Iain McCaig

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Star Wars, épisode I - La Menace fantôme
Il y a bien longtemps, dans une galaxie très lointaine... La République connaît de nombreux tourments : la corruption fait vaciller ses bases, le Sénat s'embourbe dans des discussions politiques sans fin et de nombreux pouvoirs dissidents commencent à émerger, annonçant la chute d'un système autrefois paisible. Puissante et intouchable, la Fédération du Commerce impose par la force la taxation des routes commerciales. Refusant de céder, la pacifique planète Naboo, dirigée par la jeune Reine Amidala, subit un blocus militaire de la Fédération. Dépêchés par le Sénat pour régler cette affaire, les chevaliers Jedi Qui-Gon Jinn et Obi-Wan Kenobi découvrent qu'une véritable offensive de la Fédération est imminente. Libérant la Reine et ses proches, ils quittent la planète mais doivent se poser sur Tatooine pour réparer leur vaisseau...
People: A Musical Celebration
In how many wonderful ways are we different from each other' What if the world were to rejoice in our differences' Cara and her lovable Grandfather (Hume Cronyn) embark on a journey of imagination that brings them face to face with the wonderful variety of people around the world. Featuring 10 original songs by major recording artists, elaborate animation, and unforgettable characters.
Terminator 2 : Le Jugement dernier
In how many wonderful ways are we different from each other' What if the world were to rejoice in our differences' Cara and her lovable Grandfather (Hume Cronyn) embark on a journey of imagination that brings them face to face with the wonderful variety of people around the world. Featuring 10 original songs by major recording artists, elaborate animation, and unforgettable characters.
Terminator 2 : Le Jugement dernier
In how many wonderful ways are we different from each other' What if the world were to rejoice in our differences' Cara and her lovable Grandfather (Hume Cronyn) embark on a journey of imagination that brings them face to face with the wonderful variety of people around the world. Featuring 10 original songs by major recording artists, elaborate animation, and unforgettable characters.


Apr 25, 2012
In how many wonderful ways are we different from each other' What if the world were to rejoice in our differences' Cara and her lovable Grandfather (Hume Cronyn) embark on a journey of imagination that brings them face to face with the wonderful variety of people around the world. Featuring 10 original songs by major recording artists, elaborate animation, and unforgettable characters.
Science Fiction
Star Wars : Le Réveil de la Force
In how many wonderful ways are we different from each other' What if the world were to rejoice in our differences' Cara and her lovable Grandfather (Hume Cronyn) embark on a journey of imagination that brings them face to face with the wonderful variety of people around the world. Featuring 10 original songs by major recording artists, elaborate animation, and unforgettable characters.