Ali Keshavji

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Star Wars, épisode III - La Revanche des Sith
La Guerre des Clones fait rage. Une franche hostilité oppose désormais le Chancelier Palpatine au Conseil Jedi. Anakin Skywalker, jeune Chevalier Jedi pris entre deux feux, hésite sur la conduite à tenir. Séduit par la promesse d'un pouvoir sans précédent, tenté par le côté obscur de la Force, il prête allégeance au maléfique Darth Sidious et devient Dark Vador. Les Seigneurs Sith s'unissent alors pour préparer leur revanche, qui commence par l'extermination des Jedi. Seuls rescapés du massacre, Yoda et Obi-Wan se lancent à la poursuite des Sith. La traque se conclut par un spectaculaire combat au sabre entre Anakin et Obi-Wan, qui décidera du sort de la galaxie…


Jan 01, 2009
Seven people and their desperate search for escape, only one will survive. The last performance of a pantomime is held at an old, isolated theater in provincial England. The show has been a disaster, attracting only a handful of locals. The final party afterwards turns out even worse and some of the cast and crew slip away for their own private session in the creepy basement. Amongst the group are the enviable pantomime leads and real-life lovers Clarice and Nathan, currently not speaking, the womanizing director Derrick and the thirty-something, obscure stage assistant Janet. As their bash kicks off Derrick disappears, only to be found with his throat savagely slashed. When they discover that they're locked in the next victim dies. The killing continues. Paranoia grows. Nobody can be trusted.
Star Wars, épisode III - La Revanche des Sith
Seven people and their desperate search for escape, only one will survive. The last performance of a pantomime is held at an old, isolated theater in provincial England. The show has been a disaster, attracting only a handful of locals. The final party afterwards turns out even worse and some of the cast and crew slip away for their own private session in the creepy basement. Amongst the group are the enviable pantomime leads and real-life lovers Clarice and Nathan, currently not speaking, the womanizing director Derrick and the thirty-something, obscure stage assistant Janet. As their bash kicks off Derrick disappears, only to be found with his throat savagely slashed. When they discover that they're locked in the next victim dies. The killing continues. Paranoia grows. Nobody can be trusted.