Μιράντα Κουνελάκη

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May 01, 1961
Aux Ve – IVe siècles av. J.-C., la démocratique cité de Thénis est assiégée par le cruel tyran de Séronikos, Praximède. Les deux parties finissent par convenir d'un duel qui réglera l'issue de la guerre : le champion de Thénis sera Indros, fils du roi. De son côté, Praximède profite de la trêve pour se rendre aux Jeux Olympiques afin de recruter un champion et son choix se porte sur Atlas. D'abord convaincu de soutenir une cause juste, Atlas accepte d'aider Praximède, mais bien vite il constatera la sournoiserie du tyran...
Ο Λουστράκος
The small loustrakos Vasilis Maras alongside the school of fine on the streets of Athens to make money. The mother finds injustice in prison for the murder of Demetrias. With the persistence of the king, however, and the help of a lawyer, the Karelia, the mother of leaving prison.
Η Χαραυγή Της Νίκης
In 1943, a commando team wants to try to destroy the largest airport of the Germans in Crete. The leader of the commando, Nikitas is Cretan, but Lefteris, who is the leader of the resistance group, refuses to help him. Eventually the mission succeeds, but Nikitas is captured. Then the resistance fighters attack in prison and release the prisoners who were to be executed.
Alexandre le Grand

Alexandre le Grand

Sep 08, 1980
Alexandre Le Grand, brigand échappé de prison, séquestre des diplomates anglais. Il exige l'amnistie pour lui et ses compagnon en échange de la libération de ses otages.
Αντάρτες Των Πόλεων
A Middle East allied Force commander, Themis, parachutes in occupied Greece to organize a sabotage in the Meteora region but betrays the Germans and falls into ambush. Before retiring, he calls Fotis, a student who had hidden his house, and urges him to go to Athens and meet an Aristides. Despite the mobilization of the Germans who perform all the hostages they have captured, including his father, Fotis finally arrives in Athens, meets with Aristides and accepts to cooperate with him. With the name of Kostas Alexandrou he catches a room in the Papadima family home, falls in love with their daughter Anna and becomes a "friend" with the German Major Karl Asberg. He accepts the co-operation proposed by Carl - to become his agent - to supposedly trap the guerrillas. But he actually misleads the conquerors about blowing a munitions train. His fate is the same as the fate of every patriot who is sacrificed for his homeland.
Πικρή Μου Αγάπη
A poor young man (Thanos Livaditis) is working in a car cage and buying a car, mortgaging his mother's house (Eleni Zafiriou). It turns into a pirated taxi but has an accident. To repair the damage he suffered, he is forced to work for a wealthy man (Theodoros Moridis). He undertakes to make the driver of his spoiled daughter (Miranda Kounellaki). It will affect her and transform her into a responsible person, so she falls in love with him. At the same time, the young person gains the respect and appreciation of her father.
Για Σένα Την Αγάπη Μου
Maroula comes from Syros, established in Athens, to work as a servant in a wealthy home, but the hostess takes her off. So he is forced to seek refuge in the house of three poor musicians whom he met on board: Flax, Tramp and Maneta. She thinks to return to her island, but they persuade her to stay with them and become a singer. Maroula falls in love with Lino, but at the same time her heart is beating for Mars (the son of the family who drove her, whom he has met by chance on the street). A little exaggeration makes her feel that Linus does not love her as much as he wants, so he recruits to Mars, but his mother does everything to separate them. Eventually he does. Linos comforts Maroula and even follows her in Syros, while Aris, who then decides to marry her, loses the ship.
Le Regard d'Ulysse

Le Regard d'Ulysse

Oct 12, 1995
Un cinéaste a entrepris de retrouver les trois premières bobines de films utilisées dans les Balkans, en 1905, par les frères Manakis. Après avoir assisté aux manifestations qu'a provoquées la projection en plein air de l'une de ses oeuvres, le cinéaste suit les traces des frères Manakis. Son périple le mène d'abord en Albanie, puis en Macédoine. Il rencontre une jeune femme dans un musée, la retrouve dans un train, avant de revivre, à la frontière bulgare, un épisode de la vie de l'un des frères Manakis. C'est ensuite un événement de son enfance qui resurgit à sa mémoire. Le cinéaste quitte la jeune femme et prend un bateau qui remonte le Danube jusqu'à Belgrade…