New York, 1896. C'est l'heure du grand exil des juifs venus de Pologne ou de la Russie tsariste. Par milliers, ils s'entassent dans quelques quartiers surpeuples.
Playwright Clifford Odets' portrait of the Great Depression unfolds in the modest two-family home of Leo and Clara Gordon as misfortune strikes them and the people running with them. Opened on Broadway in 1935, it became one of the Group Theatre's most controversial plays and Odets' favorite.
A family man must make an adjustment after his wife of fifteen years one day blurts out that she wants a divorce and leaves him to construct a new life.
Rafferty is an American medical drama that aired on CBS from September 5 to November 28, 1977. The series stars Patrick McGoohan as Doctor Sid Rafferty, a former army doctor running his own private practice in Los Angeles and helping out part time at City General Hospital.
A lusty frontier saga about a pioneer woman and her love for her family, the man she marries, and the land on which she lives, dramatized from Conrad Richter's Pulitzer Prize-winning trilogy: 'The Trees;' 'The Fields;' and 'The Town.' The series originally aired on NBC in three installments from February 19 to February 21, 1978 and stars Elizabeth Montgomery and Hal Holbrook.
Ayant purgé une peine d'emprisonnement de cinq années pour un délit qu'il n'a pas commis, Jim Rockford décide de devenir détective privé afin d'empêcher que ce qu'il a vécu n'arrive à d'autres. Installé à Malibu, il a fixé ses honoraires à 200 dollars par jour plus les frais
The best in the performing arts from across America and around the world including a diverse programming portfolio of classical music, opera, popular song, musical theater, dance, drama, and performance documentaries.