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Mar 05, 2004
Jae-yeong est une jeune fille encore insouciante : désireuse de s'envoler pour l'Europe, elle n'a pas trouvé de moyen plus simple et plus rapide que la prostitution pour parvenir sans mal à ses fins. Elle prend le tout avec calme et naïveté, bientôt convaincue d'être capable, à l'image de prostituées légendaires, d'apporter bonheur et félicité à ses nombreux clients. Yeo-jin, sa meilleure amie mais aussi sa plus proche collaboratrice, voit bientôt d'un très mauvais œil les esquisses de relations que Jae-yeong tente de tisser avec ces hommes traversant épisodiquement sa vie.
Whispering Corridors 3 : Wishing Stairs
Jin Sung et Kim So-Hee étudient toutes deux dans la section danse d’un lycée artistique. Kim So-Hee est particulièrement attachée à Jin Sung, elle lui répète souvent «Tout ce dont j’ai besoin, c’est toi». Mais Jin-Sung n’a pas le même attachement pour So-Hee. Elle est même quelque peu jalouse du talent naturel de son amie pour le ballet, qui la relègue toujours au second plan. C’est ici qu’intervient une superstition qui laisse entendre que l’esprit d’un renard habite les escaliers qui mènent au dortoir. Cet esprit réaliserait le voeu de quiconque les gravit en souhaitant quelque chose de tout son coeur…
Redeye, le train de l'horreur
Quelques années après une catastrophe ferroviaire au cours de laquelle elle a perdu son père, Mi-Sun se fait embaucher dans la même compagnie de trains, et doit affronter les fantômes des passagers décédés dans l'accident, lorsquent ceci montent à bord.


Sep 06, 2012
Who were you? Oops! I forgot the wedding! One day, Jeong-eun (Kwak Ji-min) shows up in front of jobless youth Gi-seok (Kim Min-joon) who’s only specification is his family register. She abruptly asks him about his the marriage with her twin sister So-eun (Kwak Ji-min). Gi-seok looks at her absurdly as they smile awkwardly at each other then he finally remembers the marriage he had with some girl a few years ago, lending her his specifications. (http://www.hancinema.net)
청춘 그루브

청춘 그루브

Mar 15, 2012
RAMPAGES is a underground hip-hop band famous for its aggressive lyrics and wild rapping. As a leader Chang-dae makes all the songs and teaches Min-soo everything. Min-soo is in love with vocalist Ah-ra and together three of them pursue music, love and dream. 3 years later, everything is changed. Having dropped out of team, Min-soo signed a contract with a major label and became a popular rapper. Forgotten and lost, Chang-dae thinks Min-soo stole all of his songs. One day Min-soo contacts Chang-dae telling he is threatened by Ah-ra who claims she has a sex video of them. Now once close friends fall into doubt and jealousy.


Jul 28, 2011
Lee Jae-hyun, the protagonist of “Link”, has a sister who is in a coma. He spends his life wishing to see his sister come back to life however his hope eventually dies out. While grief stricken Lee meets an attractive girl, Su-jeong, through his trusted friend, Gu Seong-wu. Su-jeong and Jae-hyun not only build their friendship but they develop a link that let them share their five senses and even their thoughts. As the link gets stronger, Jae-hyun becomes ever more addicted to Su-jeong’s power. This infatuation with the link endangers Jae-hyun. Woody Han, the director, marks his debut for a full-length film with “Link.” Han shows how satisfying humans’ desires can be hazardous throughout the film. The artistic side was respected at this year’s Puchon International Fantastic Film Festival as the film was invited by the festival, which came to an end on Sunday. The film sold out all tickets during the festival period.


Jan 25, 2007
Yu Mi est une élève modèle qui vise toujours les meilleures notes, tandis que Se Ri est une rebelle à la tête d'un gang qui sème la terreur dans son quartier. Elles fréquentent la même école et sont dans la même classe. Et si tout les oppose, un point en commun les rapproche : elles sont amoureuses du même garçon...
My PS Partner

My PS Partner

Dec 06, 2012
Alors qu'elle croit appeler son petit ami et avoir une conversation portant sur le sexe avec lui, Yoon-Jung se rend compte, un peu trop tard, qu'elle a composé un mauvais numéro et qu'elle parle à un parfait inconnu ! Quelques temps plus tard, comme sa relation avec son copain est au plus mal, elle rencontre Hyun-Seung, le fameux inconnu...
시리즈 다세포 소녀
“Useless High School” is a school renowned for its sexual aberrations and sexually ambiguous teenagers, The student president and vice-present flaunt their taste for S&M. Independent study and supplementary classes are done on homosexuality and transgenderism, and teachers and students alike leave school early because of sexually-transmitted diseases. Dasepo Girl Series features a brother with only one eye and his transgender sister, plus a poor girl literally wearing poverty on her back and her escapades into the world of sex with adults - and those are just a few of the many unique characters populating Mosseulmo ("Useless") High.
Lovers in Prague

Lovers in Prague

Nov 20, 2005
La fille du président, Yun Jae Hee, est une diplomate coréenne à Prague. Elle s'est récemment remise d'une rupture dévastatrice suite à une relation 5 années plus tôt avec Ji Yeong Wu, le fils d'un homme d'affaires coréen. Choi Sang Hyeon est un détective se rendant à Prague à la recherche de son ex-petite amie Kim Hye Ju. Cette dernière a mis fin à leur relation par téléphone depuis Prague et Sang Hyeon ne peut se résoudre à l'accepter. C'est ainsi qu'il fait la rencontre de Jae Hee et les malentendus s'accumulent. Finalement, tous deux s'entraident et deviennent amis. Quand ils reviennent en Corée, ils tombent amoureux, mais leurs anciennes relations ainsi qu'un statut social très différent mettront leur couple à rude épreuve.
사랑을 할꺼야

사랑을 할꺼야

Sep 19, 2004
《사랑을 할거야》는 2004년 6월 12일 ~ 2004년 9월 19일까지 총 27부작을 방송한 문화방송 주말연속극이다.
리얼 로망스 연애편지
Male and female contestants compete for "each other" in romance games. For example guests have to dance in order to impress the person they are after. Contestants are artists, actors, models, comedians, and MCs of the South Korean entertainment industry.
성장드라마 반올림#
Lee Ok Rim is 15 years old. She likes imaging and has bright personality. She is very frank about her feelings. She also knows that she is pretty and uses that. At home she is the second child who is placed between an older sister who studies well and a twin younger brother. Ok-Rim has a boyfriend Yoo Ah In who is studying painting in high school. Ok Rim also has a long time male friend named Jangwook. Between Yu Ah In and Jangwook she is not sure about her feelings. Jangwook is stubborn, shy, but cool. Since moving next door to Ok Rim, they have become best friends and knows all of her secrets. Like boys around his age, Jang-Wook likes soccer and gets into mischief. He is also warm and becasue of that Jangwook is popular among his peers. Yoo Ah In is a sophomore in high school studying painting and Ok-Rim's boyfriend. He makes jokes and is sociable, but does not talk about what is really on his mind. Ah In started paining late, but with intelligence and persistence he has won the several contests. Ah In is mature and smarter than his girl friend Ok-Rim, so he controls their relationship. But, there is rival Jangwook and Ah In tries his best to hold onto Ok Rim's affections. (Source: http://wiki.d-addicts.com/Sharp_1)