Dario Penne

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La storia di Leo

La storia di Leo

Jun 17, 2005
It’s a hard life for young Leo: his family just doesn’t understand why he’s a vegetarian lion. His solitude ends when he meets Avoria, the elephant queen, who has recently given birth to two calves with braided tails. Mysteriously widowed, Avoria is courted by dapper Zanco. By a series of misfortunes she is separated from her young. Leo steps in to take care of them: thus begins his search for legendary Milk Lake, during which he experiences all sorts of incredible adventures. This fable with a happy ending handles the themes of diversity and racism with engaging originality.
Butterflies in Berlin: Diary of a Soul Split in Two
Alex feels like a girl trapped in the body of a man and, in 1933, she moves to Berlin, the capital of sexual freedom, hoping to find her place in the world. Thanks to an encounter with Doctor Magnus Hirschfeld, Alex becomes the first transsexual in history to undergo surgery. Unfortunately, this happens in parallel with the rise to power of National Socialism.
Max e Hélène

Max e Hélène

Jan 26, 2015
Love, passion, and murder haunt a passionate romance in this drama. When the young soldier meets Helene, a torrid affair begins. 15 years after the war has ended, Max finds out that the love of his life was murdered in a concentration camp, setting off on a relentless manhunt for vengeance.


Oct 05, 2012
Geppetto, un pauvre menuisier italien, fabrique dans un morceau de bois un pantin qui pleure, rit et parle comme un enfant, une marionnette qu'il nomme Pinocchio et qu'il aime comme le fils qu'il n'a pas eu. Désobéissant et volontiers menteur, Pinocchio va se trouver entraîné dans de nombreuses aventures : il rencontrera Mangefeu, le montreur de marionnettes, le Chat et la Renarde qui se révéleront ne pas être les bons amis qu'ils prétendent, il partira au Pays des Jouets, un endroit merveilleux où l'école n'existe pas... Car ce petit pantin a horreur du travail, se moque des bons conseils et adore faire des bêtises. Heureusement la Fée aux cheveux bleus veille sur lui.


Oct 27, 2017
In a world that someone else has shaped for us, are we really in charge of our destiny?
Volevo i pantaloni

Volevo i pantaloni

Mar 20, 1990
Annetta, of Sicilian origins, is annoyed by the different treatments and freedoms reserved for men and women. Because of her rebellious attitude, the girl is locked up in the house of her relatives where she suffers an attempt of violence by her uncle. After returning to her parents, she finally gets married to her beloved Nicola.
Una vita scellerata

Una vita scellerata

May 02, 1990
The story of Benvenuto Cellinin (1500-1571), a soldier and one of the most important craftsmen and artists of Renaissance Italy whose life was marked by many achievements and adventures, but also crimes. There is also the mini-series version consisted of three 90 minutes episodes, broadcasted by RaiDue.
Cannibali domani

Cannibali domani

Jun 16, 1983
It is a documentary, which submits to the public the most dramatic, subhuman situations in which men find themselves living in all corners of the world. From India to Brazil, from the African nations of the Sahel to Bolivia, the camera ruthlessly shows the images of a humanity marginalized in a thousand ways by the so-called"civil consortium".
Padre Pio

Padre Pio

May 05, 2006
In a small village called Pietrelcina, in the middle of the mountains of southern Italy, lives young Francisco. After serving as a friar for many years, Francisco becomes a priest and begins his first mission.
Un sacré détective

Un sacré détective

Dec 26, 2024
Don Matteo est un curé de campagne, à Gubbio, une petite ville en Italie. Son sacerdoce ne s'arrête pas à dire la messe ou confesser ses paroissiens, mais aussi à enquêter sur les différents crimes qui ont lieu dans sa paroisse.
Tartarino sulle Alpi

Tartarino sulle Alpi

Sep 06, 1968
Tartarin sur les Alpes est un roman écrit par l'écrivain français Alphonse Daudet en 1885. C'est le deuxième volet d'une trilogie qui comprend également Tartarin de Tarascon (publié en 1885) et Porto Tarascona (publié en 1890). Voyant sa position de président du Club Alpin de Tarascon menacée à cause de son concitoyen Costecalde, qui remet en question ses capacités d'alpiniste, Tartarin se rend dans les Alpes bernoises pour accomplir un exploit mémorable. En 1968, une transposition télévisée de Tartarino sulle Alpi est diffusée par Rai, réalisée par Edmo Fenoglio, avec Tino Buazzelli comme protagoniste.