Gene Ganssle

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L'Autoroute de l'Enfer
Deux adolescents amoureux, Charlie Sykes et sa petite amie Rachel Clark, se rendent à Las Vegas pour s'y marier en secret. Sur la route, le sergent Bedlam, un policier au visage brûlé, les arrête et kidnappe Rachel. Il est le policier de l'enfer dont la mission est de fournir au diable des vierges. Charlie emprunte la voiture et le fusil de Sam, le pompiste de la region, et se lance alors à leur poursuite. Il est étrangement projeté en enfer où le diable, Beezle, l'attend. Ce dernier accepte que Charlie et Rachel regagnent la réalité si ils parviennent à échapper au terrible policier...
Transcending Time

Transcending Time

May 10, 2020
A time traveling transgender therapist goes back in time to visit a young transgender boy during his darkest hour.
Science Fiction
The Hoax

The Hoax

Jan 01, 2007
A psychiatrist's wife is gunned down by a crazed patient outside a fine restaurant. In his efforts to debunk the delusions that drove his patient?s violent attack, Dr. David Lake encounters and reveals more than meets the eye. Alien abductions, serial hit-and-run murders, missing persons and horrors committed by unknown creatures bring this story into focus, but it is the twisted ending that you won?t see coming nor soon forget.


Apr 09, 2016
An ordinary mail delivery route turns deadly for two mail carriers who may have seen too much. When everyone starts getting killed and taken hostage, and THEN things get completely out-of-control when a series of double-crosses and conspiracies are revealed in this dark comedy.


Apr 09, 2016
An ordinary mail delivery route turns deadly for two mail carriers who may have seen too much. When everyone starts getting killed and taken hostage, and THEN things get completely out-of-control when a series of double-crosses and conspiracies are revealed in this dark comedy.
I Want You to Live

I Want You to Live

May 06, 2023
A Vietnamese American teenager and her story of loss, grief, and resilience after losing her parents. She finds her mother's journal which details her family's life as Vietnam war refugees and immigrants in America.


Apr 09, 2016
An ordinary mail delivery route turns deadly for two mail carriers who may have seen too much. When everyone starts getting killed and taken hostage, and THEN things get completely out-of-control when a series of double-crosses and conspiracies are revealed in this dark comedy.