Сергей Сафронов

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Le Murmure du Diable

Le Murmure du Diable

Jun 13, 2024
Lorsqu’un adolescent est retrouvé mort dans un manoir abandonné, un inspecteur se rend sur place pour enquêter sur ce macabre incident. Alors qu’il progresse dans son enquête, la découverte d’une antique boite à musique où sont enregistrés de mystérieux murmures sème le trouble.Des murmures de ce phonogramme semblent s’émaner une force diabolique terrifiante, attendant l’heure de sa vengeance…


Oct 28, 2007
Russie, 1612. Le pays traverse une grande période tourmentée: famine, invasions, ennemis. Andrei, jeune page à la Cour, est témoin du meurtre du Tsar et de sa famille. Dix ans plus tard, devenu un homme, Andrei est obsédé par le souvenir de Xénia, la fille du Tsar. Il pense qu'elle est encore en vie. Il traverse la Russie dans l'espoir de la retrouver et de sauver son pays. Malheureusement, il doit d'abord se débarrasser de l'ambitieux mari de Xénia, un général polonais qui réclame lui aussi la couronne de Russie.
Юра дворник

Юра дворник

May 04, 2023
Left without a job in Moscow, the ambitious photographer Roma is forced to return to his native Ufa. There he meets the cheerful and naive janitor Yura, who finds himself in debt because of scammers. To help the poor fellow collect at least some money, Roma photographs Yura in the form of a star and, using Photoshop, places it on the cover of a fashion magazine. This picture goes "viral" on the Internet and turns an unknown janitor into a celebrity. This changes the life of both the "star" and its creator.
Alexandre : La Bataille de la Neva
Première moitié du XIIIème siècle. Si Alexandre Iaroslavitch, prince de Novgorod, est aimé de son peuple, il a aussi de nombreux ennemis. La puissante armée du khan Batyï le menace au sud. Les chevaliers teutoniques projettent d’envahir la Russie avec l’intention manifeste de la convertir à l’Église romaine. Même Ratmir, meilleur ami du prince mais amoureux fou de sa femme, pourrait devenir un dangereux ennemi. Alexandre est encore jeune mais sa bravoure et sa clairvoyance politique vont le mener vers la victoire…
Отпуск в октябре
The young actress Sveta graduated from the theater academy, lives in St. Petersburg and dreams of starring not in casual TV series, but in serious films and playing serious roles. She is lucky, she ends up in a Bollywood project, which brings together movie stars, the best DJs and choreographers of the country. But everything turns out to be not very simple. Nobody knows the script, the actors live in a small hotel for months and do not understand what is happening. It turns out that in addition to the main filming, the actors, DJ and choreographers are involved in a strange game.
In Tranzit

In Tranzit

Mar 04, 2008
Après la Seconde Guerre mondiale, un groupe de prisonniers de guerre allemands est conduit, par erreur, vers un camp russe tenu par des femmes qui n'hésitent pas à faire subir de nombreuses humiliations aux captifs.
Panic Ride

Panic Ride

Mar 31, 2016
Andrey et Olga connaissent des difficultés dans leur mariage. Andrey a trompé Olga, qui ne sait plus si elle peut encore faire lui confiance. Hésitant à se séparer, ils décident de partir en voyage pour se retrouver. Ils ont besoin de trouver un nouveau véhicule. Ils achètent à un très bon prix la voiture de leurs rêves. En route, des phénomènes étranges surviennent et ils se rendent compte qu'ils ne sont pas seuls. Le fantôme d'une femme tuée et démembrée dans cette voiture vient les hanter.
Смертельные иллюзии
The famous illusionists, the Romanov brothers, present to the public their grandiose show, after which they are going to end their joint performances because of the accumulated mutual claims. In the first issue, with the disappearance of the assistant from the aquarium filled with water, something goes wrong - it does not appear in the right place. Immediately in the stage headphones of the brothers, the voice of an unknown person says that the girl is with him. He also changed the way complex mechanisms work for tricks. And now they pose a threat to the lives of the brothers. But if the show does not continue, the “voice” will kill the assistant ... The beloved girl of one of the brothers.
Смертельные иллюзии
The famous illusionists, the Romanov brothers, present to the public their grandiose show, after which they are going to end their joint performances because of the accumulated mutual claims. In the first issue, with the disappearance of the assistant from the aquarium filled with water, something goes wrong - it does not appear in the right place. Immediately in the stage headphones of the brothers, the voice of an unknown person says that the girl is with him. He also changed the way complex mechanisms work for tricks. And now they pose a threat to the lives of the brothers. But if the show does not continue, the “voice” will kill the assistant ... The beloved girl of one of the brothers.
Сама дура

