Huang Peng

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The film tells the story of Wei Xiao Bao alternative Cow silk counter-attack, but also to make thousands of users feel familiar with, Li Chun Yuan small two Wei Xiao Bao perennial obsession in the hearts of loved children, love dust he accidentally practiced a trick " To know the sudden departure of love, he decided to take the risk of love, to follow the twin children into the palace, the identity of the eunuch to protect their love at the mercy, but the palace is not better than the outside of the world, he was no longer a ghost horse elves can not escape an undercurrent of the palace fighting Board, Xiao Bao deep sense of righteous dilemma.
Il était une fois Shanghai
Possédant d’uniques talents en arts martiaux depuis son enfance, Ma Yongzhen (Philip Ng) part de sa ville natale vers Shanghai pour y chercher du travail. C’est dans cette ville qu’il rencontre Lonq QI (Andy On). Les deux jeunes ayant le même rêve, deviennent vite amis et surpassent ensemble les obstacles.