Mart Hulswit

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Sep 26, 1983
High-priced call girl Lee Churchill, is examining her life via therapy "sessions". Her double life is unknown to her parents, sister and "straight" man with whom she falls in love.
Shining Time Station: 'Tis a Gift
It's Christmas at Shining Time Station! Stacy Jones is busy helping passengers, Schemer tries to win the role of Santa's helper for the Indian Valley Gala Holiday Pageant, Mr. Conductor tells the kids a story about Thomas the Tank Engine and his friends and helps them deal with a bratty kid, while a kind old passenger, Mr. Nicholas, arrives and brightens the holiday for everybody.
TV Movie
Come Spy with Me

Come Spy with Me

Jan 18, 1967
Set amidst the steamy underworld of Bermuda and Jamaica, this spy adventure chronicles the exploits of a female spy trying to investigate the mysterious murders of two colleagues before an important meeting between the world's most powerful leaders.
Doc Holliday

Doc Holliday

Aug 01, 1971
Dans un saloon, Doc Holliday, joueur de cartes professionnel, joue son cheval contre une jolie blonde. Il gagne la partie et part donc avec son gain, Kate Elder, pour Tombstone. Là se trouve son ami marshall, Wyatt Earp. Pour gagner les élections, il compte sur la confiance des habitants, mais celle-ci est entamée car des petits fermiers, les Clanton, prétendent qu'il est malhonnête. Earp veut éliminer le clan Clanton à Ok Corral.
Hercule et la princesse de Troie
La déesse Héra a fait disparaître la ville de Troie. Obligés de se réfugier dans la forêt, les Troyens du roi Ilus font appel à Hercule. Celui-ci doit d'abord s'emparer d'une boussole appartenant à Omphale, reine de Lydie, grâce à laquelle il trouvera le chemin qui mène à Troie. En route il délivre une jeune fille, Déjanire, qu'une tribu voulait sacrifier à Héra. Frustrée, la déesse envoie contre eux un monstre marin qui les avale, et dont le héros doit crever la panse pour en sortir. Le monstre vômit sur le rivage de Troie Hercule et Déjanire..
The Gift of Love: A Christmas Story
After experiencing several stressful situations within a short time — including the failure of the family business and the loss of her mother — Janet Broderick becomes ill. Falling into a deep sleep, she dreams of returning to her hometown, taking her children with her to meet her deceased loved ones. Perhaps, during a Christmas reunion with her beloved family, she will find the answer to coping with her troubles.
The Desperate Hours

The Desperate Hours

Dec 13, 1967
The Hilliards are a middle class family whose lives are put in danger when escaped convict Glenn Griffin invades their home. Griffin is crazed, tormenting the Hilliards with his meek brother Hank and sadistic Robish.


Mar 04, 1970
Brooks Wilson is in crisis. He is torn between his wife Selma and two daughters and his mistress Grace, and also between his career as a successful illustrator and his feeling that he might still produce something worthwhile.
La Cité sans voile

La Cité sans voile

May 29, 1963
La série présente des enquêtes menées par les inspecteurs du 65e commissariat de police du New York City Police Department avec des intrigues se concentrant beaucoup sur les criminels et les victimes.