Al Jean

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Too Soon: Comedy After 9/11
From the immediate aftermath of 9/11 to today stand-up comedians, talk-show hosts, sketch performers, television animators and other entertainers have used often-controversial jokes to unite and heal in the face of tragedy.
Presidential Reunion

Presidential Reunion

Mar 02, 2010
In this Funny or Die short, Barack Obama has the opportunity to meet all the former U.S. presidents from Gerald Ford to George W. Bush, dead or alive, who'll help him to figure out America's current politics and problems while talking about political issues from the past. But maybe they aren't the best choices to help him out.
Quand Billie rencontre Lisa
In this Funny or Die short, Barack Obama has the opportunity to meet all the former U.S. presidents from Gerald Ford to George W. Bush, dead or alive, who'll help him to figure out America's current politics and problems while talking about political issues from the past. But maybe they aren't the best choices to help him out.
Quand Billie rencontre Lisa
In this Funny or Die short, Barack Obama has the opportunity to meet all the former U.S. presidents from Gerald Ford to George W. Bush, dead or alive, who'll help him to figure out America's current politics and problems while talking about political issues from the past. But maybe they aren't the best choices to help him out.
Maggie Simpson - Dure journée pour Maggie
In this Funny or Die short, Barack Obama has the opportunity to meet all the former U.S. presidents from Gerald Ford to George W. Bush, dead or alive, who'll help him to figure out America's current politics and problems while talking about political issues from the past. But maybe they aren't the best choices to help him out.
Les Simpson: Le Bon, le Bart et le Loki
In this Funny or Die short, Barack Obama has the opportunity to meet all the former U.S. presidents from Gerald Ford to George W. Bush, dead or alive, who'll help him to figure out America's current politics and problems while talking about political issues from the past. But maybe they aren't the best choices to help him out.
Les Simpson: Le Bon, le Bart et le Loki
In this Funny or Die short, Barack Obama has the opportunity to meet all the former U.S. presidents from Gerald Ford to George W. Bush, dead or alive, who'll help him to figure out America's current politics and problems while talking about political issues from the past. But maybe they aren't the best choices to help him out.
Maggie Simpson - Dure journée pour Maggie
In this Funny or Die short, Barack Obama has the opportunity to meet all the former U.S. presidents from Gerald Ford to George W. Bush, dead or alive, who'll help him to figure out America's current politics and problems while talking about political issues from the past. But maybe they aren't the best choices to help him out.
Le Plusanniversary des Simpson
In this Funny or Die short, Barack Obama has the opportunity to meet all the former U.S. presidents from Gerald Ford to George W. Bush, dead or alive, who'll help him to figure out America's current politics and problems while talking about political issues from the past. But maybe they aren't the best choices to help him out.
Le Plusanniversary des Simpson
In this Funny or Die short, Barack Obama has the opportunity to meet all the former U.S. presidents from Gerald Ford to George W. Bush, dead or alive, who'll help him to figure out America's current politics and problems while talking about political issues from the past. But maybe they aren't the best choices to help him out.
Bienvenue au club

Bienvenue au club

Sep 08, 2022
In this Funny or Die short, Barack Obama has the opportunity to meet all the former U.S. presidents from Gerald Ford to George W. Bush, dead or alive, who'll help him to figure out America's current politics and problems while talking about political issues from the past. But maybe they aren't the best choices to help him out.
Bienvenue au club

Bienvenue au club

Sep 08, 2022
In this Funny or Die short, Barack Obama has the opportunity to meet all the former U.S. presidents from Gerald Ford to George W. Bush, dead or alive, who'll help him to figure out America's current politics and problems while talking about political issues from the past. But maybe they aren't the best choices to help him out.
The Zen Diaries of Garry Shandling
The story of legendary comedian Garry Shandling, featuring interviews from nearly four dozen friends, family and colleagues; four decades’ worth of television appearances; and a lifetime of personal journals, private letters and home audio and video footage.
The Zen Diaries of Garry Shandling
Sledge Hammer! is an American satirical police sitcom produced by New World Television that ran for two seasons on ABC from 1986 to 1988. The series was created by Alan Spencer and stars David Rasche as Inspector Sledge Hammer, a preposterous caricature of the standard "cop on the edge" character. Al Jean and Mike Reiss, best known for their work on The Simpsons, wrote for the show and worked as story editors.
The Zen Diaries of Garry Shandling
Pour financer ses études, le jeune Charles devient « garçon au pair » de la famille Pembroke qui a trois enfants (une fille et deux garçons). Mais au bout d'un an, les Pembroke vont s'installer à Seattle et la famille Powell emménage à leur place. Charles garde son « poste » et s'occupe désormais de deux filles et d'un garçon...
The Zen Diaries of Garry Shandling
Not Necessarily the News is a satirical sketch comedy series that first aired on HBO in September 1982 as a comedy special, and then ran as a series from 1983 to 1990. It featured sketches, parody news items, commercial parodies, and humorous bits made from overdubbing or editing actual news footage. It was based on the British series, Not the Nine O'Clock News. Not Necessarily the News was also the birthplace of Rich Hall's sniglets.
The Zen Diaries of Garry Shandling
Thurgood Stubbs lives with his wife, Muriel, in the Lawrence Hilton-Jacobs housing project, where he is the superintendent. This animated comedy follows the adventures of the Subbs and their friends, while taking a satirical view of the ups and downs of life in a big-city housing project.
The Zen Diaries of Garry Shandling
La série raconte l'histoire d'une classe de surdoués intégrée dans le Individualized Honors Program (IHP) du Lycée Monroe (puis Millard Fillmore) à Manhattan, et son professeur Charlie Moore (Howard Hesseman) (puis Billy MacGregor).
The Zen Diaries of Garry Shandling
Gordon Shumway est né de l'union de Bob et Flo Shumway le 28 août 1757 sur la planète Melmac. Le 28 août 1985, la planète Melmac explose à la suite d'un holocauste nucléaire. Gordon réussit néanmoins à s'enfuir en vaisseau spatial avant la catastrophe. Perdu dans l'espace, il erre un long moment avant de venir s'écraser sur Terre sur un garage où vivent les Tanner, une famille de banlieusards américains sans histoire. Gordon se trouvant alors dans l'incapacité de réparer son vaisseau, les Tanner, qui le surnomment Alf (Alien Life Form), acceptent de l'héberger à vie. Les Tanner vont devoir cacher Alf aux yeux de tous, pour éviter que ce petit être poilu d'1,20 mètre ne devienne un animal de laboratoire. Mais Alf veut comprendre tout ce qui se passe sur sa nouvelle planète et cela chamboule entièrement la vie des Tanner. Ces derniers vont vite comprendre que cacher un Melmacien n'est pas chose facile, mais sa gentillesse et son ignorance des coutumes terriennes le rendent attachant.
The Zen Diaries of Garry Shandling
Garry Shandling stars as himself, a neurotic, sardonic stand-up comedian who just happens to be aware he is a sitcom character. Garry spends just as much time interacting with the studio audience as he does the regular cast members, performing monologues and show-closing summations of the episode's events. However, everyone knows they're on TV, not just Garry; and the audience (itself a character) is often involved in the storyline.