Adam Brooks

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Whatever Works

Whatever Works

Jun 19, 2009
Boris Yellnikoff est un génie de la physique qui a raté son mariage, son prix Nobel et même son suicide. Désormais, ce brillant misanthrope vit seul, jusqu'au soir où une jeune fugueuse, Melody, se retrouve affamée et transie de froid devant sa porte. Boris lui accorde l'asile pour quelques nuits. Rapidement, Melody s'installe.
Un jour, peut-être...
Will Hayes est un jeune père New Yorkais d'une trentaine d'années en plein divorce lorsque sa fille de onze ans, Maya, le questionne sur sa vie avant qu'il ne soit marié. Elle veut savoir comment ses parents se sont rencontrés et comment ils sont tombés amoureux. L'histoire de Will commence en 1992 alors qu'il n'était encore qu'un jeune politicien qui débarquait de son Wisconsin natal à New York pour travailler sur la campagne de Clinton. Will raconte ses péripéties avec son meilleur ami, Russell, et, sous forme de puzzle, ses 3 grandes histoires d'amour. Il y a eu Emily, son amour de lycée; April, sa meilleure-amie et confidente de toujours et Summer, une journaliste ambitieuse. L'une d'entre elles est la mère de Maya mais ce n'est qu'à la fin de l'histoire qu'elle saura avec laquelle il s'est marié.
French Kiss

French Kiss

May 05, 1995
Kate a dans l'idée que son fiancé, en voyage à Paris, la trompe avec une autre. Terrorisée par l'avion, elle prend son courage à deux mains et s'envole pour la France, ignorant que son voisin, Luc Teyssier, sorte d'aventurier bavard et vantard, a mis en sa possession et à son insu un collier volé. A la recherche de son futur époux, Kate s'apercevra que sa rencontre avec Luc va bouleverser sa vie ...


Dec 02, 2016
A 30-something man between relationships must move quick when an exciting new woman enters his life.
An Orgy in Joshua Tree
An outrageously funny obscene comedy. An awkward idiot is convinced by a friend that the desert retreat to which he has been invited is actually a sex party.


Jan 19, 1983
Duke of Groove

Duke of Groove

May 07, 1996
Mother takes her teenage son to a party, to make sure he will not be at home when father leaves the family for good.
Baby It's You

Baby It's You

Mar 04, 1983
Mother takes her teenage son to a party, to make sure he will not be at home when father leaves the family for good.
Almost You

Almost You

Mar 29, 1985
Alex and Erica Boyer are a young couple in crisis. Alex, despite his loving wife, beautiful home and high-paying job, feels trapped. When Erica has an accident that leaves her temporarily confined to a wheelchair and requiring the services of a private nurse, the beautiful Lisa enters the Boyers' lives. A complicated situation develops as Alex sees Lisa as the cure for his own problems as well as his wife's.


Jan 29, 1994
A proofreader at a small-town newspaper decides to try to solve a series of decapitation murders, and reluctantly gets involved with the nutty daughter of his editor. Before long he discovers that he is the prime suspect in the murders.
TV Movie
La Plus Belle Victoire
A proofreader at a small-town newspaper decides to try to solve a series of decapitation murders, and reluctantly gets involved with the nutty daughter of his editor. Before long he discovers that he is the prime suspect in the murders.
Un jour, peut-être...
A proofreader at a small-town newspaper decides to try to solve a series of decapitation murders, and reluctantly gets involved with the nutty daughter of his editor. Before long he discovers that he is the prime suspect in the murders.
Subway Stories

Subway Stories

Jul 24, 1997
An anthology of 10 stories depicting real-life incidents of subway riders in New York City, which range from compassion and love to violence and loss.
TV Movie


Aug 20, 2004
Petty thief Gopi steals a chain, and in order to escape a police inspector, drops it in Veena's bag. Later, he tries to take it from her, but the chain is no longer there. He becomes a part of her plan to stop her boyfriend from marrying a rich tycoon’s daughter
Demain est un autre jour
Petty thief Gopi steals a chain, and in order to escape a police inspector, drops it in Veena's bag. Later, he tries to take it from her, but the chain is no longer there. He becomes a part of her plan to stop her boyfriend from marrying a rich tycoon’s daughter
Demain est un autre jour
Petty thief Gopi steals a chain, and in order to escape a police inspector, drops it in Veena's bag. Later, he tries to take it from her, but the chain is no longer there. He becomes a part of her plan to stop her boyfriend from marrying a rich tycoon’s daughter
Demain est un autre jour
Petty thief Gopi steals a chain, and in order to escape a police inspector, drops it in Veena's bag. Later, he tries to take it from her, but the chain is no longer there. He becomes a part of her plan to stop her boyfriend from marrying a rich tycoon’s daughter
Une femme de tête

