Vasiliy Butkevich

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Jan 01, 1970
The plot is based on the story of a village demented youth. He is a local fool, living in a poor hut with a sick mother. His neighbors are the Jewish family of the local blacksmith Mendel, and he is secretly in love with his youngest daughter Sonya. When the war starts, the Germans quickly occupy the village. Panic begins among the Jews, as well as in the Mendel family, and they try to equip a shelter at home, which the young man becomes aware of. Hoping to get the blacksmith's house, he reveals this secret to the Germans, but the German military police take him to their headquarters. The protagonist finds Sonya in his garden and wants to save her life, not imagining what difficulties this decision will turn out to be for everyone.
Le Gardien des mondes

Le Gardien des mondes

May 25, 2018
Un jour, Kirill, un concepteur de jeux vidéo en vogue, retrouve une femme inconnue prénommée Renata dans son appartement. Au même moment, il découvre que personne ne le reconnaît plus. Renata lui révèle alors qu'il a été choisi par une organisation secrète pour devenir le gardien des mondes parallèles...
Тряпичный союз
The life of the ordinary teenager Vania changes when he makes the acquaintance of three strange guys. Sportsmen, hooligans, dreamers – they call themselves “Rag Union” and believe that they can change the world. Enchanted by his new friendship, Vania puts them up at his dacha and tries to become part of their grand organization. But the neighbour girl Sasha has her own plans with this company.
Хороший мальчик
Contemporary Moscow. Ninth-grader Kolya falls in love with a beautiful young teacher at his high school. The most beautiful girl in the senior class falls in love with him. How will he make his way through this triangle?
Leaving Afganistan

Leaving Afganistan

May 10, 2019
1988. Gorbatchev annonce le retrait des troupes russes d’Afghanistan. 1988-1989. Fin de l’invasion soviétique de l’Afghanistan. Alors que l’URSS organise le retrait de ses troupes, le pilote Alexandre Vassiliev est capturé par les moudjahidines après le crash de son avion. La 108ème division d’infanterie motorisée doit alors reporter le retour au pays pour remplir une dernière mission de sauvetage. Inspiré de faits réels, le récit de cette tragique retraite révèle l’horreur et la complexité de la nature humaine en temps de guerre.
T-34 : Machine de guerre
En 1941, opération Barbarossa, invasion de l'URSS par l'armée allemande. Après avoir décimé avec un seul T-34 la compagnie blindée du capitaine Klaus Jäger dans des combats aux abords du village de Volokolamsk, le chauffeur Vassilionok et le lieutenant Ivouchkine, rescapés, sont faits prisonniers par Jäger. Au printemps 1944, le commandement de la Wehrmacht confie à Jäger, devenu colonel, la direction du camp d'entraînement d'Ohrdruf (en Thuringe) et d'y ouvrir un centre de préparation pour les troupes blindées d'élite. Les Allemands doivent utiliser comme cibles d'entraînement un T-34 soviétique qu'ils ont récemment capturé. C'est le prisonnier Ivouchkine qui doit le commander avec d'autres prisonniers comme « chair à canon », mais il profite de manœuvres et de la confusion qu'ils sèment pour s'échapper. Ivouchkine et ses hommes tentent de gagner la frontière tchèque qui est à 350 kilomètres, tandis qu'ils sont poursuivis par une demi-douzaine de Panthers commandés par Jäger.


Sep 16, 2019
A young man's life is set in motion by his friend's suicide. He faces unpredictable circumstances, desperately trying to escape the Hood and start a new life. The Hood, however, holds onto him with suffocating love.
Кто-нибудь видел мою девчонку?
Sergei and Kira were considered the most beautiful bohemian couple among cinema lovers of Saint Petersburg in the early 90’s. Their fantastic love affair ended with Kira leaving town, fleeing for new life, new relationship. Sergei has died shortly after. Only after a few years does Kira realize that she never stopped loving Sergei. And that she’s doomed to stay in a neverending dialogue with a dead lover.


Jun 15, 2019
The action unfolds in our days, in the small Volga town of Kalinov, where nothing has changed since the days of Alexander Ostrovsky’s classical play: if any rays of light do appear in the dark empire, then they are doomed to perish quietly in the general absurdity and ignorance, or shine brightly as a token of protest against lie and tyranny. The young, married girl Katerina Kabanova leads a happy life — at first sight. Only her mother-in-law Kabanikha constantly nags her and does not allow her to take things easy. Her weak-willed husband Tikhon loves his wife, but he always sides with his powerful mother. When Katerina unexpectedly falls in love with Boris, the young relative of the town’s mayor, she finds that he also has tender feelings for her…
Смерть Дантона
An avant-garde adaptation of the play by Georg Buchner about the last days of the Dantonists, representatives of the right wing of the Jacobins during the French Revolution. The director freely experiment with form and content, draws parallels with the present day and raises the question point-blank: why does the revolution, like the ancient Greek titan Kronos, always devour its children?


May 04, 2023
Olga brings up two children from different marriages, cares about her alcoholic father and tries to adjust her personal life. The eldest daughter Anya is studying in a vocational school, she thinks that she is the only adequate member of the family, and in her life everything will be different. The younger son Timofey, whose father returned to the first family in Azerbaijan, believes that he is already a man, although he is only 11 years old. Olga's father, Yuri Gennadievich, a former football player, drinks hard and constantly lies, which often leads to scrape. And sister Lena is trying to live at the expense of men - mostly married. Eternally saving relatives from troubles, Olga lives a strange life and rarely thinks of herself until Grisha, a young and positive driver of the “Sable” hearse, falls in love with her.