Antonio Prieto

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Platero y yo

Platero y yo

Feb 17, 1966
After a long period of absence, living in large and anonymous cities, a poet, Juan, returns to the village of his birth, Moguer, there he finds happiness through; the friendship of a small donkey, Platero, a free spirited girl, Aguedilla, and recalling memories of his childhood.
Los Tarantos

Los Tarantos

Nov 04, 1963
Gypsy Romeo and Juliet: A boy and a girl from rival families fall in love.
Les Trois Épées de Zorro
Le célèbre vengeur masqué défend le peuple opprimé face au tyrannique gouverneur.Au XIXe siècle, le gouverneur de Basse-Californie Don Paredes fait régner la terreur dans une petite province mexicaine. Voulant à tout prix se venger de Zorro, le vengeur masqué, il ordonne l'assassinat de l'épouse et du fils de ce dernier. Mais l'enfant survit puis est recueilli. Dix ans plus tard, Zorro défend un jeune garçon, ignorant complètement qu'il s'agit là de son propre fils, mais il est arrêté. Encore dix ans plus tard, le fils, qui se nomme alors Diego de Guadalupe, fait sortir son père de prison...
La charge des rebelles
Au XIXè siècle, 'El Tempranillo' revient des guerres napoléoniennes avec le besoin de continuer le combat. Contraint à la pauvreté dans son pays, il choisit de devenir l'un de ces bandits d'honneur, malgré les conseils de sa femme avisée. Mais lorsque celle-ci est assassinée, il ne souhaite plus que se venger...
Eroe vagabondo

Eroe vagabondo

Jan 01, 1966
Noah earns his living as a plastic flower seller and despite his crushes and hardships, his sweet and dreamy character pushes him to go forward, as well as the love for a girl to whom he usually gives a flower every week . One day he discovers that his loved one has lost her life and begins to wander aimlessly, eventually becoming a hero after saving a clown from certain death but at the same time remains a slave to interest games by shady individuals. When he attends the representation of Romeo and Juliet, he finds in the female protagonist the features of the girl he loved.


Jul 15, 1957
A rich and famous painter dies leaving a secret that kept him apart from the woman he loved. Suspecting a family plot, she will try to unveil it keeping his death from the greedy relatives who are called in the middle of the night. She will try to find the truth before the dawn comes at last.
La Chasse à la Mafia

La Chasse à la Mafia

Dec 07, 1964
Quelque-part en Amérique Centrale... Alors qu'il s'apprêtait à donner des renseignements à l'inspecteur Ruiz à propos du politicien véreux Leprince, le barman Paco est assassiné à coups de couteau. L'inspecteur mène l'enquête alors que, petit à petit, les participants au meurtre tombent les uns après les autres...
La boda

La boda

May 31, 1964
A man whose wife was murdered on the wedding night returns to town to marry another and is resisted by the locals.
Pour une poignée de dollars
Joe, un tireur d'élite, arrive dans une bourgade mexicaine proche de la frontière, San Miguel. Deux bandes rivales, les Baxter et les Rodos, se disputent le contrôle de la région. Joe, qui assiste à un massacre de soldats mexicains par les Rodos, décide de tirer profit de la situation pour gagner quelques dollars. Il incite les bandits à se battre entre eux dans l'espoir de récupérer l'or que détient Ramon, le chef des Rodos. Un premier affrontement entre les bandits élimine une bonne partie des Baxter. Joe se charge de tuer lui-même les Rodos survivants. Une opération d'autant plus facile à imaginer que Joe a découvert le point faible du plus farouche des fils Rodos, son amour pour Marisol, une jolie Mexicaine...
Los derechos de la mujer
Juan marries prestigious lawyer María José. As she won't give up her career to become a housewife, during their wedding night Juan pretends to leave his job and acts out the role of a traditional housewife himself.
Après-midi de taureaux
Right-handers Ricardo Puente, Juan Carmona and Rondeño II, which will take the alternative are advertised in the poster. The first is an old bullfighter, famous in the past, as now, bitter and full of rancor, lives with Paloma, a woman who is not resigned to continue to be the lover of a man who has fallen into oblivion. Carmona, the Bullfighter of fashion, has a major contract to fight in America, but his wife Isabel wants to reject the offer. Ana Maria, the sister of Carmona, hopes that his brother adopted its relations with Rondeno II; but Carmona was opposed because considers it it a bad Bullfighter
Les bijoutiers du clair de lune
En Espagne, à sa sortie du couvent, la jeune Ursula part habiter chez sa tante Florentine. Celle-ci, bien que mariée, est courtisée par un jeune garçon du village, Lambert, dont Ursula est follement amoureuse.
Murió hace quince años
Diego Acuña was one of the five thousand children taken to Russia during the Spanish Civil War. He was educated in the communist pedagogy and prepared for a career as an agitator that developed in France and Italy under the command of Goeritz, one of the party officials. One day he was commissioned a delicate mission: assisting in the murder of his father, because he turns out to be a major obstacle to the illegal actions of communism. To do so he moves to Spain, pretending he is bored of Soviet doctrine