Yung Shun-Hing

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Bruce Vs. Bill

Bruce Vs. Bill

Mar 16, 1981
The two fighters of the title clash due to a gang boss playing them off against each other. The boss is hoping to steal a million dollars of the country's money, and when the two fighters realise this they combine forces to defeat the gangster, and his accomplice, a man whom they had both formerly respected.


Jan 01, 1979
The amazing Shien Yie Kwon (Soft bone) kung fu, which originates with Yoga from India, is the main attraction in this terrific actioneer. See how a man and a woman, who both possess this extraordinary skill, counter their foes with this most unique style of kung fu fighting.
Les Panthères du Kung Fu
Violette tente de s'emparer d'un chargement d'or appartenant au seigneur Chang. L'embuscade tourne mal et le bras droit de Violette, Kwan, est fait prisonnier. Il est emmené au palais de Chang pour y subir d'atroce tortures afin de révéler l'endroit où se cache Violette.


May 27, 1987
A murderer, with the help of Chinese vampires, does battle with the ghost of a dead gambling lord's wife and the gambling lord's living brother. A cut n paste movie that uses footage from The Stunning Gambling (Taiwan) mixed with new footage.
Black Butterfly

Black Butterfly

Jan 01, 1990
Black Butterfly tells the story of a female assassin who is sent to Taiwan to clear the way so a gang from Hong Kong can take over the territory. Problems arise when she breaks the cardinal rule of an assassin -- never develop friends -- and she cannot complete the job. Now hunted by both camps, the killer must turn into a savior as she tries to help her friends.


Jan 01, 1978
The lovely Fire Pheonix comes to the rescue of a young man who is the last survivor after his family has been killed. The entire Martial Arts World is dragged into the ensuing turmoil. Ambushed at every turn, our heroes must find a clue to the murders. Who is friend? Who is foe? Who is behind this fiendish plot? What mysterious kung fu will the enemies unleash next?
Island of Fire

Island of Fire

Mar 28, 1990
Alors qu'il revient d'une mission à l'étranger, l'inspecteur Huang Wei est chaleuresement acceuilli par ses collègues losque se produit un terrible évènement : le chef de la police est assassiné sous leurs yeux. Huang poursuit le meurtrier et le voit s'enfuir à bord d'une jeep... mais quelques mètres plus loin, la voiture explose ! Huang ne retrouve comme indice qu'un morceau de doigt. L'empreinte lui relève l'identité du tueur-tué : Ah Hua, un prisonnier condamné à mort et censé avoir été exécuté... deux ans auparavant ! Le commanditaire ne peut être qu'une personne à l'intérieur même de la prison. Alors que l'enquête piétine, Huang se fait volontairement enfermer...


Jan 01, 1989
Drug lord Au Kai kills his man Li Tin-Kit after finding him as an undercover cop. Tin-Wah vows to avenge his elder brother, and he mixes himself in Au’s gang for collecting the proofs of his crime. The rival of Au, Sister Ha, takes advantage of the chance to make Tin-Wah kill Kan to weaken Au’s strength…


Jan 01, 1991
Another Chinese Ghost Story copy, also known as Affrighted Romance.