Michael Koltes

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Scars Of Nanking

Scars Of Nanking

Dec 12, 2017
During the brutal invasion of China in 1937 by Imperial Japanese forces, tens of thousands of civilians and prisoners of war are murdered and women raped in what is known simply as "The Rape of Nanking." This docudrama is a stirring account of a small band of courageous American missionaries who choose to stay in Nanking to try and protect a quarter million vulnerable Chinese civilians who are trapped in a city ruled by a savage, out of control army. Their stories are brought vividly to life through actual real-time letters and diaries as they bear witness to one of the worst wartime atrocities in history.


Jan 01, 1970
On the evening of March 19, 1942, a plane carrying believers landed at Yangon Airport. However, the airport had been occupied by the Japanese army. As the believer's mission was to deliver a top-secret plan, the authorities panic when they get a telegram saying that the plane has been shot down.


Dec 23, 2015
Guy is an experienced British fighter pilot who is in command of Britain's first manned mission to space. He has trained for this for three years at the height of the Cold War and now he is alone in space with a malfunctioning capsule. He has limited contact with the UK, some unusual communication with the US and some unorthodox communication with Roscosmos deep in Soviet Russia. Who will help him? Will he make the right choice?
Ghosts of Darkness

Ghosts of Darkness

Mar 01, 2017
Licencié de son emploi à Détroit, Bill Rago se voit proposer un emploi dans l'armée américaine, en tant que professeur de littérature. Réfractaire à la discipline militaire, il refuse tout d'abord, mais revient sur sa décision, faute de mieux...
Feng Zheng

Feng Zheng

May 20, 2023
A man finds himself at the end of his rope. He travels to a small Island to contemplate life and possibly end it. As he is building up the courage to jump, he is interrupted by a young and unusual girl trying to fly her kite. In an attempt to make her leave, he agrees to help her fly the kite. They begin an awkward conversation but soon realize that there is beauty in life worth living for.
Robin des Bois

Robin des Bois

May 12, 2010
À l’aube du treizième siècle, Robin Longstride, humble archer au service de la Couronne d’Angleterre, assiste, en Normandie, à la mort de son monarque, Richard Cœur de Lion, tout juste rentré de la Troisième Croisade et venu défendre son royaume contre les Français. De retour en Angleterre et alors que le prince Jean, frère cadet de Richard et aussi inepte à gouverner qu’obnubilé par son enrichissement personnel, prend possession du trône, Robin se rend à Nottingham où il découvre l’étendue de la corruption qui ronge son pays. Il se heurte au despotique shérif du comté, mais trouve une alliée et une amante en la personne de la belle et impétueuse Lady Marianne, qui avait quelques raisons de douter des motifs et de l’identité de ce croisé venu des bois.
Art Ache

Art Ache

Dec 06, 2015
Alex méprise l'art moderne mais lorsqu'il tombe amoureux d'une adorable artiste française, il comprend que la seule façon de conquérir son cœur est de se faire passer pour un artiste. Il doit maintenant gagner un concours d'art moderne pour gagner son cœur.


Jul 01, 2021
Tells the story of a Communist Party's early history during the turbulent era, examining the remarkable Chinese revolutionary leaders' zeal and contrition for the ascension of the Chinese people.
Project X-Traction

Project X-Traction

Jul 06, 2023
Un entrepreneur spécialisé dans la sécurité a pour mission d'extraire des ouvriers d'une raffinerie qui a été attaquée. Il fait équipe avec un ancien officier de l'armée américaine lorsqu'il apprend que l'objectif des attaquants est de voler l'essence de cette raffinerie.
Escape to Gossau

Escape to Gossau

Jan 13, 2013
1944. Nazi Germany is on the verge of total defeat. Hidden in a secret SS headquarters a senior SS General awaits an American special forces guide who parachutes in to lead him away to America in return for vital information about entrenched German positions and forces. Some SS colleagues, unaware of the General's treachery, detain the American and get shot in the head during the negotiations.
Escape to Gossau

Escape to Gossau

Jan 13, 2013
1944. Nazi Germany is on the verge of total defeat. Hidden in a secret SS headquarters a senior SS General awaits an American special forces guide who parachutes in to lead him away to America in return for vital information about entrenched German positions and forces. Some SS colleagues, unaware of the General's treachery, detain the American and get shot in the head during the negotiations.
Feng Zheng

Feng Zheng

May 20, 2023
A man finds himself at the end of his rope. He travels to a small Island to contemplate life and possibly end it. As he is building up the courage to jump, he is interrupted by a young and unusual girl trying to fly her kite. In an attempt to make her leave, he agrees to help her fly the kite. They begin an awkward conversation but soon realize that there is beauty in life worth living for.
Trois Corps

Trois Corps

Feb 17, 2023
La Chine est en pleine Révolution culturelle et Ye Wen Jie, une jeune astrophysicienne dont le père a été exécuté, est forcée de travailler pour un mystérieux projet de recherche spatiale. Trente-huit ans plus tard, en 2007 une étrange vague de suicides frappe la communauté scientifique internationale. Wang Miao, un grand chercheur en nanotechnologies, est chargé par l'armée d'enquêter à ce sujet en infiltrant la Société des Frontières de la Science, un groupe qui semble lié à cette vague de suicides.