Three friends, Fred, singer, Claude, painter and André, extra, live in the same studio and share everything, even their girlfriend. Fred falls in love with a young girl but leaves her when he learns that she is rich. The two friends will try to fix this problem.
Valentin Bourgeasse is an inveterate drunk. He takes the matter so far that one day he is evicted from his apartment. A few evenings later evening, as he has drunk too much (what else?), he forgets that he doesn't live there anymore so imagine his surprise when he finds a lady in "his" bed.
Fortuné est un passionné de vélo. Il n'hésite pas à abandonner son poste de groom pour rejoindre une course cycliste quand elle passe devant l'hôtel où il travaille. Renvoyé, il finit par trouver un emploi chez un fabricant de cycles avant de réussir à participer avec succès au Tour de France.
The tarvelling party inluding Cicero Simps (Michael Powell) move to St. Paul de vence and la Colombe d'Or ans showcases a dreamcase in which he dreams he's a faun.
The further adventures of the group of tourists on a trip around the French Riviera. From Cannes they travel to Juan les Pins, the Grimaldi Chateau in Monaco, Port-carre, Antibes and the pottery makers of Biot. A love interest developes between Ophelia Beetle and Apollo Naris, an Englishman, while the Arab Sheik, Abdrool Krimp is vamped by Mme. Papillon.
The tour comes to an end and the party returns to Cannes. The sheik's disguise is dropped and he disappears with all of Mme. Papilion's belongings. The party boards a train and leave Cannes.