Сама дура

Mar 02, 2023
Two teenage sisters can't find agreement on anything. Everyone is trying to find their way in life and escape from the custody of their parents, which is why they constantly get into trouble, from which they get out with the help of each other and their own resourcefulness.


Jan 28, 2022
Different strokes for different folks - says the proverb. Born a rabble dies a rabble. But this is the year 1700, the time of dramatic changes in the Russian Empire, the time of reformations carried out by Peter the Great. Young serf Ivan Starshov is head over heels in love with Maria, the daughter of his master. He doesn't want to accept that the young princess is no match for him. "You gave me wishes, but you do not allow me to satisfy them!" rages Ivan against God. He asks a priest for help, since God created all people equal. But the priest repeats the proverb. Accept your fate destiny as it is. In despair, Starshov repudiates from faith. Ivan is stubborn; he leaves the village to take possession of his fate. This is how the protagonist gets on the winding road to the true understanding of Love.
Дина и Доберман
1941. The start of Great Patriotic War. The country mobilizes all resources and Alexander Mazover (Doberman) is charged with creating a K9 suicide squad. He has to train dogs to run to the enemy tanks and blow them up but from the beginning, things don’t go as planned. Doberman gets in trouble with his commanding officer. Things pile up in a big mess until Alexander meets Julbars and his beautiful handler, Dina. He learns that this dog successfully blew up German tanks without being killed. Doberman takes Julbars and uses him as an example for other K9 soldiers, developing a behavioral pattern that saves many dogs lives.
Investigator Sergei Smirnov, must return to the city of his childhood to investigate some high-profile murders. In Crystal city, there is a maniacal pedophile on the loose. Not only does he torture and kill children, he does it in a devious, brutal way. Sergei is the best in his field, so he entrusted with the investigation. Sergei has a complex character; the hero has obviously been through a lot, and his most terrible secrets are buried here, in Crystal city, where Sergei was born and raised.


Mar 24, 2022
The main character of the story is veteran officer Mikhail Samylov who loses his friend Igor Makarov in Syria. Mikhail comes back to his port hometown Yantarsk to help Makarov’s widowed wife. He blames Igor’s death on himself. He doesn’t know, though, that Makarov is actually alive and turns out not who he seemed to be. A small port town becomes a battlefield of life and death. A chain of crimes always leads to one man — owner of the port Kupriyanov. Lost at what to do with his life, Mikhail, tormented by the pangs of guilt, will have to solve the crimes and find a new reason to keep on living.
Домашнее поле
When the provincial football club Krasny Yastreb remains without a coach before the start of the season in the Russian Premier League, its CEO Anton Danin, bypassing sponsors, appoints Elena Volkova, a talented Muscovite who led her Saiga team to the Champions League, to this position. Now she is the first female coach in men's sports. But Elena will get a cold reception in the city. Because football here is an exclusively male world.


Feb 29, 2024
Sasha and Tanya have graduated and moved out of the dormitory. They now live with their son Alyosha in their own two-room apartment in the Moscow suburb of Yuzhnoe Butovo. And, boy, are their neighbors ever weird.