Daphne Scoccia

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La Dérive des continents (au sud)
Nathalie Adler est en mission pour l’Union Européenne en Sicile. Elle est notamment chargée d’organiser la prochaine visite de Macron et Merkel dans un camp de migrants. Présence à haute valeur symbolique, afin de montrer que tout est sous contrôle. Mais qui a encore envie de croire en cette famille européenne au bord de la crise de nerfs. Sans doute pas Albert, le fils de Nathalie, militant engagé auprès d’une ONG, qui débarque sans prévenir alors qu'il a coupé les ponts avec elle depuis des années. Leurs retrouvailles vont être plus détonantes que ce voyage diplomatique…


Nov 25, 2022
Letizia, a young 16-year-old boxer, lives with her mother in a small town just outside Milan. After losing her job, her mum decides to move to Rome where she can be supported by her parents and of course decides to take Letizia with her. The film concentrates on the last few days before Letizia moves away, paying particular attention to the relationship she has with Clara: an older girl who trains in the same gym as her. Just when she has to leave, Letizia is forced to reflect on how important this relationship with Clara is for her.


May 25, 2016
Établissement pénitentiaire pour mineurs. Daphné, emprisonnée pour vol, tombe amoureuse de Josh, un jeune braqueur. En prison, hommes et femmes ne se rencontrent pas, et l’amour est interdit ; la relation entre Daphné et Josh ne vit que de regards d’une cellule à l’autre, de brèves conversations à travers les barreaux et de lettres clandestines. La prison n’est plus seulement une privation de la liberté, mais également l’interdiction des sentiments… Fiore est l’histoire du désir d’aimer d’une adolescente et de la force d’un sentiment qui brise n’importe quelle loi.
Niente di serio

Niente di serio

Jan 01, 2017
Angela and Franca decide to take the dream trip of their lives. They run away from their boring retirement home in Rome and make a daring getaway to fabulous Venice in this joyous, heart-warming on-the-road adventure where anything can – and does – happen.
Il colpo del cane

Il colpo del cane

Sep 19, 2019
On their first day of work as dog sitters, Rana and Marti suffer the theft of the French bulldog who was entrusted to their care by a wealthy lady. A fast-paced comedy full of hair-raising situations with cult potential that has plenty of surprises in store. The very own world of the Roman suburbs, which is rarely honored in cinemas, is also captured convincingly.
Citoyens du monde

Citoyens du monde

Feb 20, 2020
Attilio, Giorgetto et le Professeur, trois sexagénaires romains dont les vies sont désastreuses décident de tout quitter pour aller vivre à l'étranger. Mais où ? Voilà la question...


Jun 20, 2020
When she receives an email from her first love, Sveva, the reality of Beatrice, a disillusioned and cynical artist, is shattered. Sveva's words accompany Beatrice between the memories of their intense and tormented relationship and her present, which she passively lives within a graphics studio in which Beatrice tries in vain to return to feel alive. Through Sveva's story, Beatrice finds herself facing her past, reflecting herself in it. This cathartic path will lead Beatrice to a crossroads that confronts her with a crucial choice.
La danza nera

La danza nera

Dec 18, 2020
A politician (a brilliant powerfull mayor, well-liked from his fellow citizens, running for elections at Parliament) clashes with a graduate, disappointed and against the current dancer.
Nel bagno delle donne

Nel bagno delle donne

Dec 03, 2020
Giacomo, the main character, 35 years of laziness, is a man who doesn't know and doesn't want to fight. He is a introvert curmudgeon, a little bit nerd but not very social, who walks with the look downward on his device without giving to the people what they would like from him: only a little bit of attention and enthusiasm. He loses his job, he is left by his wife and coincidentally he remains closed in the women's bathroom of the art-house cinema, together with the owner's small dog.
Il Miracolo

Il Miracolo

May 29, 2018
Lors d'une descente dans la cachette d'un chef de mafia, la police découvre une statuette de Madone en plastique pleurant des larmes de sang. Ce phénomène semble inexplicable, d'autant que l'objet énigmatique entraîne tous ceux qui l'approchent dans une extase mystique et bouleverse leur vie.