gold medal at Lake Placid during the winter games.


Feb 06, 2004
Comment, aux Jeux Olympiques d'hiver de 1980 à Lake Placid, l'équipe de hockey américaine a remporté la médaille d'or face aux invincibles Soviétiques.
The Hill Chris Climbed: The Gridiron Heroes Story
The compelling, heart-wrenching story of high school football star Chris Carnales, whose life changed when he became paralyzed after breaking his neck in a football game. Chris soon learned of others who suffered similar injuries and, with the help of his father, overcame tremendous pain to start an organization with one goal in mind: get immediate help to other victims and their families. He called it Gridiron Heroes.
Jerry Maguire

Jerry Maguire

Dec 13, 1996
Riche, beau et célèbre, Jerry Maguire, agent des stars du sport américain, l'est. Mais sa vie mondaine et factice lui pèse, et une nuit il se remet en question dans une note qu'il rédige, où il tente de définir le sens qu'il voudrait donner à sa vie. Cette note va provoquer son licenciement et tous ses amis vont le trahir. Seule Dorothy, son assistante, et Rod, un footballeur facétieux, vont lui rester fidèles.
Mr. Baseball, Bob Uecker
Celebrating colorful broadcaster Bob Uecker and his 50-plus years in baseball. His famously undistinguished playing career led to film and TV roles, a legendary series of beer commercials, and over 100 appearances on "The Tonight Show with Johnny Carson." Ultimately his spot in the Milwaukee Brewers broadcast booth would take him to the Baseball Hall of Fame.
Un toit pour trois

Un toit pour trois

May 16, 2001
Berg, étudiant en médecine confiant, et Pete, étudiant en architecture anxieux, vivent en colocation et travaillent comme livreurs de pizza. Ils se lient d’amitié avec leur voisine Sharon. Leur groupe s’agrandit avec Ashley, la petite amie de Berg, Johnny, le petit ami de Sharon, puis Irène en saison 4, formant un cercle d’amis inséparable.


Sep 08, 2002
Arliss est un puissant agent sportif de Los Angeles. Dans les coulisses du sport professionnel, brassant des sommes considérables, il fait preuve d'un optimisme inébranlable et d'une incapacité totale à dire «non».
Jimmy Kimmel Live!

Jimmy Kimmel Live!

Feb 27, 2025
Jimmy Kimmel Live! is an American late-night talk show, created and hosted by Jimmy Kimmel and broadcast on ABC.
Hawaï police d'État

Hawaï police d'État

Apr 05, 1980
Hawaï police d'État est une série policière américaine, produite par CBS et Leonard Freeman, dont l'action se déroule à Hawaï . La série comporte 12 saisons, initialement diffusées de 1968 à 1980 et est régulièrement rediffusée. Le lieutenant Steve McGarrett, interprété par Jack Lord, dirige une unité spéciale de la police, basée sur une équipe ayant réellement existé pendant les années 40 alors qu'Hawaï était sous la loi martiale.
Action & Adventure
Spin City

Spin City

Apr 30, 2002
Michael Flaherty (Michael J. Fox ) est le jeune Conseiller du Maire de New-York Randall Winston. C'est un homme calme et organisé qui doit notamment éviter que le Maire ne fasse des gaffes et qui doit l'aider dans sa politique. Et cela n'est pas chose facile, car le Maire Winston est plutôt un gaffeur ! Flaherty est entouré d'une équipe très unie et motivée composée de Carter, un conseiller, Paul, le porte-parole du Maire, Nicole, une collaboratrice de Mike, Stuart, un conseiller et James qui s'occupe des discours du Maire.
Brother's Keeper

Brother's Keeper

May 14, 1999
Widower and professor Porter Waide has his life turned upside down with the arrival of his football player brother, Bobby, who's gotten into so much trouble that he's been contracted to live with a responsible relative. This move also disrupts the lives of Porter's impressionable son, Oscar, and Bobby's perpetually annoyed agent, Dena.


May 14, 1997
Hayden Fox, the curmudgeonly coach of Minnesota State University's Screaming Eagles football team, tries to navigate his way through the sports world, fatherhood and family life without dropping the ball.
Studio 42 with Bob Costas
Emanating from Studio 42 -- named in honor of Jackie Robinson -- in MLB Network's Secaucus, N.J., headquarters, this series features the Hall of Fame-worthy interview skills of Bob Costas talking baseball with the legends of the game, Hall of Famers in their own right. Guests including Willie Mays, Bob Feller, Hank Aaron, George Brett, Reggie Jackson and Cal Ripken Jr. have graced the replica baseball field-designed studio set, reminiscing with Costas about their days on the diamond while also discussing current events and issues surrounding the game. Costas has also spent time on the show with broadcasters Al Michaels and Ernie Harwell, entertainer and big-time baseball fan Billy Crystal, and fronted episodes discussing baseball in Cuba and the state of umpiring.