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ゴーストスイーパー美神 極楽大作戦!!
Meet Mikami - the SEXY leader of one of Japan's most successful independent ghost-busting agencies. Together with her eclectic team of exorcists, she's prepared to do battle with any supernatural adversary - but only for the right price! When an ancient spirit enlists her aid to deal with a re-incarnated foe, Mikami gets more than she bargained for. As the wicked Nosferatu - a vampire lord able to absorb the very life essence of his victims - begins to turn the city's inhabitants into mindless zombies, Mikami's team must race against time to save Tokyo from destruction. Watch The Ultimate Vampire Slayer in this fast, fun and furious supernatural action-adventure!
Dragon Ball Z - L’Attaque du dragon
Songohan et Videl jouent les justiciers masqués. Ils sont appelés pour sauver un vieil homme, sur le point de sauter dans le vide. Une fois sauf, l'homme nommé Hoy demande l'aide de Songohan pour ressusciter Tapion, le héros qui a sauvé la planète Conut, il y a mille ans de cela. Pour ce faire, il suffit de faire sortir un son de la boîte à musique dans laquelle a été enfermé le héros. Selon Hoy, la Terre court un grand danger...
Sailor Moon Super S - Le Film
Aux quatre coins du monde, pendant leur sommeil, des enfants se font kidnapper. Ils sont hypnotisés par une étrange musique qui les conduit tout droit au siège de Queen Badiane, le château Massepain. Là, la méchante reine, aidée de ses quatre sbires Perle, Poupelin, Banane et Orangeat, endort à jamais les enfants, dont les rêves sucrés alimentent le gouffre des cauchemars. Cet étrange trou noir grandit de nuit en nuit, prêt à tout instant à avaler la Terre tout entière...
After a storm hits their island, Yusuke (driving his jet-ski) finds a baby dinosaur. He show it to his dad, they keep it and call it Coo. But there are other parties interested in a 65 million year old creature...
ゲゲゲの鬼太郎 大海獣
Kitaro is a yōkai boy born in a cemetery and, aside from his mostly decayed father, the last living member of the Ghost Tribe (幽霊族 yūrei zoku?). He is missing his left eye, but his hair usually covers the empty socket. He fights for peace between humans and yōkai, which generally involves protecting the former from the wiles of the latter.
Tenchi Muyou!: Galaxy Police Mihoshi Space Adventure
"Mihoshi's Special," narrated by the title character, is a side story about Mihoshi's life as a Galaxy Police Officer. Mihoshi introduces her partner, Kiyone-an up-and-coming officer who believes that having Mihoshi as her partner could be the end of her career-and explains how they solved the case of the Missing Super Energy. Other characters from the Tenchi Muyo series return and have alternate roles in the special. While the storyline parodies various anime works, Mihoshi's Special explores Mihoshi's past and provides a glimpse at her probable future.
Denji Sentai Megaranger
Kenta est le champion d'un jeu vidéo d'arcade très populaire, Megaranger. Grâce à cela, il est invité ainsi que 4 autres membres de son cyber-club à visiter les locaux de l'I.N.E.T., centre à la pointe de la technologie et réseau de l'élite scientifique mondiale. Pendant la visite, la Terre subit l'attaque terrible d'un envahisseur inconnu. Les Mega Rangers d'un jeu vidéo vont prendre vie à travers ces cinq jeunes héros... En 1998, la série fut remontée avec un support de scènes additionnelles par Saban Entertainment pour donner naissance à la série Power Rangers dans l'espace.
Sci-Fi & Fantasy
In a time when demons rule the world and mankind seeks freedom, human rebels gain control of the demon-slaying sword Tenmaken and attempt to assassinate the Demon King Janus. To preserve the sovereignty of her homeland, the half-human, half-demon Princess Hiro must overcome her deep hatred of the humans or face a war that will ravage the entire world!
B-Fighter Kabuto is a Japanese television series in the Metal Hero Series. It is the sequel to Juukou B-Fighter, taking place five years after the preceding B-Fighter series. Kabuto aired from 1996 to 1997. The action footage and props were used for the Beetleborgs Metallix series.
Action & Adventure