Kamu Mukherjee

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Phatik Chand

Phatik Chand

Jan 01, 1983
Mystery-drama about a botched kidnapping of a Calcutta schoolboy and his relationships and adventures.
পাকা দেখা
Aparna's father, a police officer, fixes her marriage of his own choice. Aparna does not agree with her father and she flees from home. Her father arrests Aparna's friends and interrogates them one by one.
Les Branches de l'arbre
Un homme aimé de tous fait un malaise cardiaque le jour de ses 70 ans. Pendant sa convalescence, entouré de ses quatre fils, il découvre que les valeurs qu'il leur a léguées disparaîtront avec lui.
কখনো মেঘ
While on vacation, art teacher Seema Rai meets a charming stranger called Narayan Chaudhary. The pair strike up a friendship. Returning home, she finds her apartment ransacked and is informed that her wayward uncle has been murdered. She barely knew the uncle, but she learns that he was involved in diamond smuggling. The other smugglers, whom he once double-crossed, begin to pursue Seema, believing she is hiding their share of a fortune in diamonds. Narayan comes to town, and Seema finds solace in his companionship. But can he be trusted or does he have ulterior motives?


Sep 14, 1984
When a Dalit wins the elections for mayor in his small village in northeastern India, deadly rioting forces an impoverished couple to escape to Calcutta where they can hopefully find work. Instead, they end up sleeping on the streets until they have a chance at earning a little income -- a man has asked them to take his herd of pigs across a fast-moving river. The current is dangerous, and worse, the wife is pregnant and this would not be an easy task even if she were not. Undaunted and desperate, the couple accept the job and enter the river to face their destiny.
মর্জিনা আবদুল্লা
Alibaba was a simple, hardworking, middle-class personality who once went to a forest for some purpose. When he entered that forest he found a deep secret, a formula to enter a cave. Actually, that cave was filled with robbed jewelry and gold coins. He took some with him and became very rich. But those robbers realized that something was missing from their hidden treasures. So, they began their investigation of the lost treasure. But in the meantime, a neighbor of Alibaba also tried for the same thing but he got caught and killed by the robbers. After that, the robbers successfully traced those hidden treasures, entered the city, and found Alibaba. But Marjina and Abdullah understand their plans and catch them by their sheer intelligence and wit.
রোদন ভরা বসন্ত
Shipra is a poor woman who is molested and killed as she witnesses corruption. The police and lawyer Somnath take up the case and slowly dig into it. He traces the corrupted policeman and comes to know that Karuna, the head lady of the orphanage where Shipra used to live is equally involved in female trafficking. However, when he sees Karuna his world is turned upside down. Karuna is Shukla, Somnath’s long-lost wife. Circumstances had led her to become a puppet in the hands of the gangsters. However, she is to keep mum about the entire conspiracy, lest they kill her only daughter. Somnath gives assurance to Karuna to speak the truth. She does that and, in the end, the entire gangster network is caught. Karuna’s daughter is proved to be Somnath’s daughter. They get together again.
Master Roop Singh in disguise leads a band of dacoits in Madhya Pradesh. He has a change of heart at one point while hiding from the police and after a series of incidents involving his humanitarian feelings, he tries to surrender to the police but in the process many of his men die and Roop Singh survives.


Oct 02, 1969
Being an unwed mother, Kamal Lata had no option but to abort the child and move on with life. The man who left her comes back into her life, but she decides to stay in Vrindavan.
La Forteresse d'or

La Forteresse d'or

Dec 27, 1974
Un parapsychologue découvre que les dessins du jeune Mukui représentent des scènes d'une vie antérieure, qui se déroulait dans une forteresse d'or. Parti à la recherche de ce trésor, l'enfant est kidnappé par des bandits...
Le Dieu éléphant

Le Dieu éléphant

Jan 04, 1979
Le détective Felu, aidé de ses amis Topshe et Jatayu, est chargé de retrouver une statuette volée, représentant le dieu éléphant Ganesh. Alors que ses soupçons se portent rapidement sur un gangster local, la fête Durga se prépare et un curieux personnage, qui se fait appeler l'Homme-Poisson, attire les foules avec ses miracles.
Le Héros

Le Héros

May 06, 1966
Un comédien bengali bénéficiant d'une extrême popularité se rend en train à New-Delhi. De nombreux passagers lui font preuve de leur admiration. Seule une journaliste féministe voit en lui un homme et non pas un héros intouchable.
Les Joueurs d'échecs

Les Joueurs d'échecs

Oct 02, 1977
Inde, 1850. Deux propriétaires terriens jouent d'interminables parties d'échecs. Plongés dans leurs passions, ils ignorent les visées colonisatrices de la puissante armée britannique.


Dec 19, 1988
Sasanka (Subrata Nandy) grows depressed as his house and his career as a theater actor both crumble around him. When his cold-hearted, widowed sister-in-law Saraju (Aloknanda Dutt) arrives with her adorable young son Kanu (Aniket Sengupta), Sasanka's mood eventually changes. Kanu and Sasanka become fast friends as the youngster benefits from his uncle's wisdom and acting ability.


Apr 17, 1964
Calcutta, 1880. Un jeune et riche intellectuel, Bhupati, édite en anglais un hebdomadaire politique et porte peu d'attention à son épouse Charulata, femme sentimentale et douée de goûts artistiques. Se rendant compte de la solitude de sa femme, Bhupati demande à son cousin Amal, un jeune lettré insouciant, d'aider Charulata dans ses efforts littéraires et de stimuler le talent qu'elle pourrait avoir. Petit à petit, Charulata va se prendre d'affection pour Amal...