Sarah-Megan Allouch

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Royan la rage

Royan la rage

Dec 01, 2018
"Royan la Rage" is the crossed portrait of a family facing his visceral need to desire. André, the father, has no more wishes. To feel free to be and to desire, he has to get rid of his money. Miss Canine, a financial domineering, snatched him from his daily hypocrisy. Doubts about his double life gradually contaminate his wife and his daughter. The newfound lucidity at a price. Behind the utopian world of the seaside resorts, it spreads like a virus and makes appearances disappear.


Sep 10, 2017
Baptiste and his two siblings have moved to a village rooted by strong beliefs in spirituality. As he is believed to have mystical abilities, villagers seek his help. Then a little girl asks him to wish a boy dead, out of justice…


Oct 23, 2013
In the form of an anthology film, travelers and hosts encounter one another in four different places in Europe via an internet-based hosting network called “Couchsurfing”. In Stuttgart, the Swabian publisher Annette meets the Polish master in the art of living Pawel, while her niece Nina is expecting a big fiesta in Spain, but meets only a deaf old man. In parallel Matti, a freshly minted high school graduate, hopes to find a great adventure in Paris, while the two Erasmus students Reka and Alma wander through Frankfurt desperately seeking their hosts. In the quest of adventure, diversion or just an authentic travel experience, encountering people whom one never would have met otherwise and so they are confronted not only with counterparts, but also with themselves.
Notre héritage

Notre héritage

Feb 17, 2016
Lucas invites his girlfriend Anäis to visit him at home. His parents aren’t around. The garden is all theirs. They can make love there. A photograph hangs on the wall of a man with a tiger in his arms. “Is that your father?” asks Anäis. “Yes, that’s my father. He’s the chairman of a tiger protection group in Thailand.” The father is Pierre Woodman, the famous pornographic film director. Lucas enters into an imaginary dialogue with his father. He makes an attempt to understand his father and makes an attempt at love himself – always in view of his father, who practised it incessantly.Then Lucas confers Anäis with a knighthood and fiction soars above reality.
Martin pleure

Martin pleure

Feb 10, 2017
Martin cries. He is alone. He woke up in the morning and all his friends were gone. Disappeared. Just not there. He sets off to look for them. And he searches everywhere, in the city, in the mountains, in the rivers, but he doesn’t find them. That makes him furious. Really furious – really sad. Rage, violence, longing, loneliness. Without fear of great feelings, without fear of one's own courage and without fear of violence, Jonathan Vinel tells a story of love and loss entirely based on elements from the computer game Grand Theft Auto V – beyond all kinds of tawdry notions and with extremely concrete physicality.
Les Îles

Les Îles

May 21, 2017
Les personnages évoluent dans un labyrinthe érotique, d'amour et de désir.
Cœurs sourds

Cœurs sourds

Sep 23, 2017
Au cœur de l’hiver, dans une cité-dortoir française. Baptiste, Jørgen, Mathilde, Yulya et Jeanne sont cinq adolescents sauvages et tendres. Ils se racontent sans détour face à la caméra. Armés de désir et de mots, ils combattent leur solitude, chacun à leur manière, dans un monde déserté par les adultes.


Oct 01, 2016
Cyril is in love with Cécile, his best friend’s sister. One afternoon, as they are hanging out by the pool, he takes the plunge.
J'attends Jupiter

J'attends Jupiter

Feb 03, 2018
Liane, vingt-et-un ans, vient d’apprendre qu’elle était retenue pour participer à une émission de télé-réalité. Persuadée que sa vraie vie va enfin commencer, elle délite tout ce qui l’entoure pour embrasser avec radicalité ce grand chamboulement.
Plaisir fantôme

Plaisir fantôme

May 19, 2019
Jeanne raises her 9-year-old daughter, Mylène, on her own and dreams about their next trip to the sea.
Entre vents et marées
Christian de Kersaint-Gilly est tué de deux balles dans la tête sur son domaine breton. Le capitaine Marleau, dépêchée sur les lieux, concentre ses recherches sur l’épouse de la victime, Joséphine de Kersaint-Gilly, que tout désigne comme sa meurtrière. Christian venait en effet de vendre une parcelle de leur domaine à Etienne Quemener et son associé, Vincent Salmon, qui entendent transformer la petite ville de pêcheurs en une marina ultra-moderne, cité fortifiée pour une clientèle huppée. Dans le viseur des deux entrepreneurs, il n’y a pas que le domaine de Kersaint-Gilly, il y a aussi le hangar où Cécile Prigent, sœur d’Etienne, entrepose son chalutier. Bien décidée à défendre son activité, cette dernière entreprend de lutter contre le projet de marina. Mais sa résistance va finir par mettre en danger sa vie et celle de sa fille Gwen qu’on retrouve étranglée. L’étau se resserre à nouveau autour de Joséphine de Kersaint-Gilly qui avait signé la veille la vente de son domaine.
1998 - 2018

1998 - 2018

Jun 17, 2020
"1998" arises from the diary written by a thirteen-and-half-year-old girl for her best friend, another girl, during the summor of 1998. The film visits the house, garden, and setting where the diary was written and where the female narrator spent her all her summer vacations until 2018. A text, a voice, a setting where we follow the tale of a summer and the intensity of the relationship with her best and adored friend.
Elle l'adore

Elle l'adore

Jun 18, 2014
Muriel est esthéticienne. Mais elle est avant tout fan, c’est comme un deuxième métier. Elle est la plus grande admiratrice de Vincent Lacroix, un chanteur de variétés au sommet de sa carrière. Comme toutes les grandes vedettes, Vincent garde ses distances avec ses fans. À moins qu’il ait un très très gros service à demander…
Âmes sœurs

Âmes sœurs

May 15, 2018
Tristan and Louise love each other but they are tugged at by muddled feelings as their relationship is sometimes toxic. During Tristan's birthday in his parents' house, an event makes Louise furious and she decides to take vengence. Adèle and Antonin, two guests at the party, will suffer the consequences.
Dix pour cent

Dix pour cent

Nov 04, 2020
Mathias, Andréa, Gabriel et Arlette sont les quatre piliers d’une prestigieuse agence de comédiens. Ils forment une famille professionnelle talentueuse, sous l’autorité paternelle du fondateur de l’ASK, l'Agence Samuel Kerr.