Donna Wilkes

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Les Dents de la mer, 2e partie
Au lendemain de l'inauguration d'un luxueux complexe hôtelier, Martin Brody, le chef de la police d'Amity, apprend la disparition d'une équipe de plongeurs. Il craint le pire. Un requin est déjà venu nager dans les eaux d'Amity quelques années auparavant. Ses inquiétudes ne tardent pas à se confirmer. Un autre accident se produit et le cadavre d'une baleine portant les morsures d'un requin géant échoue sur la plage. Martin Brody alerte immédiatement le maire et lui demande d'interdire la baignade. Mais le conseil municipal refuse de prendre de telles précautions. La saison s'annonce prometteuse et l'enjeu financier est trop important. Brody, devenu trop gênant, est démis de ses fonctions. Le voilà réduit à attendre le pire…


Apr 19, 1984
Charmante lycéenne obtenant de brillants résultats scolaires le jour, Molly Stewart devient la nuit une prostituée dans les bas-fonds d'Hollywwod. Dans ce cadre terrifiant, l'horreur va encore monter d'un cran quand un maniaque assassinera sauvagement la meilleure amie d'Angel. Celle-ci maintenant armée, va le traquer sans relâche...
Born to Be Sold

Born to Be Sold

Nov 02, 1981
A social worker tries to break up a ring of crooks who buy newborn babies from teenaged mothers and sell them to couples who can't obtain them through legal adoption channels.
Zombie Games

Zombie Games

Jun 05, 2021
When the pandemic strikes the world the President decides the only thing to do is hide in an underground shelter. So he holds the Zombie Games to see who will join him.
Blood Song

Blood Song

Oct 01, 1982
Un tueur en série s'échappe d'un asile et recommence à tuer. Il s'en prend finalement à une jeune handicapée qui a reçu une transfusion sanguine avec le sang du tueur.


Sep 09, 1988
Une bande de punks à moitié déjantés débarquent dans la maison de vacances d'une famille paisible. Ils les massacrent tous à l'exception d'une des filles qui parvient à s'échapper. Ils prennent en chasse la demoiselle qui s'enfonce dans la neige mais se rendent vite compte qu'ils sont eux-mêmes poursuivis par une imposante créature...


Sep 01, 1980
Les participantes d'un groupe de jeunes femmes en psychothérapie chez le docteur Fales sont victimes, depuis quelques temps, de la folie assassine d'un mystérieux tueur qui a l'habitude de pourfendre ses proies avec une paire de ciseaux. La dénommée Julie, qui travaille dans un journal et qui se sent fortement attirée vers l'étrange docteur, reçoit de plus en plus fréquemment d'anonymes lettres de menaces.
Hard Knocks

Hard Knocks

Apr 01, 1979
A suspenseful and romantic tale of a young man, Guy Montgomery (Michael Christian), whose whole life thus far has been a desperate escape from a tragic and dangerous past. Idealistic as he tries to be, a series of unfortunate incidents in the neon jungle of Hollywood lead him deeper and deeper into the mire of its seamier side until one terrifying evening at the home of a famous actress (Josette Banzet) Guy gets into a fight with her husband and beats him up so badly that he thinks he has killed the man. Once again, Guy is running from his past toward an uncertain future.
90210 Shark Attack

90210 Shark Attack

Feb 17, 2015
A group of entitled Beverly Hills oceanography students arrive at a mansion in Malibu, to study the local ocean waters. However, someone… or something, has other, more murderous intent, as the Students begin to disappear, one by one, murdered by some flesh-shredding entity, leaving wounds similar in nature to a shark attack. But how is that possible, when the nearest ocean is a half-mile away?
Science Fiction
My Stepbrother Is a Vampire!?!
NANCY MONROE’s mother DENISE just got married — and Nancy has a new stepbrother, VICTOR, a Goth guy who dresses in black, wears lots of sunscreen, apparently talks to his cat, and has the ability to cloud women’s minds. So Nancy is convinced that he’s a vampire — but is she a paranoid wingnut, or is she the only person who sees Victor’s true nature?


Feb 01, 1979
After an innocent country girl is violently raped, her family is killed in a car accident before she can come to terms with what happened. As her feelings of shame grow into self-degradation, she turns to prostitution
Buzz Cut

Buzz Cut

Mar 31, 2021
New Zealand's first slasher movie! The Hash House Harriers ("a drinking club with a running problem") encounter a killer Bee Keeper in a crazy Kiwi horror-comedy that is part Animal House and part 80's slasher movie.
Buzz Cut

Buzz Cut

Mar 31, 2021
New Zealand's first slasher movie! The Hash House Harriers ("a drinking club with a running problem") encounter a killer Bee Keeper in a crazy Kiwi horror-comedy that is part Animal House and part 80's slasher movie.
Hello, Larry

Hello, Larry

Apr 30, 1980
Hello, Larry is an American sitcom which aired on NBC from January 26, 1979 to April 30, 1980.
Hell Town

Hell Town

Dec 25, 1985
Hell Town is an American drama series that aired on NBC from September 4, 1985 to December 25, 1985. The series features former Baretta star Robert Blake.
The Runaways

The Runaways

Aug 28, 1979
A psychologist tracked down runaways in what began as a short-run series called `Operation: Runaway,' which aired in the spring of 1978. It was slated for a fall pickup, but was shelved until the following spring, when it had a new title and some new cast members, including Alan Feinstein, who replaced Robert Reed (four years removed from `The Brady Bunch').
Partners in Crime

Partners in Crime

Dec 29, 1984
Partners in Crime is an American crime drama television series that aired from September 22 until December 29, 1984.
L'Incroyable Hulk

L'Incroyable Hulk

May 12, 1982
Au cours d'une expérience, le docteur David Banner a été trop exposé aux rayons gamma. Résultat : lorsqu'il s'énerve, il devient Hulk, monstre à la peau verte et à la force décuplée !
Sci-Fi & Fantasy
Teachers Only

Teachers Only

May 14, 1983
Teachers Only is an NBC television sitcom centered around the faculty of a high school; in the first season the school was Millard Fillmore High in Los Angeles, but in the second it is Woodrow Wilson High in New York with a changed cast. In both seasons Norman Fell played Principal Ben Cooper, but Lynn Redgrave's character, Diana Swanson, who had been an English teacher in the first season, became a guidance counselor in the second season. Redgrave and Fell were already established names when this show aired, but two of the supporting stars in the second season, Jean Smart would go on, three years later, to play her best known role, that of interior design studio receptionist Charlene Frazier Stillfield on the long running show, Designing Women. Also, Jean's co-star Teresa Ganzel became well known for her many game show appearances in the 1980s as well as her appearance in the comedic miniseries, Fresno. This show ran for only two seasons, in 1982 and 1983.


May 28, 1986
Le sergent Hooker fait régner l'ordre dans les rues de Los Angeles, aidé de l'officier Romano et des jeunes recrues qu'il forme, dont la fille du capitaine, Stacy Sheridan.