A pleasant fantasy about the setbacks experienced by a young man who loves costumes. His wife having left him, he goes after her to live some rather funny adventures.
A tale from downtown, where the morality of business is not always as transparent as the shining glass fronts of the office buildings. The film follows the adventures of a young man on the way up, intent on building an image to match his ambitions. In doing so he leaves a trail of hurt feelings among those he uses as steps toward his goal.
Le docteur Mortimer se rend à Baker Street pour informer Sherlock Holmes et le Dr John Watson que Sir Charles Baskerville a succombé à une attaque cardiaque dans son domaine de Dartmoor et dans de mystérieuses circonstances.
Mortimer raconte la légende du chien spectral qui hante la famille Baskerville depuis des générations et aimerait un conseil pour protéger l'héritier unique de Sir Charles,
Sir Henry Baskerville. Ce dernier vivait jusqu'alors au Canada mais revient désormais sur les vieilles terres des Baskerville pour occuper la demeure de ses ancêtres. Dès son arrivée, il reçoit un message anonyme le conseillant de se tenir éloigné de la lande ...
Terre humaine is a French-Canadian soap opera TV series written by Mia Riddez-Morisset which originally aired between September 1978 and March 1984. The series totaled 229 episodes.
The show takes place in rural Quebec in the late 1970s where conflicts between generations build scenes for a good novel.
David Burkinson, in a bid for a quick cash grab, assembles a ghost-hunting crew with the inexperienced Clover and Tom Cruz. However, they soon discover that producing a ghost-hunting show is far from easy. Instead of encountering ghosts, they find themselves dealing with a bizarre array of clients, ranging from high school students to potential murderers and everything in between.