Philipp Droste

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Oct 23, 2021
Berlin in the near future: A secret meeting takes place between a board member of the dominant internet company "Freemee" and members of the government. Camera drones film it unauthorized and document the events live on the Internet. The anonymous net activist group "Zero" is publicly committed to the media attack. Online journalist Cynthia Bonsant, widow and single mother, has been asked to do background research on "Zero" by the head of the online magazine "Daily". The group is classified as a terrorist organization, but according to their own statements they fight the excessive influence on the population through the so-called "Act App", which contoles the lives of users. When a friend of Cynthia's 17-year-old daughter Viola is shot dead in a hunt for a criminal, "Zero" contacts her and tries to recruit her for their own purposes. In the meantime, Cynthia has bad suspicions during her research, because soon a new version of the app will be released that will change everything.
The Black Spider

The Black Spider

Mar 10, 2022
Christine, une jeune sage-femme courageuse, conclut un pacte avec le diable pour sauver son village de la terreur brutale des chevaliers teutoniques. Punie par une épidémie d'araignées, Christine passe du statut de sauveuse à celui de traquée.
Akiko, der fliegende Affe
The monkey child Akiko lives in the zoo, but his family sends him on a big mission: he is supposed to go out into the world and get his relatives out of the forest. Together they want to free the animals from the zoo
Katja Dreams of Waking Up
Katja (27) lives in Berlin and dreams every night of her own death, and her waking hours are a constant stream of work, digital distraction and a paranoia about the future - her inner life moving at a speed that seems unsustainable. While on vacation in northern Norway, she has an extreme encounter with raw nature and gets a new perspective on herself - she returns to Berlin with the intentions of changing her life. But the demon inside her is hard to shake off.
Night to be Gone

Night to be Gone

Jan 11, 2024
Omer and Carine move restlessly from place to place and keep their heads above water with tournaments at the pool table. Both are on the run from their past: Omer as an African refugee, Frenchwoman Carine as an ex-junkie who was in danger of sinking into the drug scene. Now the couple have ended up in Berlin, where Omer senses a big coup: he wants to challenge the notorious billiards player Sultan to a tournament. With the winnings from this match, he and Carine could finally move on and perhaps even fulfill Carine's dream of opening a beach bar. But things turn out differently, because the shady Sultan has also devised a plan to pull the wool over Omer's eyes.
Soixante minutes

Soixante minutes

Jan 19, 2024
Voulant à tout prix conserver la garde de sa fille, un combattant d'arts martiaux abandonne un match crucial et traverse Berlin pour assister à sa fête d'anniversaire.


May 15, 2016
TLMEA tells the story of two undercover cops, caught in a dream during a drug raid in which they descend into the 9th level of hell - the Ptolomea.


Jan 15, 2020
Après la disparition de son collègue Schweitzer lors d'une descente de police, le policier infiltré Till Hager est chargé de traquer une nouvelle drogue mystérieuse appelée "Abaddon", une substance censée entraîner ses utilisateurs dans les profondeurs de l'enfer...
Mein Freund, das Ekel

Mein Freund, das Ekel

May 09, 2019
Olav Hintz, a retired teacher who loves only himself, needs care as he sits in a wheelchair. The nurse, the single parent Trixi has several jobs to complete and gives the care to her 3 children. Chaos is on.


Nov 27, 2024
La vie de la plus grande chanteuse d’opéra du monde, Maria Callas, lors de ses derniers jours, en 1977, à Paris.
Le Jeu de la dame

Le Jeu de la dame

Oct 23, 2020
Dans les années 1950, une jeune orpheline qui révèle un talent étonnant pour les échecs s'envole vers une gloire improbable tout en se battant contre ses addictions.
Poupée russe

Poupée russe

Apr 20, 2022
Une femme prise au piège d'une mystérieuse boucle revit sans cesse une nuit de fête à l'issue de laquelle elle meurt... avant de se réveiller le lendemain, indemne.
The Day of the Jackal

The Day of the Jackal

Dec 12, 2024
Le Chacal, un assassin solitaire, insaisissable, et particulièrement doué, se fait payer grassement pour abattre ses cibles. Il se trouve confronté à un officier des renseignements britanniques, une femme aussi tenace que lui, qui va se mettre à le traquer. Une course passionnante à travers l'Europe commence.
Families Like Ours

Families Like Ours

Dec 01, 2024
C’est un été en apparence ordinaire au Danemark, quand une catastrophe naturelle fait tout basculer : le pays doit être évacué progressivement après avoir été entièrement inondé. Les habitants sont contraints de quitter ceux qu'ils aiment, de renoncer à ce qu’ils ont toujours connu et de ce fait, à une partie d’eux-mêmes.