Elmano Sancho

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Tchau Tchau

Tchau Tchau

Feb 02, 2022
À l'heure où il est interdit de se rassembler pour enterrer les morts, une petite fille séparée de son grand-père par un océan s'invente une façon de lui dire au revoir.
Ainda Não Acabámos: Como Se Fosse Uma Carta
A walk for half a century, yes, a letter perhaps. Travels in my life, I could call it, which I like Garrett so much. A traveling as he would like, a loose story, memories, projects, meetings. Also because, since 1995, I have done several portraits of artists (Palolo, Bravo, Lapa, Skapinakis, Bartolomeu, Angelo, Sena, Ana Vieira and I prepare Sofia Areal and Fernando Lemos), I started to think that this is my life, these meetings , see, hear, cut, show, tease. I want, with this film continue to show what I see. [Jorge Silva Melo]
À jamais

À jamais

Dec 07, 2016
Laura et Rey vivent dans une maison au bord de la mer. Il est cinéaste, elle crée des « performances » dont elle est l’actrice. Rey meurt —accident, suicide ?—, la laissant seule dans cette maison. Mais bientôt, seule, elle ne l’est plus. Quelqu’un est là, c’est Rey, par et pour elle, comme un rêve plus long que la nuit, pour qu’elle survive.
Linhas Tortas

Linhas Tortas

Jun 27, 2019
Une interaction inattendue sur Twitter mène Luisa, jeune actrice, à faire la connaissance d'Antonio, un auteur et journaliste qui masque son identité derrière le pseudo de Raspoutine. Cette relation virtuelle devient centrale dans leur vie. Ils décident finalement de se rencontrer. Mais, sur la route, Antonio a un accident.
Making Of Castelo

Making Of Castelo

Oct 19, 2019
A two parts making of documentary, following José Augusto Silva and his film crew during the shooting of a university short film called Castelo.


Jan 26, 2023
Amadeo: a mysteriously restless and indefatigable man as if always sensing brevity of the time he had left. An artist out of definition, whose painting questions the painting itself, indomitable, scandalous and misunderstood. For being «Infinitely» according Almada, is someone who never had the time within him. How many lives are there in Amadeo de Souza Cardoso’s brief life?
O Nosso Cônsul em Havana
The film is liberally inspired by the period when Eça de Queiroz was Portuguese Consul in Cuba, when still a Spanish colony. Eça de Queiroz struggles against local authorities in his defense of Chinese workers, brought to the sugar plantations by greedy middlemen and exploited as slaves. Two parallel stories unfold, that of a Chinese girl which Eça de Queiroz saves from the clutches of one of the island’s most powerful slave owners, and the other of a romance involving a young American woman on holidays in Havana.
Les Lignes de Wellington
En septembre 1810, les troupes napoléoniennes, emmenées par le Maréchal Masséna, envahissent le Portugal. Lors de la bataille de Buçaco, Masséna est défait. Pour autant, Portugais et Britanniques, sous le commandement du Général Wellington, battent en retraite. Wellington espère ainsi attirer l’ennemi à Torres Vedras, où il a fait bâtir des lignes de fortifications infranchissables. Cette stratégie, couplée à une opération de terre brûlée, plonge les populations civiles dans l’exode. Accompagnant les soldats dans leur marche, tout un peuple subit au quotidien les déchirements de la guerre et progresse à travers les villages en ruines, les forêts incendiées et les cultures dévastées. Certains réaffirment leur volonté de résister à l’envahisseur, d’autres profitent du désarroi général pour laisser libre cours à leurs bas instincts.


Sep 16, 2010
Five lives cross each other in the labyrinth of the suburbs in search of their redemption.


Aug 13, 2020
Portugal. 1917, trois jeunes bergers de Fatima racontent avoir vu la Vierge Marie. Leurs révélations vont toucher de nombreux croyants mais également attirer la colère des représentants de l’Église et du gouvernement. Ils vont tout faire pour essayer d’étouffer l’affaire et obliger les trois enfants à se rétracter. Mais la rumeur s’est propagée dans tout le pays. Les pèlerins affluent à Fatima en espérant être les témoins d’un miracle.
A Fada do Lar

A Fada do Lar

Oct 05, 2022
Vera, a single mother with two small children, is forced to have two jobs to survive after her children's father has disappeared. She works as a cashier at a supermarket by day and at night works in a strip club, trying not only to raise her children but also to pay off the debts that her ex-partner left her. Harassed in both jobs, one day she reacts violently when a nightclub client is more daring, being sentenced in court to perform community service in a nursing home, where her irreverence and youth will clash with the authoritarianism and inhumanity of the director. For the elderly who live in the nursing home, Vera is a breath of fresh air that little by little will change their lives, becoming the true home fairy…
Filha da Lei

Filha da Lei

Jun 13, 2017
Filha da Lei, a criminal series on a Chief Inspector, Isabel Garcia, and the investigation of the most important police case in Portugal in the last 20 years. Garcia is faced with the greatest challenge of her career when she is assigned to lead the Investigation of the violent serial murders that devastate the city. Samuel Lopes, Trainee Inspector with a degree in Criminal Psychology, joins the Garcia Brigade where he will have to earn his place and the respect of the most experienced inspectors. The interaction with the Trainee Inspector helps Garcia to better understand his daughter Sara, a 16-year-old teenager who was married to the implacable journalist Jaime.
Sr. Rui

Sr. Rui

Mar 20, 2024
The story chronicles the life of Portuguese entrepreneur Rui Nabeiro, founder of Delta Cafés, set against the backdrop of his hometown, Campo Maior.
3 Mulheres

3 Mulheres

Jun 22, 2022
A historical fiction series that, from the biographies and cultural and civic intervention of the poet Natalia Correia, the editor Snu Abecassis and the journalist Vera Lagoa (pseudonym of Maria Armanda Falcão), recalls the last years of the Estado Novo (Second Republic) - 1961 to 1973 - from the beginning of the colonial War to the eve of the April Revolution.


Feb 15, 2023
Based on real facts, recalls the alliance between Portuguese, Timorese and Australians against a common enemy that did not hesitate to commit the greatest atrocities against the local populations and against all those who opposed him.
War & Politics
Nome de Código: Sintra
The murder of an important politician leads the police to investigate a traditional family. But they already have its share of unsolved crimes, starting with the unclear death of an English officer in the family estate, in 1870. Can all these crimes be intertwined?