Une femme de tête

Sep 21, 2018
Petty thief Gopi steals a chain, and in order to escape a police inspector, drops it in Veena's bag. Later, he tries to take it from her, but the chain is no longer there. He becomes a part of her plan to stop her boyfriend from marrying a rich tycoon’s daughter
Almost You

Almost You

Mar 29, 1985
Alex and Erica Boyer are a young couple in crisis. Alex, despite his loving wife, beautiful home and high-paying job, feels trapped. When Erica has an accident that leaves her temporarily confined to a wheelchair and requiring the services of a private nurse, the beautiful Lisa enters the Boyers' lives. A complicated situation develops as Alex sees Lisa as the cure for his own problems as well as his wife's.


Feb 03, 1984
Alex and Erica Boyer are a young couple in crisis. Alex, despite his loving wife, beautiful home and high-paying job, feels trapped. When Erica has an accident that leaves her temporarily confined to a wheelchair and requiring the services of a private nurse, the beautiful Lisa enters the Boyers' lives. A complicated situation develops as Alex sees Lisa as the cure for his own problems as well as his wife's.


Jun 07, 2018
Maddie est une maîtresse du déguisement et arnaqueuse de première. Elle s'arrange pour que des hommes et des femmes tombent amoureux d'elle, les marient puis disparaît avec leur argent. Tout se complique lorsqu'Ezra, sa cible la plus récente, rencontre une des anciennes victimes de Maggie...
Mozart in the Jungle

Mozart in the Jungle

Feb 16, 2018
Dans les coulisses de l'Orchestre philharmonique de New York, la dévotion artistique et la créativité se mélangent aux manipulations, à la politique et à l'instinct de survie. La série suit l'histoire d'une jeune joueuse de hautbois, Hailey, qui tente de trouver sa place dans un orchestre de renom mondial où l'égo n'a d'égal que l'excentricité, et celle d'un nouveau chef d'orchestre, Rodrigo.
Mozart in the Jungle

Mozart in the Jungle

Jun 07, 2018
Maddie est une maîtresse du déguisement et arnaqueuse de première. Elle s'arrange pour que des hommes et des femmes tombent amoureux d'elle, les marient puis disparaît avec leur argent. Tout se complique lorsqu'Ezra, sa cible la plus récente, rencontre une des anciennes victimes de Maggie...
Mozart in the Jungle

Mozart in the Jungle

Jun 07, 2018
Maddie est une maîtresse du déguisement et arnaqueuse de première. Elle s'arrange pour que des hommes et des femmes tombent amoureux d'elle, les marient puis disparaît avec leur argent. Tout se complique lorsqu'Ezra, sa cible la plus récente, rencontre une des anciennes victimes de Maggie...
Mozart in the Jungle

Mozart in the Jungle

Jan 28, 2021
When COVID began, we relied on online interactions within social media and streaming platforms to provide some semblance of community. Days turned into weeks and then into months, but nothing got better—especially for singles like Mae, a thirty-something professional dancer navigating the dating scene in an era that forced personal interactions to go online.
Mozart in the Jungle

Mozart in the Jungle

Jan 28, 2021
When COVID began, we relied on online interactions within social media and streaming platforms to provide some semblance of community. Days turned into weeks and then into months, but nothing got better—especially for singles like Mae, a thirty-something professional dancer navigating the dating scene in an era that forced personal interactions to go online.
Mozart in the Jungle

Mozart in the Jungle

Aug 26, 2022
Gérant amours, amis et attentes familiales, Ingrid Yun fait tout pour devenir associée dans un prestigieux cabinet d'avocats de New York… sans trahir ses valeurs.
Mozart in the Jungle

Mozart in the Jungle

Jun 07, 2018
Maddie est une maîtresse du déguisement et arnaqueuse de première. Elle s'arrange pour que des hommes et des femmes tombent amoureux d'elle, les marient puis disparaît avec leur argent. Tout se complique lorsqu'Ezra, sa cible la plus récente, rencontre une des anciennes victimes de Maggie...
Mozart in the Jungle

Mozart in the Jungle

Jan 28, 2021
When COVID began, we relied on online interactions within social media and streaming platforms to provide some semblance of community. Days turned into weeks and then into months, but nothing got better—especially for singles like Mae, a thirty-something professional dancer navigating the dating scene in an era that forced personal interactions to go online.