Zach Holmes

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Jackass 4.5

Jackass 4.5

May 20, 2022
À travers des images scandaleuses et inédites, assistez à la réalisation de la dernière tentative de l'équipe Jackass lors de cascades folles.
The Sarah Vaccine

The Sarah Vaccine

May 07, 2021
The Sarah Vaccine is a technicolor COVID nightmare from the deranged mind of Sarah Squirm. Your government has failed you...but SARAH never will! CW: excessive gore, poop, vomit, blood


May 13, 2022
Over 40 minutes of original ruckus clips. Skits include jumping into a Florida alligator pit, Jared's skate tour of Canada, the stunt show from the gathering of the Juggalos 2021, the firecracker vest test, and the upper decker.
Jackass Shark Week 2.0
After Johnny Knoxville sent the guys on a terrifying Shark Week mission last year, Knoxville is joining the boys as they head out to get Poopies over his fear of sharks.
P.O.R Takeover

P.O.R Takeover

Apr 03, 2010
The year 2010 was truly a "takeover" for P.O.R. They came into this film with one goal; to top their previous "Uprising" film. They succeeded with flying colors, but we'll let you be the judge of that. This DVD features all new stunts, broken bones, new members, knock outs, & medical bills. In 2010 P.O.R had over 100 TV appearances, which broke several records in the Homegrown stunt scene. Also for the first time ever the entire crew came together for an entire week to challenge one another head to head, literally. So sit back as P.O.R takes you through an entire year of what they do best.
Degenerates In America
On June 3rd Degenerate traveled from the miserable, soggy isles of Britain to the Land of the Free for two weeks of non stop filming, stunts, drinking and smiles.
Jackass Forever

Jackass Forever

Feb 01, 2022
L'équipe originale de Jackass revient pour une nouvelle série de spectacles hilarants, follement absurdes et souvent dangereux, avec l'aide de nouveaux acteurs.
Too Stupid to Die

Too Stupid to Die

Dec 07, 2018
The story of a backyard group of friends who are making a name for themselves with nothing but blood, sweat and fearlessness.